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Constituent Structure - Part 24


ARG in RRG, arguments. BPS Bare Phrase Structure. GKPS Gazdar, Klein, Pullum, and Sag ( 1983 ) GPSG Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar GT generalized transformation. HPSG Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. IF in RRG, Intentional Force. LCS in RRG, the layered structure of the clause. NUC in RRG, the nucleus of the CORE. PFD in RRG, potential Focus Domain. PRED in...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


1.1 What this book is about. The study of phrase or constituent structure explores the combination of words into phrases and sentences. Constituent structure provides the roadmap that determines which words can be combined with which other words. This book is about the many, and varied, attempts to explain how word combination occurs.. 1 ) My cat eats at really...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


Moving from left to right on the page, we combine two elements creating a new object, then we combine 2 this new structure with the next word to the right, and so on.. (c) ((Nemo ate) Dory’s) seaweed (d) (((Nemo ate) Dory’s) seaweed). in that any subpart of ( 4 d) is not identical to a subpart of any of...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


In the second part of ( 30 a) too stands in for [eating at really fancy restaurants]. In the simplest cases, only constituents may be coordinated:. For example, it would appear as if the subjects and the verbs form constituents as distinct from the object in the following right-node-raising sentence:. However, evidence from other constituency tests, such as movement or...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


3.3.2 Axiomization of dominance. 7 The axioms, while not universally adopted, provide a precise charac- terization of the essential properties of the dominance relation.. 6 ) (a) a set N of nodes;. (b) a set L of labels;. 5 Blevin’s axioms actually exclude some of the principles discussed below, especially those that disallow multidomination and tangling (line crossing). The proposal...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


Node A sister-precedes node B if and only if both are immedi- ately dominated by the same node M, and A emerges from a branch from M that is to the left of the branch over B.. In this tree, Q is written to the left of R, apparently preceding R, but by the de W nition of precedence given...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


In this sentence, the NP him is not dominated by another NP, so the W rst cyclic node dominating [ NP him] is the S node. This means that material lower in the tree is usually preceded by material higher in the tree. Under the ‘‘kommand and precede’’ version of the binding conditions we predict the reverse grammaticality judgments. The...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


Within the Government and Binding (GB) and minimalist ap- proaches to syntactic theory, NPs are licensed by structural Case, which is assigned under a local version of c-command (government;. This is one of the primary motivations for Aoun and Sportiche to introduce m-command. Nom- inative case is assigned by In X in the con W guration in ( 34 a)....

Constituent Structure - Part 24


The fact that there are four pipes in the W rst half has to do with the fact that there are four major morphemes in the NP, and only three in the VP. if one can substitute a single morpheme of a given type for a string of words, then that string functions as a constituent of the same type.....

Constituent Structure - Part 24


The -relations can be calculated by comparing each of these mono- strings to the terminal string (example from Lasnik 2000. 7 The sentence is otherwise ordered by the precedence relations expressed in the monostrings. Trees, although helpful to the student and linguist, are not actually an accurate representation of the P-marker as it was originally conceived by Chomsky and later...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


of a sentence can be composed from the meanings/feature structures of the individual words.. Our survey of simple PSGs would not be complete without a look at precisely the kinds of information that phrase structure rules and their resultant constituent trees or P-markers represent. In the next chapter, we will look at the various ways these kinds of information are...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


The feature geometric representation of ( 13 ) is given in ( 14. In the feature-geometric representation the attribute or feature is seen to dominate its value. The W rst of these three notations can still be found in the literature today, but usually in a fairly informal way. 6.4.1 The use of features in Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. Features...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


This is similar to the meaning postulates in ( 23. The extensions to constituent structure/phrase structure suggested in this section all make reference to mapping the constituent structure onto some kind of enriched semantic structure. The empirical cover- age of these extensions, although not the practicalities, correspond in many cases to the kind of phenomena that transformations and metar- ules...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


PP with the plastic handle of grocers. Each of the N’s and the NP in ( 28 ) are called the projections of the N.. The NP is the maximal projection and the N’s are intermediate pro- jections. Modi W cation relations are no longer expressed in terms of sisterhood to the head. 10 That is, as we add layers...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


realization of the semantic relations. 61 ) (a) #Sincerity killed the stone (b) #Sincerity’s killing of the stone. 2 , in the prevailing theoretical paradigm of the time—Generative Semantics—this was captured by a transform- ational rule of nominalization. (b) Marie’s constant(*ly) criticism of the president was a shock.. Chomsky proposed X-bar theory as an explanation for why derived nominals still...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


then this would be evidence against Speas’s proposal. She observes, however, that a more careful probing of the data shows that the apparent X’ limiting character of these replace- ment rules is actually epiphenomenal. Do-so replacement fails to apply exactly in the environments where a Case needs to be assigned to the complement:. Speas argues that the of in (...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


The discussion in the last section shows that several basic properties of X-bar theory appear to follow from the LCA, although they are at least inconsistent with the Speas–Fukui derived notions. R ¼ C, P ¼ C’ and L ¼ CP), then such a structure prevents any element (M), even when phrasal, from appearing in the speci W er of...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


45 ) {a, {{p, {p, s. {hp, pi, {{p, {p, s. In 2 , the adjunct that Rivera painted (t) is merged with {p, {p, s}}. Simultaneously, {p, {p, s}} is identi W ed in 3 as a member of the set {a, {{p {p, s. If adjuncts are on a di V erent dimension and do not interact with...

Constituent Structure - Part 24


‘‘Phrase Structure. In Mark Baltin and Chris Collins (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory. Sagey, (eds.) Papers in Theoretical Linguistics: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics . ‘‘Dependency Systems of Phrase Structure Systems.’’. dissertation, University of Illinois.. Pro- ceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL . ‘‘Phrase Structure Grammar. Pullum (eds.) The Nature of Syntactic Representation.. ‘‘Subcategorization, Constituent...