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Final research report "THE REAL SITUATION AND BAD EFFECST WHEN THE THUONG TIN HIGH. THE REAL SITUATION AND BAD EFFECST WHEN THE THUONG TIN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ABUSE. MOBILE PHONES. The mobile phone has been admitted to offer plenty of benefits, but it is also said to create too many troubles, in deed. The fact is that the Thuong Tin...



You will begin to retain more of the material that you read, and also find time to continue doing the things that were preventing you from reading more in the past.. Some of the factors which contribute to a reduced reading rate are:. (a) Faulty eye movements, inaccuracy in placement of the eye while reading.. (f) Poor evaluation regarding the...

Kinh nghiệm học ngữ âm tiếng Anh


Trong bài vi t tr ế ướ c, chúng ta đã cùng xem xét nh ng khó khăn g p ph i trong quá trình ữ ặ ả h c ng âm ti ng Anh. Ti p theo ch đ v ng âm, v i dung l ọ ữ ế ế ủ ề ề ữ ớ ượ ng c a...

Những khó khăn trong học ngữ âm tiếng Anh


Nh ng khó khăn trong h c ng âm ti ng Anh ữ ọ ữ ế. Có th nói Vi t Nam hi n nay r lên trào l u đ xô đi h c thêm ngo i ng , đ c bi t ể ở ệ ệ ộ ư ổ ọ ạ ữ ặ ệ là ti ng Anh....

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 75 - www.VoaChip.com


soNg oF thE moNth. of the aWard- Winning book. WorD oF thE moNth. in this month’s issue of hot english, we’re looking at the sad situation of the hyphen. pS don’t forget to order your copy of the Student’s pack or the teacher’s pack. it’s the perfect Xmas gift!. Quote of the month. here’s our photo of the month. and...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 76 - www.VoaChip.com


WorD of thE moNth. Old Orange 50 Word of the Month: Dry Sense of Humour. Quote of the month. And here’s our quote of the month:. Television presenters in trouble for smoking on “the box”. The rat is the first symbol of the Chinese. ratatouille – the film. And it’s all because of the Disney film, Ratatouille, which is an...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 86 - www.VoaChip.com


The Best of the Best.. [email protected] Ý www.hotenglishgroup.com i. It is a remake of a 1950’s film of the same name. [email protected]. One Russian man said Solzhenitsyn’s books showed him “the power of literature to change the world”.. E-mail [email protected] www.hotenglishgroup.com I 7. The station has a uniquely curved roof which is why it has the nickname “The Dinosaur”.. Woman:...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 73 - www.VoaChip.com


Most Admired Man Photo of the month. It’s the Age of Change… or so he says.. if you are “respectful” to someone, you speak in a way that shows you have a good opinion of them a mistake n. “People have a right to sleep and it’s finding that balance – we will do that,” the mayor said. Some of...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 70 - www.VoaChip.com


the mystery of the stones. www.hotenglishmagazine.com. Word of the month – “military brat”. Notice how the object “the film” has become the subject of the sentence.. Here are some more examples of the future passive.. IN THE UK, IRELAND. That’s the simplicity of the podcast. Schools have also taken advantage of the new tool,. Here’s the guide to the top...



Questions 1-5: Look at the five signs below. Someone asks you what each sign means. For each sign mark the correct letter (A, B, C, or D) on your answer sheet.. A Employees of the café are allowed to put their cars here.. B People using the café can park here, but nobody else can.. C Nobody is allowed to...



For each question, mark one letter A, B or C on your answer sheet Example:. quarter to seven in the morning B. quarter past six in the evening C. quarter to seven in the evening. The correct answer is C, so mark your Answer sheet like this. Full payment will be made soon. When you finish the work, you will...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 74 - www.VoaChip.com


We’re looking at a very special one that has recently been described as “the scariest place in England”.. Don’t forget to order your copy of the 32-page monthly Student’s Pack – the ideal supplement to Hot English magazine. Quote of the month. Here’s our quote of the month. In the end, Jasmine went home. Most famous woman of the 20th...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 71 - www.VoaChip.com


We can also use “used to” to talk about past states or the existence of something in the past. They also looked at the infrastructure in the city. Hundreds of groups which look like the original, sound like the original and even act like the original group, but which aren’t the original. However, it’s not the Red Hot Chili Peppers...

7 secrets for english learners


(Trọng âm của từ là chìa khóa vàng số 1 để nói và hiểu tiếng Anh. Trọng âm của từ rất quan trọng. If you. Ng−ời bản ngữ nói tiếng Anh lắng nghe các vần đ−ợc nhấn chứ họ không để ý nghe những vần ‘yếu’. Nếu bạn sử dụng trọng âm của từ trong lời nói, bạn sẽ nhanh...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 90 - www.VoaChip.com


[email protected] • www.hotenglishgroup.com i. Which of the following problems have you experienced abroad?. E-mail [email protected] www.hotenglishgroup.com I 7. mostly a’s The Scaredy-Cat. You’re afraid of everything. You’re way too clingy.. mostly c’s The Leader. You’re very rational. 1 What’s your idea of the perfect day at the beach?. you’re moving out of the apartment.. in the heat.. It’s the second...

Tạp chí học tiếng Anh Hot English số 93 - www.VoaChip.com


It’s so unfair!. It’s Party Time!. Listening: It’s so unfair!. if you “attend” a school, you go to classes there. One parent, Gary Hull, said, “If pop culture can get kids excited to come to a museum and then expose them to 14 acres of science, that’s a really good thing.” The exhibition began on 30th April and lasts until...