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PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P1


Over the past decade, PHP has embraced the object-oriented revolution. object-oriented enhancements, design patterns, and essential development tools. means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.. Printed and bound in the United States of America . Rather than use a trademark...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P2


$base = "{$this->title. {$this->producerMainName}, ";. "{$this->producerFirstName} )";. if ( $this->type. ": page count - {$this->numPages}";. else if ( $this->type. ": playing time - {$this->playLength}";. $this->title = $title;. $this->producerFirstName = $firstName;. $this->producerMainName = $mainName;. $this->price = $price;. $this->playLength = $playLength;. return $this->playLength;. return "{$this->producerFirstName}".. {$this->producerMainName}";. $this->numPages = $numPages;. return $this->numPages;. Each constructor sets a number of identical properties in the same...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P3


You can do this by putting the package in one of the directories to which the include_path directive refers. include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php-libraries". In such cases, each class file may bear a fixed relationship to the name of the class it contains, so you might define a ShopProduct class in a file named ShopProduct.php. As you can see, the __autoload() function...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P4


I have deployed it with very good results in the past. We will encounter some of them in this chapter and in more detail throughout the rest of the book.. The power of the interface: Patterns and polymorphism. I first started working with objects in the Java language. over inheritance.” The patterns described ways in which objects could be combined...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P5


return $this->wealthfactor;. $this->tile = $tile;. return $this->tile->getWealthFactor()+2;. return $this->tile->getWealthFactor()-4;. $this->processrequest = $pr;. $this->processrequest->process( $req. $this->id = $id;. $this->name = $name;. $this->file = $file;. $lines = getProductFileLines( $this->file. $this->products[$id. return $this->products;. return $this->products[$id];. asset( $this->key. $this->key=self::$keycount;. return $this->key;. $this->value = $value;. $context->replace( $this, $this->value. $this->expressionstore[$exp->getKey. return $this->expressionstore[$exp->getKey()];. Here’s the output:. Here’s the remaining terminal class. $this->val = $val;. is_null( $this->val. $context->replace(...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P6


if ( isset( $this->values[$key. return $this->values[$key];. $this->values[$key. $path = $this->freezedir . isset($this->mtimes[$key. $this->mtimes[$key]=0. $this->mtimes[$key. $this->mtimes[$key]=$mtime;. $this->mtimes[$key]=time();. $this->id = @shm_attach . $this->id. return shm_get_var( $this->id, $key. return shm_put_var( $this->id, $key, $val. Note A view is an individual element in the view layer. This is a key pattern in the Java enterprise community. $this->getOptions();. $this->ensure( file_exists( $this->config. $options = SimpleXml_load_file( $this->config. $this->ensure(...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P7


$this->insertStmt->execute( $values. $this->updateStmt->execute( $values. return $this->selectStmt;. $this->raw = $raw;. $this->total = count( $raw. $this->mapper = $mapper;. $class = $this->targetClass();. $this->notifyAccess();. $this->objects[$this->total. $this->total++;. if ( $num >= $this->total. if ( isset( $this->objects[$num. return $this->objects[$num];. if ( isset( $this->raw[$num. $this->objects[$num]=$this->mapper->createObject( $this->raw[$num]. $this->pointer = 0;. return $this->getRow( $this->pointer. return $this->pointer;. $row = $this->getRow( $this->pointer. $this->pointer. is_null( $this->current. If raw data is provided an...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P8


install ok: channel://pear.php.net/Config-1.10.11 install ok: channel://pear.php.net/XML_Parser-1.2.8. require_once("Config.php");. We begin by including Config.php. <version>1.0</version>. The good news is that for official PEAR packages, you will find API instructions on the web site at http://pear.php.net/. xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0". xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0". xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd. http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">. If you are not intending to add your package to a channel you can use the uri element instead of channel,...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P9


$this->users[$mail. $this->users[$mail]['failed']=time();. $this->store = $store;. $user = $this->store->getUser( "[email protected]". "[email protected]". $this->fail("Short password exception expected");. $this->setExpectedException('Exception');. $this->assertTrue(. Then you can specify indivisual packages when required.. You can combine these and pass them to PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::AssertThat() in order to construct your own assertions.. $const = $this->logicalAnd(. $this->isType('array'). self::AssertThat( $this->store->getUser( "[email protected]". $this->contains("bob stevens"). $this->logicalNot( $this->contains("bob stevens")). In this way, you can build up quite...

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P10


Here’s the import:. The java and javac (that’s the java compiler) binaries will usually be found in a directory named bin. Here’s the relevant section:. Here’s the phpunit task, and some context.. $user = $this->store->getUser( $mail. $this->store->notifyPasswordFailure( $mail. $this->assertTrue(. $this->validator->validateUser( "[email protected] . You can. “Setting Up Your Own PEAR Channel with Chiara_Pear_Server—The Official Way.”. $this->r = $r;. $this->context = $context;....

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P11


AppConfig class, code listing, 166 benefits of, 161. BloggsCal format, class diagram, 159 BloggsCommsManager class, code listing,. CommsManager class, code listing, 159 getContact. AddVenueController class associated view, 260 code listing, 259. AddVenueTest class, code listing, 397 aggregation, 114. AppConfig class, code listing, 166 AppController class, code listing, 251 Application Controller pattern, 222. Command class, code listing, 254 command element, 248....

PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice- P12


coding to an interface, 141, 457 cohesion, definition of, 104. Conf class, code listing, 51 constant properties, 44. declaring a class or method final, 57 decoupling, definition of, 454 defining string values for objects, 65 defining the boundaries of classes, 105 delegating object instantiation, 147 describing a class’s responsibility, 105 designing child classes to provide. Factory Method pattern, 152 factory,...