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Test Driven JavaScript Development- P21


ptg The next test, shown in Listing 15.5, expects setView to be a function.. Listing 15.5 Expecting setView to be a function. Listing 15.6 adds an empty method to pass the test.. Listing 15.6 Adding an empty setView method (function. Adding a Class. The first actual behavior we’ll test for is that the “js-chat” class name is added to...

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P22


ptg Listing 15.46 Expecting setModel to observe the “message” channel. The test fails, and Listing 15.47 helps passing it by making the call to observe . Listing 15.47 Calling observe. Listing 15.48 shows the test.. Listing 15.48 Expecting a bound addMessage as “message” handler TestCase("MessageListControllerSetModelTest",. this.model. Listing 15.49 adds the correct handler to model.observe . Listing 15.49 Observing the “message”...

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P23


15.6 The Final Chat Client 433. var el = this.element.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];. this.controller.handleSubmit(this.event);. juicer merge -s -f -o public/js/chat.min.js \ public/js/function.js. public/js/object.js \ public/js/tdd.js. public/js/url_params.js \ public/js/ajax.js. public/js/comet_client.js. 16.1 An Overview of Test Doubles. 16.1.1 Stunt Doubles. 16.1.2 Fake Object. 16.2 Test Verification 441. 16.1.3 Dummy Object. As an example, consider the test in Listing 16.1 from Chapter 15, TDD and DOM...

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P24


16.6 Mocks 453. 16.6 Mocks. Using mocks turns the test upside-down. Listing 16.17 Mocking ajax.poll. this.client.connect();. If the poll method is called a second time, it immediately throws an ExpectationError , failing the test.. How- ever, if the test throws an exception before the call to verify , we might end up leaking the mock into another test, causing a...

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P25


ajax.cometClient, 323–338 data delegation with, 324–325 data dispatching with, 323–327. ajax.loadFragment method, 94 ajax.poll, 453. See also namespaces ad hoc scopes, 101–103 immediately called, 101–107 namespaces, 103–107 anonymous mocks, 454 anonymous proxy function, 95. See also DOM manipulation. integration test for, 269–271 local requests for, 273–274 send method and, 271 status testing for, 274–277 TDD and, 247. binding functions with,...

Test Driven JavaScript Development- P26


stateful functions, 107–112. See also iterators generating uid ’s, 107–109. iterators, 109–112 memoization, 112–115 module patterns, 107. state verification, of test doubles, 442 static files, 408–411. bootstrap scripts and, 410–411 callbacks and, 409. status testing, for APIs, 274–277 coding in, 276–277. duplication reduction and, 274–275 fake requests and, 275. request helpers for, 275–276 success/failure callbacks and, 277 TDD and, 276....

Character Animation with Direct3D- P1


No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P2


Half-Life was built on top of a highly modified version of the Quake engine. The only difference is that for computer games you are just interested in the skin layer (i.e., what the player sees). See Figure 1.6 for an example of the wireframe rendering of a skinned character.. Since the days of the first Half-Life game, characters have been...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P3


So if you wanted to clear the background of the window to a certain color, you could use the following code:. Between the BeginScene() and EndScene() functions is where you can do your rendering/drawing, and once done you call the Present() function to show the result to the screen. The Present() function automatically takes care of the back buffer swapping,...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P4


This function returns a pointer to the correct bone in the hierarchy or returns. Later on in the book, you’ll see how you can use the same interface to load several different morph targets from a single .x file rather than keeping these meshes in separate files. However, for now it is time to actually apply a mesh to the...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P5


int numBones = boneMesh->pSkinInfo->GetNumBones();. &boneMesh->boneOffsetMatrices[i], boneMesh->boneMatrixPtrs[i]);. pEffect->SetMatrixArray(. boneMesh->NumAttributeGroups;i. boneMesh->textures[mtrl]);. pEffect->SetTechnique(hTech);. pEffect->Begin(NULL, NULL);. pEffect->BeginPass(0);. pEffect->EndPass();. pEffect->End();. Not much has changed in this function compared to the software skinning example. Most notable, of course, is the use of the shader and uploading the Matrix Palette to it. Otherwise, you loop through the different attribute groups of the mesh and render it using...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P6


Motion capture. See Table 5.1 for a list of properties that you can manipulate for each track.. You can verify the creation of the policy in Central Administration. Once the policy is created, you can use changepermissionpolicy to alter the permissions or use deletepermissionpolicy to remove it completely. You can also use addpermis-. sionpolicy to assign your policy or any...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P7


Another funny thing is that you can really see from the motion whether the actor is a woman or a man. JM: That’s the cool accuracy of this system. If you know the actor personally, you can see that it is him or her just from watching the motion capture data. There’s more emotion in movements than you might think,...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P8


where p n is the new position.. where v n is the new velocity.. In the case of a 3D object, these are all described as a 3D vector with an x, y, and z component. As you can see, the m_position and the m_velocity vectors are initialized to zero, while the m_acceleration vector is pointing in the Y-direction with...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P9


//Add the new body to the dynamics world pDynamicsWorld->addRigidBody(body);. You need to hook up the current motion state of the rigid body to a mesh. In the next example I create a rigid body for the Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) class that was covered in the previous chapter. You’ll find the source code for the first example using the Bullet...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P10


Morphing Animation. Once you have a list of morph targets, you can blend between them using weights (just as in skeletal animation), as shown in the following formula:. The equation above describes how to create a blended vertex v between the two morph targets v 1 and v 2 (using simple LERP). In the same way the position of the...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P11


In this example the two meshes are stored in the same .x file. The meshes are loaded using the same code used to load the skinned meshes back in Chapter 3. Now there are two meshes in the bone hierarchy: the skinned human mesh and the static werewolf mesh. Here’s the code that finds the static werewolf mesh in the...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P12


I suppose Figure 9.3 requires some additional explanation.. In Figure 9.3 there are two times that the eyes blink (B1 and B2). This means that if you want to change from a happy to a sad render target, you first have to fade out the happy render target to 0% before fading in the sad render target. You can see...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P13


Figure 10.3 shows the waveform from the previous speech sample together with the spectrograph of the same sample (a spectrograph shows the frequency and amplitude of a signal).. As you can see in Figure 10.3, distinct patterns can be seen in the spectrograph as the phonemes are spoken. This will give you the data in the frequency domain, which in...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P14


This in turn makes it pretty easy for you to calculate the reach of an arm when you know the length of the upper and lower arm. The soldier will look at the mouse cursor just like in the earlier examples with the eyeballs, except in this example the head bone is manipulated to turn the whole head to face...