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Giáo trình Đất và Dinh dưỡng cây trồng - Trường Cao Đẳng Lào Cai


Nguồn gốc và quỏ trỡnh hỡnh thành đất. 1.1.2.Quỏ trỡnh phong hoỏ đỏ hỡnh thành đất. THÀNH PHẦN CƠ GIỚI CỦA ĐẤT. Quỏ trỡnh hỡnh thành kết cấu đất. Tỷ trọng của đất. Dung trọng của đất. Tớnh trương co của đất. Tớnh liờn kết của đất. Tớnh dớnh của đất. Tớnh dẻo của đất. Sức cản của đất. Nước...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 1


Soil Biochemistry, Volume 1, edited by A. Soil Biochemistry, Volume 2, edited by A. Skujins Soil Biochemistry, Volume 3, edited by E. McLaren Soil Biochemistry, Volume 4, edited by E. McLaren Soil Biochemistry, Volume 5, edited by E. Ladd Soil Biochemistry, Volume 6, edited by Jean-Marc Bollag. Soil Biochemistry, Volume 7, edited by G. Soil Biochemistry, Volume 8, edited by...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 2


2.3 Diagnosis of Nitrogen Status in Plants ...26. 2.3.2 Concentrations of Nitrogen in Plants ...28. Concentrations of Nitrogen in Plant Parts ...29. Ratios of Concentrations of Nitrogen to Other Nutrients in Plants...31. 2.4.1 Forms of Nitrogen in Soils ...32. 2.6.1 Properties and Use of Nitrogen Fertilizers ...40. Discovery of the essentiality of nitrogen is often credited to de...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 3


3.3 Factors Affecting Management of Phosphorus Fertilization ...75. 3.3.4 Sources of Phosphorus ...79. 3.3.5 Timing of Application of Phosphorus Fertilizers ...79. 3.3.6 Placement of Phosphorus Fertilizers ...79. Based on the ubiquitous presence of phosphorus in soil and plant materials, and crop responses to phosphorus-containing products, it became appar- ent that phosphorus was essential for plant growth.. Also during the twentieth...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 4


Ammonium may attain high concentrations in the soil solution of fl ooded soils, and ammonium uptake rates of plant species such as rice (Oryza sativa L.) are very high. As can be seen from Table 4.1 the rate of H excretion by young corn (Zea mays L.) roots depends on the cationic species in the outer solution, with the lowest...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 5


5.3 Diagnosis of Calcium Status in Plants ...125. 5.3.2 Concentrations of Calcium in Plants...128. Forms of Calcium Compounds ...128. Distribution of Calcium in Plants ...128. Critical Concentrations of Calcium ...133. 5.4 Assessment of Calcium Status in Soils...135. 5.4.1 Forms of Calcium in Soil ...135. 5.5.2 Application of Calcium Fertilizers ...139. The rare earth element calcium is one...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 6


6.3 Diagnosis of Magnesium Status in Plants...148. Calcium and Magnesium ...151. 6.4 Concentrations of Magnesium in Plants ...156. Physiological Aspects of Magnesium Allocation ...156. 6.5 Assessment of Magnesium in Soils ...165. 6.5.1 Forms of Magnesium in Soils ...165. The essentiality of magnesium in plants was established nearly 50 years later (around 1860) by scientists such as Knop, Mayer,...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 7


In arable production, sulfur de fi ciency can be retraced to the beginning of the 1980s (3). Related studies indicate the signi fi cance of the sulfur nutritional status for both bene fi cial insects and pests.. The total sulfur content in the vegetative parts of crops varies between 0.1 and 2% of the dry weight (0.03 to 0.6 mmol...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 8


8.2 Forms and Sources of Boron in Soils ...245. 8.3 Diagnosis of Boron Status in Plants ...246. 8.7 Factors A ff ecting Plant Accumulation of Boron...260. In the last 80 years, hundreds of reports have dealt with the essentiality of boron for a variety of agricul- tural crops in countries from every continent of the world.. De fi ciency of...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 9


9.2 Diagnosis of Chlorine Status in Plants ...281. 9.2.3 Concentrations of Chlorine in Plants ...283. 9.3.1 Forms of Chlorine ...285. Although crop responses to chlorine applications in the fi eld were suspected as early as the mid-1800s, it was not until fairly recently that chlorine was considered a potentially limiting nutrient for crop production under fi eld conditions. In the...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 10


