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Elementary Language Practice


4 Your sister works in the morning. in the afternoon. 1 They is/are in the living-room.. 9 The children often play/plays in the park.. in an office in the city. She works in the same office as me. for a walk in the park, but we always (10. 4 Your father works in the evening. 10 They watch videos in...

Check Your English Vocabulary for Human Resources


There are 18 words connected with human resources in the box below. will be held in the conference room.. on the company premises.. The company failed because of the chairman's. working in the office this week to clear the backlog of letters.. To help you, some of the letters are already in the grid.. six people in the accounts department.)....

Check Your Vocabulary for Academic English


The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin.. Also, notice that the other words in the sentences can help you to guess the meaning of the missing words.. Because of the grammar of these words and their meanings – which we can check in the dictionary if necessary – the completed sentences will...

Thomson & Martinet -- A practical English Grammar


Ann is in the garden (the garden of this house) Please pass the wine, (the wine on the table). C Many of the nouns in the above groups can be used in a particular sense and are then countable. They can take a/an in the singular and can be used in the plural. The play was boring (The audience was...

English Vocabulary


The idiom out of the blue means "unexpectedly". let the cat out of the bag. black sheep the odd or bad member of the group. the tip of the iceberg. break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine) Our car broke down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.. news of the president's death.. check out leave a hotel You...

English Grammar in English - John Dow


There is no syntactic dependency in the relationship between conjoins. 10.2 The Basic Structure of a Phrase...63. 11.1 The Clause Hierarchy ...70. 11.6 The Discourse Functions of Sentences...77. 11.7 The Grammatical Hierarchy: Words, Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences...79. 12.6 The Direct Object...88. 12.9 The Indirect Object...90. Consider the words in the following sentence:. The meaning of the word 2. For instance,...

English Brainstormers


Printed in the United States of America. Selected Teacher of the Year several times, Mr. Lately, we teachers have been bombarded with educational terminology such as “The State Standards,” “Learning Assessments,” “Academic Intervention Services,” and “Competency Evaluation.” Yes, the new standards are probably necessary for some students for a number of reasons. however, you must start the next word in...

Grammar Essentials


complex—the sentence contains a dependent clause (After I peeled the potatoes) and an independent clause (Marcus cut them into small pieces for the stew).. compound—the sentence contains two independent clauses (I ordered the cheesecake. compound—the sentence contains two independent clauses (Erika designed the house. complex—the sentence contains a dependent clause (Every time I hear that song) and an independent clause...

Exercises in Modern English Grammar


of the Nile. "We're a jolly crowd.". "It's at the Ferguson's.". A nursery tea, you called it.". There are two kinds of Northern Lights — the curtains of shimmering gossamer that everyone has seen in pictures, and the rather rarer gas clouds that I was gazing at now. In the vicinity of the house were. Silver.". belonged to the Silvers...

Higher Lessons in English a Work on English Grammar and Com


+The Study of the Sentence for the Sake of Translation.+--The laws of. Worrell, of the Polytechnic Institute. +DEFINITION.--The _Subject of a sentence_ names that of which something is thought.+. +DEFINITION.--The _Predicate of a sentence_ tells what is thought.+. +DEFINITION.--The _Analysis of a sentence_ is the separation of it into its parts.+. +Direction.+--_The following abbreviations and those you have made should...

Just in Time Vocabulary


a brief Benchmark Quiz to help you assess your knowledge of the words and skills in the chapter. That way, you will continue to reinforce your knowledge of the words you have already covered before you add more words to your vocabulary.. This may be one of the most important steps in creating your study plan. The pur- pose of...

The Language of Law School


legal worldview, empirically grounded in the study of the language through which law students are trained to this new approach.. Yet some portions of the populations. Chapter 3 explains the methodology used and sketches an initial profile of the data.. The first part of this chapter presents, in summary form, the core argument of the book. As he climbs to...

Colloquial English Idioms


We're good stayers.". "In the soup, I'm afraid.". "It's just asking for trouble.". "Perhaps it will blow over.". "I funk telling him.". Really, Derrick, you're the limit.". "Fascinating.". "I had not the least idea of it.". Chr.) "What was his name?". "I haven't a notion.". "I wouldn't know.". "I wouldn't know, inspector.". "Search me.". "Ask me another.". "I've lost my...

The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book


cut up...46. hold up ...47. catch up ...63. give up...64. hang up...64. hook up...65. work up ...65. screw up ...74. follow up ...83. wake up ...85. come up...93. light up ...101. dress up ...107. dry up ...107. zip up...169. burn up ...174. clear up...174. count up...175. eat up ...175. heat up ...175. pay up...175. plug up ...176. wipe up...176. make...