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Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 1


Introducing the iPhone. Examining the iPhone’s specifications. Highlighting what makes the iPhone unique. By 2006 rumors and speculation were rumbling across the internet concerning Apple’s next major innovation: an iPod-like mobile phone that would eventually be called the iPhone. Given Apple’s twenty-first century record of technological innova- tion and superb user design, the iPhone offered a new hope. When they...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 2


Web development or the SDK?. There are two ways you can develop for the iPhone. The other is to write native applications to run directly on the iPhone, using Objective-C and the iPhone SDK. We strongly believe that each programming method has its own place, and that you should always ensure you’re using the correct one before you get started...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 3


Redeveloping web pages for the iPhone. Throughout part 2 we introduce you to lots of tools that you can use to create web pages using web technologies that can be every bit as sophisticated as what you might write using the iPhone SDK. Throughout part 2, we’ll depend on the three basic tools of web development:. 3.1 The iPhone viewport....

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 4


Learning about the WebKit. You’ll be able to supplement it with the advanced features of Apple’s WebKit. Let’s get started with the first of those topics: textual web apps and the advanced functionality of Apple’s WebKit. 4.1 Introducing the WebKit. We touched on the WebKit in the previous chapter when we talked about the iPhone’s viewport command. It’s those new...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 5


Match the look and feel —When you’re building your own iPhone- UI web apps, the best thing you can do is match the general look and feel of the built-in iPhone pro- grams. Second, it takes advantage of the work that Apple programmers have already done to figure out what works on the iPhone. The core iPhone pro- grams—the iPod,...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 6


The afore- mentioned Clock, Stocks, and Weather utilities were all built using Canvas native to the iPhone, so it will be very simple for you to mimic the same functionality when you’re using Canvas on your web pages—you’ll be using the exact same tools as the widget designers for the iPhone.. To get access to them, you’ll need to use...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 7


Then we’ll give some specific. advice on using several of the objects and templates that Dashcode provides. Finally, we’ll examine how Dashcode interrelates with the libraries that you’ve worked with over the course of the last three chapters.. Apple released Dashcode 2.0 in 2008 as part of the large set of development tools for use with the iPhone. Much of...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 8


Now that you’ve learned how to code iPhone web pages in a variety of ways, you’re probably ready to dive right in. Now we’re going to look at some more general tools that can be used to test and debug a variety of programs. We’ll begin with the most fun- damental tool of all: the Apache web server.. If you...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 9


We’ve spent the last six chapters talking about how to program great web pages and applications using familiar languages such as HTML , JavaScript, and PHP . As we discussed in chapter 2, though, web development isn’t the be-all and end-all of iPhone programming. The SDK includes a set of tools, frameworks, and templates that we’ll meet fully in the...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 10


Over the next several chapters we’re going to dig into the other side of iPhone development, where you’ll be programming native applications using Apple’s own toolkit. we’re going to take a step back to examine the programming language and frame- works that you’ll be using when you program with the SDK. You’ll need to register as an iPhone Developer in...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 11


Now that you’ve learned a bit about the puzzle pieces needed to build an SDK pro- gram, you’re ready to start programming. Via a tradi- tional Hello, World! program, we’ll look at the parts of a standard SDK program.. We’ll also examine how to create new classes of objects, and with that under our belt, we’ll finish up by looking...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 12


Using Interface Builder. What if you didn’t have to do that? What if you could lay out objects using a graphical design program and then immediately start using them in Xcode? With the SDK , you can, thanks to Interface Builder.. As we write this, Apple doesn’t offer any extensive iPhone Interface Builder doc- umentation. The “Interface Builder User Guide”...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 13


Finally, in chapter 15, we’re going. Over the course of our two view controller chapters (13 and 15), we’re going to offer code samples that are a bit more skeletal than usual. 13.1 The view controller family. UIViewController View controller A default controller, which controls a view;. This is what a view controller controls, typi- cally through some child of...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 14


You’re now ready to start accepting user input, since you can now send users off to the correct object. In this chapter, you’ll learn the difference between the two types of interactions. 14.1 An introduction to events. 14.1.1 The responder chain. Figure 14.1 shows an example of how an event moves up the responder chain. As we’ve already noted, this...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 15


In this chapter we’ll take an in-depth look at two view controllers: the tab bar controller and the navigation controller. Let’s kick off our discussion with the tab bar view controller.. 265 The tab bar view controller. 15.1 The tab bar view controller. Of the multipage view controllers, the tab bar is the easiest to use because it supports simple...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 16


Manipulating the Address Book. In our long example for this chapter, you’ll build table views from SQL ite data. 16.1 Accepting user actions. Controls will be central to any real-life program, so you’ll see them throughout the upcoming chapters. See section 16.5.3 for an example.. See section 16.2.1 for an example.. See section 16.3.4 for an example.. 16.2 Maintaining user...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 17


17.1 The accelerometer and orientation. The easiest use of the accelerometers is to determine the iPhone’s current orienta- tion. 17.1.1 The orientation property. Once you’ve done this, you can get to the orientation property. 17.1.2 The orientation notification. List- ing 17.1 shows how to access this information.. Table 17.1 UIDeviceOrientation lists seven values for a device’s orientation.. First you alert...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 18


18.1 An introduction to images. We’re now ready to consider the details. When you look more closely, you’ll discover that using images is a two-step process. We’re going to explore the simpler methods of dis- playing images, using UIImageView, in this section, and in section 18.2 we’ll examine the more complex means available for drawing images onto the back layer...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 19


19.1 An introduction to Quartz 2D. You’ll usually be writing to a UIView or to a bitmap.. Paths are what you’ll typically be drawing within Quartz. 19.2 The Quartz context. Table 19.1 lists these context-related functions, including both the standard UI context functions and the older Core Graphics function that you’re most likely to use—for PDF s.. 19.2.1 Drawing to...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 20


Even if you’re depending heavily on the web, there are numerous reasons that you might want to program using the SDK . 20.1 The hierarchy of the internet. This hierarchy of internet protocols is shown in figure 20.1, along with iPhone OS classes of note.. 20.2 Low-level networking. Figure 20.1 internet protocols are arranged in a hierarchy.. If you need...