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Instructor Inputs - Session 7


Slide 1 of 20 Session 7. Slide 2 of 20 Session 7. Data can be stored in a table:. By adding data in the form of rows By using the INSERT statement Syntax:. Storing Data in a Table. In this topic, you will teach the students how to store data in a table by using the INSERT statement. For this,...

Instructor Inputs - Session 8


Instructor Inputs S e. ¤NIIT Instructor Inputs 8.3. This session includes section one of Chapter 6 of the Student Guide.. Slide 1 of 17 Session 8. In this session, you will learn to:. Begin the session by sharing the objectives with the students. In this session, the students will understand the requirements of indexes. Slide 2 of 17 Session 8....

Instructor Inputs - Session 9


Instructor Inputs S e. ¤NIIT Instructor Inputs 9.3. Insert the following data in the ProductBrand table of the AdventureWorks database.. You need to execute the following insert statements to create the ProductBrand table and store three records in the ProductBrand table.. Insert the following data into the database:. 9.4 Instructor Inputs ¤NIIT. Therefore, you need to first create a record...

Instructor Inputs - Session 10


Slide 1 of 31 Session 10. Create and manage views Implement a full-text search Implement batches Objectives. Slide 2 of 31 Session 10. Use the examples given in the Student Guide to demonstrate how to create the view.. sp_helptext procedure, you can encrypt the definition by using the WITH ENCRYPTION option in the CREATE VIEW statement.. Slide 3 of 31...

Instructor Inputs - Session 11


This session includes section two and three of Chapter 7 of the Student Guide.. Slide 1 of 19 Session 11. In this session, you will learn to:. Implement stored procedures Implement functions Objectives. Start the session by sharing the objectives with the students. In this session, the students will learn about usage of stored procedures and functions. Slide 2 of...

Instructor Inputs - Session 12


SELECT oh.SalesOrderID, TerritoryID, TotalDue, OrderQty, ProductID FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader oh JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail od ON oh.SalesOrderID = od.SalesOrderID. The following update command gives an error when you update the OrderQty and TerritoryID attributes:. To solve the problem, you need to execute two Update statements as follows:. The Store table contains the details of all the stores. frequently queries the Store table based...

Instructor Inputs - Session 13


This session includes Chapter 8 of the Student Guide.. Slide 1 of 24 Session 13. Slide 2 of 24 Session 13. Triggers are of the following types:. In this topic, you need to explain the triggers and various types of triggers. You can tell that triggers are used when complex business rules have to be implemented. You can also discuss...

Instructor Inputs - Session 14


Slide 1 of 31 Session 14. Slide 2 of 31 Session 14. In this topic, you need to explain the students about CLR. As they have already read about CLR in the chapter 1, you need not to go into the details of CLR.. Explain how CLR has been incorporated in the SQL Server itself. You can use the examples...

Instructor Inputs - Session 15


developer has been asked to make the significant changes in the database to implement this policy. To accomplish this task, John needs to create an update trigger on the ProductCostHistory table. In addition, he also needs to create a temporary table to store the changes in it.. To create the temporary table, John needs to execute the following statements in...

Instructor Inputs - Session 16


Slide 1 of 14 Session 16. Appreciate message-based communication Implement Service Broker. Further, they will learn how to implement message-based communication using the Service Broker feature of SQL Server 2005.. Slide 2 of 14 Session 16. Flash presentation: Implementing Service Broker Introduction to Service Broker. Use the given flash presentation to introduce message-based communication Service Broker to the students.. When...

Instructor Inputs - Session 17


In the AdventureWorks database, the details of the vendors are stored in the Vendors table. In addition, the names of the vendors are saved in the VList table of the Vendor database used by another application.. According to the requirements, whenever details of new vendors are added to the Vendors table of the AdventureWorks database, the name of new vendors...