10.1.2 Copper Chemistry ...294. 10.2 Copper in Plants ...294. 10.3 Copper De fi ciency in Plants ...314. 10.4 Copper Toxicity in Plants ...315. 10.5 Copper in the Soil ...316. 10.5.2 Geological Distribution of Copper in Soils ...317. 10.5.3 Copper Availability in Soils ...317. 10.6 Copper in Human and Animal Nutrition...321. 10.6.2 Dietary Sources of Copper ...321. 10.6.3 Metabolism of Copper...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 11


11.3 Forms and Sources of Iron in Soils...330. 11.4 Diagnosis of Iron Status in Plants...332. 11.4.1 Iron De fi ciency ...332. Movement of Iron within Plants...338. The early developments in the study of iron in plant nutrition were summarized by Molisch in 1892 (3).. It was another 100 years before the principal processes of the mobilization of iron in...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 12


12.2 Forms of Manganese and Abundance in Soils ...352. 12.3.1 Essentiality of Manganese to Higher Plants ...352. 12.4.2 Distribution and Mobility of Manganese in Plants ...353. 12.5 Manganese De fi ciency ...354. 12.7 Manganese and Diseases ...357. 12.1 INTRODUCTION. The determination of manganese (Mn) essentiality in plant growth by McHargue focused the attention of plant nutritionists on this nutrient, and...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 13


13.2 Diagnosis of Molybdenum Status of Plants ...378. 13.2.4 Analytical Techniques for the Determination of Molybdenum in Plants ...382. 13.3 Assessment of Molybdenum Status of Soils ...382. 13.3.2 Forms of Molybdenum in Soils ...384. The essential nature of molybdenum for higher plants was fi rst reported by Arnon and Stout in 1939 (3). The functions of molybdenum in plants and...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 14


14.2 Discovery of the Essentiality of Nickel ...396. 14.3 Physical and Chemical Properties of Nickel and Its Role in Animal and Bacterial Systems ...397. 14.3.2 Essentiality and Function of Nickel in Plants ...398. 14.3.3 In fl uence of Nickel on Crop Growth ...400. 14.4 Diagnosis of Nickel Status ...401. 14.5 Concentration of Nickel in Plants ...403. 14.7 Nickel in Soils...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 15


15.2 Absorption and Function of Zinc in Plants ...412. 15.3 Zinc De fi ciency ...412. 15.4 Zinc Tolerance ...415. 15.6 Zinc in Soils ...422. 15.11 Role of Zinc in DNA and RNA Metabolism and Protein Synthesis ...428. 15.1 INTRODUCTION. 15.2 ABSORPTION AND FUNCTION OF ZINC IN PLANTS. The enzyme is located in the chloroplasts and the cytoplasm. 15.3 ZINC DEFICIENCY....

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 16


16.3 Bene fi cial E ff ects of Aluminum in Plants ...442. 16.6 Mechanisms of Aluminum Toxicity in Plants ...447. Transduction of Aluminum Signal ...451. 16.8 Plant Mechanisms of Aluminum Avoidance or Tolerance ...454. 16.8.1 Plant Mechanisms of Aluminum Avoidance ...454. 16.8.2 Plant Mechanisms of Aluminum Tolerance ...460. Trapping of Aluminum in Cells ...461. 16.9.1 Locations of Aluminum-Rich...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 17


17.1 Introduction ...500. 17.2 Distribution ...500. 17.2.1 Microorganisms and Lower Plants ...500. Algae ...500. Fungi ...501. Moss ...501. 17.2.2 Higher Plants ...501. 17.3 Absorption ...502. 17.4 Uptake and Transport ...502. 17.4.1 Absorption as Related to Properties of Plants ...502. 17.4.3 Accumulation as Related to the Rhizosphere ...503. 17.5 Cobalt Metabolism in Plants ...504. 17.6 E ff ect...

Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 18


18.1.2 Selenium Chemistry ...516. 18.2 Selenium in Plants...517. 18.4 Selenium in the Soil ...521. 18.5.3 Metabolism and Form of Selenium...525. 18.6.3 Anticarcinogenic E ff ects of Selenium...526. 18.6.4 Importance of Selenium Methylation in Chemopreventive Activity ...526. Recently, much attention has been given to the role of selenium in reducing certain types of cancers and diseases. The chemi- cal and physical...