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Secure PHP Development- P60


$PHOTO_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . $REL_ROOT_PATH = ‘/ld_tool’;. $REL_APP_PATH = $REL_ROOT_PATH . $TEMPLATE_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . $CLASS_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . $ROOT_PATH . ‘/home/templates/themes’. The messages displayed by the publisher applications are stored in the. ch8/apps/ld.messages file in the CDROM. The error messages displayed by the document publishing applications are stored in the ch8/apps/ld.errors file in the CDROM. The templates are named...

Secure PHP Development- P61


This method controls how categories are modified. If the step=NULL and cid (category ID) query parameter is not empty,. displayAddModCategoryMenu() is called with the ‘Modify’ parame- ter, which loads the category information referred by $cid and allows the user to modify it.. If the method is called without a cid (category ID), an error alert is shown.. If step=2 parameter...

Secure PHP Development- P62


The user list is sorted and the sorted list is reset.. If the current publisher list ( $publishers ) is not empty and the publisher ID is 0 (zero), which indicates ‘everyone’ is in the list of $publishers , then the user list in the HTML template shows ‘everyone’ selected as the chosen list of publishers.. If the current viewer...

Secure PHP Development- P63


If the current user is an administrator, the administrative block in the template is set. The document is displayed with the number of visits and responses.. The document response application. The document response application, ld_response _mngr.php , manages responses for each document. It’s included on the CD-ROM in the ch08/apps directory. This method is used to control how the application...

Secure PHP Development- P64


Creating a new category. Figure 8-4: Adding a new category.. Now when a user clicks on the Document Publisher (Doc Publisher) link on the left navigation bar, the document index shows the new category and its description as shown in Figure 8-6.. Figure 8-5: A new category in the user’s home page.. Figure 8-6: A new category in the document...

Secure PHP Development- P65


Any other user can view the posted comment by clicking on the comment title shown in the Feedback section of the document, as shown in Figure 8-13.. When you add a new category, the category name appears in the horizontal nav- igation bar. To show more than five categories per nav- igation line in the horizontal top navigation, modify this...

Secure PHP Development- P66


CONTACT_KEYWORD Holds the contact keyword information. The contact keyword consists of the contact number ( CONTACT_ID ) and keyword ( KEYWORD. CONTACT_MAIL Holds information about the contact e-mail information:. the subject of the e-mail ( SUBJECT. body ( BODY ) of the e-mail, sending time stamp ( SEND_TS. and the check flag ( CHECK_FLAG. A reminder can be set up...

Secure PHP Development- P67


Using the DBI object ( $this->dbi. $this->dbi->query() method in the DBI object, and the result is stored in the $result variable.. If there are more than zero rows in the $result object, each row is fetched in the $row variable.. If there are no rows in the $result object, the method returns null. If the result set is not empty,...

Secure PHP Development- P68


This method returns all reminders for the given contact ID. First it sets the given contact ID using the setContactID() method.. A SQL statement, $stmt , is created to select all the reminder informa- tion for the given contact ID.. If there are more than zero rows in the $result object, each row is fetched in the $row variable.. All...

Secure PHP Development- P69


$TIP_SCRIPT The name of the tip script.. The directory structure used in the contact.conf file (in the ch09 directory on the CD-ROM) may need to be tailored to your own system’s requirements. +---htdocs ($ROOT_PATH. $ROOT_PATH = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’];. $REL_ROOT_PATH = ‘/contact_mngr’;. $REL_APP_PATH = $REL_ROOT_PATH . $PHOTO_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . $TEMPLATE_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . $CLASS_DIR = $ROOT_PATH . The messages displayed by...

Secure PHP Development- P70


It prepares an associative array with the necessary attribute name and the values to update the category table.. The array is passed into the modifyCategory() method of the. The status (success/failure) of the modify operation is shown to the user at the end.. This method displays the given contents according to the theme preferences of the user. The user’s preferred...

Secure PHP Development- P71


This method displays the result of the search performed according to the user’s query. The ‘where’ clause of the search query is prepared using the informa- tion given by the user.. The ‘where’ clause is passed into the searchContact() method of the. Contact class to search for the contact. The array of contacts is then fed into the contact block...

Secure PHP Development- P72


As an administrative user, you can create categories by clicking on the Contact Manager Admin link in the upper-left of the search interface. The interface shown in Figure 9-4 displays.. Figure 9-4: The contact manager administrative interface.. To add a new category, click the Add Category link, which brings up an interface as shown in Figure 9-5.. The example in...

Secure PHP Development- P73


Figure 9-12: Searching for all contacts in a subcategory.. Chapter 9: Intranet Contact Manager 331. An abridged result of the search is shown in Figure 9-13.. Figure 9-14 shows a detailed contact information page that includes e-mail history.. Figure 9-13: Search results for a subcategory’s contacts.. Figure 9-14: E-mail history of a contact.. In this chapter, you developed a central...

Secure PHP Development- P74


Automatic reminders: Users can choose to be reminded about an event when they log in to the intranet on the day of the event.. Let’s look at the prerequisites of the calendar system.. The event calendar builds on the intranet classes discussed in the Chapters 4 through 7. The intranet calendar applications that you’ll develop require the central login/logout, user...

Secure PHP Development- P75


A SQL statement, $stmt , is created to insert the new event data into the event table using the member variable ‘fields’ (contains attribute names) and $values. The SQL statement is executed using $this->dbi->query. and the result of the query is stored in the $result object.. Otherwise, it returns the newly created event’s ID by executing a second query.. This...

Secure PHP Development- P76


T ABLE 10-2 CALENDAR.CONF VARIABLES (Continued) Configuration Variable Purpose. $DEFAULT_THEME The default theme index in the $THEME_TEMPLATE array.. $USER_DEFAULTS A user’s theme and auto tip default settings.. $TIP_SCRIPT The name of the tip script.. The directory structure used in the calendar.conf file supplied in ch10 direc- tory on the CD-ROM might need to be tailored to your own system’s requirements.....

Secure PHP Development- P77


When the method is called with mode modify , it loads the Web form using the getEventTitle. and getEventReminder() methods of the Event class.. After setting appropriate blocks and variables of the template,. showContents() is called to render the output using the proper theme for the user.. This works in the following manner:. It creates objects for the Event and...

Secure PHP Development- P78


Figure 10-4: Adding an event.. Viewing an event reminder. Figure 10-6 shows an event reminder.. Figure 10-5: Modifying an event.. IN THIS CHAPTER. In this case, a central Internet Resource (Web sites or FTP sites) Management (IRM) tool can be a great help. In this chapter, we’ll design such a tool.. The user can specify a rank (1 star to...

Secure PHP Development- P79


RESOURCE_KEYWORD table. The RESOURCE_KEYWORD table holds the resource keyword information. The resource keyword consists of resource number ( RESOURCE_ID ) and keyword ( KEYWORD. RESOURCE_VISITOR table. The RESOURCE_VISITOR table contains visitor(s) of resources. This table holds the resource number ( RESOURCE_ID. The ch11/sql/irm.sql file in the CDROM has a set of create table statements, which can be used to create...