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Chủ đề : cách viết code

Có 10+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "cách viết code"

Chương Bốn - Viết Code


Ch ươ ng B n - Vi t Code ố ế. T rong ba ch ươ ng đ u chúng ta đã h c qua ba b ph n chánh c a m t ch ầ ọ ộ ậ ủ ộ ươ ng trình Visual Basic 6.0. Controls là nh ng viên g ch đ ta dùng xây d ng...

Kết nối cơ sở dữ liệu


B n nào ch mình vi t form đăng nh p s d ng csdl v i. Khi đăng nh p vào đ ậ ượ ồ c r i thì đóng form đăng nh p l i th nào? ậ ạ ế Ch mình code nút Thoát đ có th thoát hoàn toàn VB nhé ỉ ể ể. command.CommandType =...

Chapter 2 - Control Structures


cout <<. if ( grade >= 60 ) cout <<. 90 and above cout <<. 80-89 cout <<. 70-79 cout <<. 60-69 cout <<. less than 60 cout <<. "Passed.\n";. "Failed.\n";. "You must take this course again.\n";. loop 10 times 19 cout <<. 27 cout <<. <<. average <<. prompt user for input and obtain value from user 18 cout...

Chapter 3 - Functions


3.5 Function Definitions 3.6 Function Prototypes 3.7 Header Files. cout <<. Converting int (4) to double (4.0) cout <<. 56 cout <<. 63 cout <<. <<. setw( 13 ) <<. 64 <<. frequency1 65 <<. frequency2 66 <<. frequency3 67 <<. frequency4 68 <<. 69 <<. frequency6 <<. 21 cout <<. pick random number from 1 to 6 and output...

Chapter 4 - Arrays Outline


cout <<. set element at location i to 0 20 cout <<. <<. setw( 13 ) <<. 24 cout <<. setw( 7 ) <<. j <<. n[ j ] <<. 17 cout <<. 21 cout <<. i <<. n[ i ] <<. string2 <<. 15 cout <<. 19 cout <<. string1 20 <<. 22 cout <<. 26 cout <<. string1[...

Chapter 5 - Pointers and Strings


declares pointer to int , pointer of type int. address of y is value of yptr. 8 int main(). aPtr is a pointer to an integer. aPtr assigned address of a 16 cout <<. <<. 17 <<. "\nThe value of aPtr is ". 19 cout <<. "\n\nThe value of a is ". 20 <<. "\nThe value of *aPtr is "....

Code lập trình - Bài 5 & 6


Mở file ha_language_file_inc.asp a.1. Mở file default.asp a.1. #include file="includes/footer.asp". <br /><table cellspacing="1". cellpadding="3". align="center">. <tr class="tableLedger">. <td>. </td>. </tr>. <tr>. <td colspan="5". class="tableRow"><div align="center"><img. border gt;</div></td>. Bài 6: Sắp xếp lại trang default.asp. <td width gt;<. strTxtForum %></td>. <td width . align="center"><. strTxtTopics %></td>. strTxtPosts %></td>. strTxtLastPost %></td>. class="tableRow"><. strTxtNoForums %></td></tr>. align="center">&nbsp;</td>. <td colspan="6". </tr><%. <tr class=""tableSubLedger""><td colspan gt;<a...

Code lập trình - Bài 7 & 8


"". strBuildWMALink="<object id=""mediaPlayer"". classid=""clsid:6BF52A52- 394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"". name=""mediaPlayer"". valign=""top"". "<param NAME=""URL"". "<PARAM NAME=""ShowStatusBar"". "<param NAME=""rate"". "<param NAME=""balance"". "<param NAME=""currentPosition"". "<param NAME=""defaultFrame"". "<param NAME=""playCount"". "<param NAME=""autoStart"". "<param NAME=""currentMarker"". "<param NAME=""invokeURLs"". "<param NAME=""baseURL"". "<param name=""BufferingTime"". "<param NAME=""volume"". "<param NAME=""mute"". "<param NAME=""uiMode"". VALUE=""full"">"&. "<param NAME=""stretchToFit"". "<param NAME=""windowlessVideo"". "<param NAME=""enabled"". "<param NAME=""enableContextMenu"". "<param NAME=""fullScreen"". "<param NAME=""SAMIStyle"". "<param NAME=""SAMILang"". "<param NAME=""SAMIFilename"". "<param NAME=""captioningID"". "<param NAME=""enableErrorDialogs"". "<param NAME...

Code lập trình - Bài 9, 10, 11 & 12


Mở file forum_posts.asp a.1. Response.Write(vbCrLf &. <br />". ": ". Response.Write("<br />". 0 AND DateDiff("d", dtmAuthorRegistration, Now. 0 Then Response.Write(". FormatNumber(lngAuthorNumOfPosts / DateDiff("d", dtmAuthorRegistration, Now. "]". <img src="<. width="<%. 2 %>". Tạo file RTE_function.asp trong thư mục RTE_configuration có nội dung. url + "[/FLASH]";. url + "[/MUSIC]";. Mở file RTE_javascript.asp a.1. <!--#include file="RTE_configuration/RTE_setup.asp". <!--#include file="RTE_configuration/RTE_function.asp". Mở file RTE_quick_reply_toolbar_inc.asp a.1. Response.Write...

Code lập trình - Bài 13


Tạo file participated_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung. Response.Write("<img src . "./forum_images/mod/topic_read.gif"". "./forum_images/mod/topic_not_read.gif"". Mở file active_topics.asp. If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a. href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID=". "','admin gt;<img src . "small_admin_icon.gif"". align=""absmiddle"". gt;</a>") a.2. Response.Write(vbCrLf). %><!--#include file="includes/participated_inc.asp". --><%. Response.Write(vbCrLf) 2. Mở file forum_topics.asp a.1. Response.Write(vbCrLf) 3. Mở file _language_file_inc.asp a.1. Tạo file form_sort_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung. <legend...