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Software Engineering For Students: A Programming Approach Part 40


29.6 It is common practice for software development organizations to lay down standards for coding. Suggest a number of coding standards for a programming language of your choice. Suggest quality factors that are enhanced by adherence to the standards.. 29.7 Suggest a quality assurance plan for each of the software development projects listed in Appendix A. complexity = number of...

Software Engineering For Students: A Programming Approach Part 41


However splendid the tools and tech- niques, software development relies on human creativity. There have been many attempts to analyze the problems of software projects and suggest informal ways of cre- ating a successful project team. However well organized the team, there are always informal processes at work – both individual and group. A project manager needs an awareness of...

Software Engineering For Students: A Programming Approach Part 42


They were told of a suspicion that the program was not perfect and asked to test the program until they felt that they had found all the errors (if any). An error meant a discrepancy between the program and the specification. The people were provided with the program specification, the pro- gram listing, a computer to run the program on...

Software Engineering For Students: A Programming Approach Part 43


Reflecting the current diversity, there are a number of suggestions for the future of methods and tools for software development.. Some people see software tools as the future. Some people believe that eliciting and clarifying requirements is the single major prob- lem of software engineering. One has a knowledge of the problem domain. the other has a knowledge of the...

Software Engineering For Students: A Programming Approach Part 44


A new page break can be inserted anywhere within a document.. A section of text can be selected by clicking just before the start of some text, then dragging the cursor with the button down. A document can be displayed either as raw text or as formatted text suitable for printing.. A.3 ● Computer game A.2 ● The word processor....