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Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P8


Netscape goes open source, unveiling the secrets of its code in the hopes that thousands of programmers around the world will join together to cre- ate a newer, better version of the Netscape browser. The open source proj- ect for the Netscape Navigator source code is named Mozilla. America Online (AOL), though partially responsible for the growth and pop- ularity...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P9


But what does it mean on the Web? In simplistic terms, and on the most basic level, it means the same kind of work you’ve done all your professional life: Make the logo bigger. Use the client’s color palette.. But on a deeper level, the web designer doesn’t merely “use the client’s col- ors” and slap the client’s logo on...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P11


<a href=”http://www.nostril.com/index.html”>. Visit the <a href=”contact/”>CONTACT</a>. Visit the <a href=”contact/index.html”>CONTACT</a>. Visit the <a href=”http://www.nostril.com/contact/index.html”>CONTACT</a>. The systems administrator can override this default if she desires, allowing welcome.html (for instance) to serve as the default opening document. In fact, welcome.html was the default opening document on many systems before index.html gained ascendancy. The default page at www.zeldman.com is still welcome.html. Internet Information...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P12a


Referring once again to the code used earlier in this chapter:. so that they will not be displayed on the web page. 201 Taking Your Talent to the Web. 12 0732 CH PM Page 201. 202 HOW: HTML, the Building Blocks of Life Itself: WYSIWYG, My Aunt Moira’s Left Foot 12 0732 CH PM Page 202. too bad if you...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P12b


Now pat yourself on the back. You are ahead of the game.. If you’re stuck using an older version of Photoshop or an alternative image editor, you can download the VisiBone palette free of charge at www.visibone.com. For additional wisdom on the Color Cube, see Lynda Weinman’s site at www.lynda.com and David Siegel’s at www.killersites.com. Another standard industry text, David...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P13


Photoshop 5.5 and higher also allows you to select an anti-aliasing option for type, apply simulated styles to type, and turn off fractional character widths to improve the appearance of small, bitmapped type displayed at low resolution.. Anti-Aliasing. As all designers know, anti-aliasing enables you create the appearance of smooth-edged type by partially filling in the edge pixels with intermediary...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P14


As more and more people begin to interact with the Web through new, nontraditional Internet devices—and as more and more powerful web standards are brought to fruition in the browser as well as at the W3C bargaining table—the need to separate con- tent from style becomes even more important. So it’s pretty darned crucial that web designers come to grips...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P15


the seven CSS keywords directly to the seven Netscape font sizes. We should credit them for that before carping about the results.) The problem, of course, is that, logically, the sizes do not map to the key- words. Logi- cally, a default size should map to the “medium” CSS keyword. Unfortu- nately, in the IE/Windows scheme, <FONT SIZE=3>. maps to...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P16


It’s also worth mentioning that, with the rise of HTML’s <TITLE>. <a href=”somelink.html” title=”Information about this link.”>. <a href=”somelink.html” title=”It’s exciting not to worry about apostrophes, isn’t it? Gosh,. title=”We say “no!” to drugs.”>. title=”We say ‘no!’ to drugs.”>. You’ll also hand-code a preload, usually in the <HEAD>. <script type=”text/javascript”>. if(document.images){. if (document.images). if (document.images){. As we said, all of...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P17


On the off-chance that you find this stuff enthralling or decide to switch from design to development, you’ll find an abundance of good browser detection information at http://webreference.com/tools/browser/. javascript.html and http://developer.netscape.com/viewsource/. If so, check the Resources Department at http://www.webstandards.org/ for the latest on browser detection.. For instance, the “My Glamorous Life” section at zeldman.com (http://. www.zeldman.com/glamorous/) is controlled by a...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P18


If for some reason you prefer to save your SSI files in a directory called “rosebud,” the reference would read:. Then upload your HTML pages to the web server.. But if you can stick to the .html file extension, you’ll avoid confusion and heartache down the road.. What’s the next step? There probably isn’t one. You can replace the. “header,”...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P19


Eventually they hit upon the notion of plug-ins.. Here was a marketing opportunity! Dozens of plug-ins soon flung themselves into the market. When new browsers began muscling in on Netscape’s turf, they followed Netscape’s lead and supported “Netscape plug-ins” simply to compete.. Truth is, we could write a whole book about plug- ins. Come to think of it, we could...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P20


381 Taking Your Talent to the Web. If the plug-in is not detected, the visitor might be taken to a page that explains that the site uses Flash and offers her the oppor- tunity to download the plug-in from Macromedia.com, as previously described in “The ‘Automagic Redirect.'”. 383 Taking Your Talent to the Web. In fact, as the Web grows...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P21


bandwidth, 41. role of web designers, 145 text, 246. See also plug-ins. analysis, phases of web projects, 152-156 Andreessen, Marc, 116. event handlers, 295-298 executing, 299-300 global documents, 321-324 image rollovers, 302-306 links, 300-301. pull-down menus, 310-312 resources text rollovers, 294-295 LZW compression, 234-236 sans serif fonts, 244 SSI, 341-343 style sheets, 267-270 Archinect, 397 architecture, 32, 81. See also...

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer- P22


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, 66 Web Design Group’s “Web Authoring FAQ,” 182. A List Apart, 182 Amazon.com, 77 Ask Doctor Web, 181 Babelfish, 35 Barney’s, 106-107 Bloomingdales.com, 101 Boxtop Software, 229 Builder.com, 182 caffemocha.com, 103 case studies. brevity, 90-91 icons, 88, 90 structural labels, 90 text, 91-94 CNET.com, 77. drymartini.com, 89 dynamic, 329-331 failure of dot.coms, 80 Flution 1.5, 354...