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Secure PHP Development- P100


This is the date when the Tell-a-Friend system will start accepting data requests for this form. Select a suitable termination date, which is when the Tell-a- Friend system will stop accepting data for this form. The termination date is very useful if you tie the Tell-a-Friend form with a limited-time promotional activity.. This limit is needed to protect your sys-...

Secure PHP Development- P101


E-mail Survey System. Designing a survey system. Implementing a survey system. Testing a survey system. In this section, you’ll design a simple yet powerful survey system that can be managed by marketing personnel with a bit of HTML form knowledge. Figure 14-1: Survey system functional diagram.. Survey System Store Survey Results Dear Joe,. 4 Survey Administrator Manage Lists, Forms Manage...

Secure PHP Development- P102


The survey administrator can access automatically generated survey reports via the management application suite.. The customer, the survey participant, can receive a survey form via e-mail and respond to the survey questions. As shown in Figure 14-1, there are six applications in the survey system:. The survey forms must follow a specific HTML form development guideline, which is specified in...

Secure PHP Development- P103


are created from external comma-separated value (CSV) files that are uploaded by the survey administrator. The ch14/apps/class/class.SurveyList.php file in the CDROM is an implementation of this class. Sets a member variable called list_tbl to $SURVEY_LIST_TBL , which is loaded from the survey.conf file. The $SURVEY_LIST_TBL variable holds the name of the survey list table.. Sets a member variable called list_data_tbl...

Secure PHP Development- P104


This method is called when the run() method is passed $cmd=’delete’ from the user interface. This method uses the deleteSurvey() method of a Survey object to delete the chosen survey (indicated by $survey_id , which is also passed from user interface).. This method saves a new survey with the data given from the survey add interface.. The method displays a...

Secure PHP Development- P105


If the survey ID is found, the method then creates a Survey object using the given survey ID ( $survey_id ) and gets the details of the survey using the getSurveyInfo() method. The STATUS field of the survey is stored in the $status variable. When the survey information is located, the method determines if this was being called before. If...

Secure PHP Development- P106


Listing 14-1 (Continued). T ABLE 14-1 THE survey.conf SETTINGS THAT YOU NEED TO CHANGE. $PEAR_DIR This should be set to the directory where you have installed the PEAR packages. $PHPLIB_DIR This should be set to the directory where the PHPLIB packages are stored. $LOGOUT_URL This URL should point to the central logout application ( logout.php. $ROOT_PATH This directory point to...

Secure PHP Development- P107


Run the survey_mngr.php application using the appropriate URL. When the user supplies the appropriate user name/password pair, she is logged in to the application and the Survey Manager menu is displayed (Figure 14-4).. Figure 14-4: The Survey Manager menu.. To add a new list, click on the Add a List button, which shows the add list interface as shown in...

Secure PHP Development- P108


In this chapter you learned to design an email based survey system that sends HTML forms to target email lists and collects responses in the database. E-campaign System. Architecting an e-campaign system. An company can remain in close contacts with its customers via e-mail by frequently engaging the customer in providing electronic feedback, informing the customer about new products and...

Secure PHP Development- P109


Table structure for table `ASSEMBLY`. CREATE TABLE ASSEMBLY. LIST_ID int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, REC_ID int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, FIRST varchar(255) default NULL, LAST varchar(255) default NULL,. EMAIL varchar(255) NOT NULL default. Table structure for table `BOUNCED`. CREATE TABLE BOUNCED. CAMPAIGN_ID tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, LIST_ID tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, REC_ID tinyint(4) NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY...

Secure PHP Development- P110


Record ID: A numeric record ID must be in the target list table to identify the customer record.. E-mail field: An e-mail field must be there in the target list table.. The e-campaign system allows you to map all the standard personalization fields shown in Table 15-1 during list creation so that you can use them in message personalization.. Based...

Secure PHP Development- P111


The purpose of this class is to provide the Campaign object, which is needed to manipulate the campaign. An implementation of this class can be found in ch15/. apps/class/class.EcampaignCampaign.php file in the CDROM. This class imple- ments the methods discussed in the following sections.. This method sets the member variable, ecampaign_tbl , to the $ECAMPAIGN_TBL. configuration variable. The member variable,...

Secure PHP Development- P112


$LIST_FIELD_MAP_TBL Name of the list map table.. $ECAMPAIGN_TBL Name of the campaign table.. $ECAMPAIGN_MESSAGE_TBL Name of the message table.. $MESSAGE_HDRS_TBL Name of the message header table.. $ECAMPAIGN_EXECUTION_TBL Name of the execution table.. $ECAMPAIGN_ASSEMBLY_TBL Name of the assembly table.. $ECAMPAIGN_TRACK_TBL Name of the URL track table.. $ECAMPAIGN_UNSUB_TBL Name of the unsubscription table.. $ECAMPAIGN_BOUNCED_TBL Name of the bounced e-mail table.. $FROM_HEADER Header...

Secure PHP Development- P113


If the database is successfully updated, the modifyList() method calls. takeMap() to show the database and personalization field map interface. If the update fails, it shows an appropriate status message.. This method uses a list object to call its modifyMapList() method to update the map data in the database. This method uses a list object to call its deleteList() method...

Secure PHP Development- P114


This method selects the appropriate driver to manage messages. It works as follows:. If the $cmd variable is set to add or is empty, then the addDriver() is called to manage the message addition process.. If the $cmd variable is set to modify , then the modifyDriver() is called to manage the message modification process.. If the $cmd variable is...

Secure PHP Development- P115


If not, error messages are displayed and the user is returned to the previous screen.. A Campaign object is created and its addCampaign() is called to add the campaign in the database.. This method updates an existing campaign in the database as follows:. A Campaign object is created and its modifyCampaign() is called to modify the campaign in the database.....

Secure PHP Development- P116


Figure 15-9: How the unsubscription tracking application works.. If the user confirms the unsubscription request by continuing forward, the. unsubUser() method is called to store the unsubscription request in the database.. This checksum value is compared with the campaign-execution-application- generated checksum stored in the unsubscription link to check the validity of the request.. This method displays a confirmation screen to...

Secure PHP Development- P117


Figure 15-12: Mapping database fields.. Figure 15-13: Creating a URL.. Submit the URL and it should be stored in the database. You’ll see a screen like the one in Figure 15-14. You can enter the same information as shown in the screen if you want.. Figure 15-14: Creating a message.. You can personalize the message, as shown in Figure 15-14,...

Secure PHP Development- P118


Command-Line PHP Utilities. Writing command-line PHP utilities. Especially for command-line users, PHP is considered a newcomer, because not many command-line PHP utilities are floating around on the Internet just yet. In this chapter, you develop a few command-line utilities to get you started in command-line PHP development.. Working with the Command-Line Interpreter. The command-line version of PHP is installed when...

Secure PHP Development- P119


These options are not necessary for running command-line scripts because most command-line scripts under a Linux/UNIX system are run by adding the interpreter path as the first line. For example, Listing 16-1 shows a simple PHP script called helloworld.php.. Listing 16-1: helloworld.php. In PHP Version 4.3.x, the -q option is not needed if the PHP binary is com- piled with...