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Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 1


Fruit growing in the tropics. The previous editions of this Agrodok, published in 1992 and 1999, gave a general introduction into fruit growing in the tropics and de- scribed 8 major crops. Working on this revision, the general introduc- tion quickly filled the entire Agrodok! And if the major fruit crops are to be dealt with anew, each crop will...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 2


Some fruits are col- lected in the natural vegetation (‘in the wild. Many husbandry techniques, ex- plained in textbooks but rarely seen in the field, such as watering by hand, composting, mulching, pruning, trellising and simple crop pro- tection measures, are common in the home garden. Fruit growing in the tropics. Cropping systems for fruit 13 Some fruits are only...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 3


3.1 Single-stemmed and branched fruit crops. Papaya and coconut form flowers in the axil of every leaf, pineapple and banana flower at the shoot tip after sufficient leaves have been produced to sustain fruit growth.. Because the growing point is always active, fruit can be har- vested at any time of the year. However, suckers do not much affect form...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 4


Sexual reproduction leads to SEEDLING VARIATION: although all seedlings resemble the mother tree in some respects, no two seedlings are the same. In vegetative propagation a part of the mother tree other than the seed, (e.g. The genetic make-up of this new plant is exactly the same as that of the mother tree. Consequently all cuttings from one mother tree...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 5


It follows that you cannot judge pruning solely by the looks of the tree immediately after pruning or by the amount of cut wood lying under the tree. However, growing conditions modify the tree’s response to pruning. If tree vigour is moderate and the tree is going to bear a good crop the response is more predict- able. A shoot...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 6


As explained in Chapter 3, the large majority of branched fruit crops lay down floral buds on resting twigs. As a result they tend to flower and fruit poorly and this aggravates excessive, non-synchronous shoot growth, also during the period when floral buds for the next crop should be laid down.. Where this happens, forcing bud break to obtain an...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 7


male) flowers produce the pollen needed to pollinate pistillate flowers. Strict segregation of the sexes is found in papaya for in- stance: male and female inflorescences are on separate plants. This segregation of the sexes on separate trees, which prevents self- pollination, is called dioecy. Fruit growing in the tropics. The flowering habit of the fruit crops in this Agrodok...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 8


In this way the natural checks and balances between pests and their predators in the orchard are disturbed, so that one treatment breeds the need for the next one. and for the crea- tures living in the soil and nearby water courses that become polluted.. rambutan in Thai- land, mango in the Philippines) is the exception rather than the rule....

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 9


When a fruit is fully grown it is said to be mature. If they are harvested as soon as they are mature, the ripening period can be used to transport and market the fruit, and then it may still require a few days in the fruit bowl before it is at its best. Moreover, if the fruit is refrigerated or...

Fruit growing in the tropics - Part 10


Layout and establishment of the orchard 69. 10 Layout and establishment of the orchard. This is usually one of the first subjects in books on fruit growing, but in fact all the other subjects should be clear in your mind before you start planning the layout of an orchard. Orchards are traditionally planted ‘on the square’, e.g. This means that,...