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Character Animation with Direct3D- P15


In the bone hierarchy of the SkinnedMesh class, for example, you have static meshes containing position, normal, and texture coordinates. You also have the skinned meshes there as well, and on top of the position, normal, and texture coordinates, they also contain the bone index and bone weight components.. //Find the end index of the declaration int index = 0;....

Character Animation with Direct3D- P16


286 Character Animation with Direct3D. float3 normal = 2.0f * tex2D(NormalSampler, IN.tex0).rgb - 1.0f;. specular = pow(specular, 85.0f. Chapter 12 Wrinkle Maps 287. Figure 12.13 shows another screenshot of the Soldier’s face using somewhat. Note that this isn’t the kind of result you’d actually want for skin. The examples and images in this chapter are a bit exaggerated to emphasize...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P17


306 Character Animation with Direct3D. The only really special code worth looking at in the upcoming example is the Update() method of the CrowdEntity class, which implements the few current steering behaviors:. const float ENTITY_INFLUENCE_RADIUS = 3.0f;. const float NEIGHBOR_REPULSION = 5.0f;. const float ENTITY_SPEED = 2.0f;. const float ENTITY_SIZE = 1.0f;. D3DXVECTOR3 forceAvoidNeighbors(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);. toNeighbor.y = 0.0f;. float...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P18


hit position with a radius of the decal size). As you can see in Figure 14.6, the ray hits the front of the character’s leg. Since the decal size is larger than the leg itself, it will end up selecting polygons on the backside of the leg, which is something you’d like to avoid. This will happen as long as...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P19


Because I’m using a plane (calculated from the hit position and the triangle normal) to calculate the UV coordinates of the decal, there will be some stretching when the decal is applied to curved surfaces. You can see this in Figure 14.15 where the positions of the vertices in the texture surface aren’t spread out uniformly (even though the distance...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P20


//Get position from the four control hairs float3 ch1 = GetHairPos(0, IN.hairIndices[0],. IN.hairIndices[1], IN.position.z);. float3 ch2 = GetHairPos(1, IN.hairIndices[0],. float3 ch3 = GetHairPos(2, IN.hairIndices[0],. float3 ch4 = GetHairPos(3, IN.hairIndices[0],. float3 px1 = ch2 * IN.position.x + ch1 * (1.0f - IN.position.x);. float3 px2 = ch3 * IN.position.x + ch4 * (1.0f - IN.position.x);. float3 pos = px2 * IN.position.y +...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P21


This code is all implemented in the new Character class. The result is shown in Figure 16.2.. As you can see in Figure 16.2, the face is no longer a static standalone face, but is now attached to the body. The Character class takes everything you’ve learned in this book and puts it together under one interface! The Character class...

Character Animation with Direct3D- P22


AddForces() function, using in physics simulation, 125. See keyboard shortcuts angles, calculating for vectors, 116 ANGRY frame, example of, 5–6 animation callback events, 92–95 animation channels, using with face controller, 205–207. See also playback type. updating and playing, 80 See also tracks. Application Wizard, using in Visual Studio, 17–18. ApplyArmIK() function, adding to InverseKinematics class, 248–251 ApplyLookAtIK() function, 244–245 arm....

Character Animation with Direct3D- P23


See also meshes. in animation controllers, 86–88 assigning animation sets to, 87 blending animations in, 87 identifying for animation sets, 88 setting animations for, 80 See also animations transformation matrices. implementing, 248–252 solving problem with, 246–251 See also joints. See also arm. See also shaders. templates for, 222 See also voice sample Visual Studio Express 2008. returning average amplitude of,...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P1


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied.. Rather than...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P2


technologies, you’ll find them especially valuable. They discuss the latest web industry topics, present guest speakers, and interview some of the best minds in the industry. To those people who are really breaking new ground in the world of CSS, those whose ideas are discussed throughout this book, and those who share their ideas and creativity with the wider community,...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P3


The four selectors above all match the paragraph element in the example HTML and set the text color. What color will be applied to the paragraph? If you guessed. #FF0000 or red, you’d be right. If you’d like to know the exact formula for measuring specificity, the SitePoint CSS Reference 3 has all the answers.. If, after all of the...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P4


of the set. <li>Brie</li>. <li>Cheddar</li>. <li>Red Leicester</li>. <li>Shropshire Blue</li>. This allows us to target the first element within the ul element, as shown in Figure 2.10:. chapter02/firstchild.css (excerpt). Figure 2.10. <li class="unusual">Brie</li>. chapter02/firstchildwithclass.css (excerpt). chapter02/headingcolor.css (excerpt). The result is shown in Figure 2.11.. Figure 2.11. There are two ways in which you can add an underline to your text. This...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P5


chapter02/listinline.css. The result of this style rule is depicted in Figure 2.28.. Figure 2.28. this is so that text in an unstyled page stops short of the edge of the browser window. The result is shown in Figure 2.29.. The CSS Anthology 58. Figure 2.29. The display that you see in a browser when you view an unstyled document is...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P6


The gradient background on the Ingredients box (shown in Figure 3.9) uses a very similar background image to what I used for the body text’s background, except that the Ingredients box coloring graduates from light blue to white. I’ve also added a border that’s the same color as the darkest part of the gradient.. Using a background image to create...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P7


To produce multilevel navigation, we can edit the example we saw in Figure 4.4, adding a nested list and styling the colors, borders, and link properties of the new list’s items:. chapter04/listnav_sub.html. href="listnav_sub.css". <li><a href gt;Recipes</a>. <li><a href gt;Starters</a></li>. <li><a href gt;Main Courses</a></li>. <li><a href gt;Desserts</a></li>. </li>. <li><a href gt;Contact Us</a></li>. <li><a href gt;Articles</a></li>. <li><a href gt;Buy Online</a></li>. chapter04/listnav_sub.css. The...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P8


<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <a href="page2.html">consectetur adipiscing elit</a>. <a href="http://www.google.com">Sed venenatis</a>,. lectus quis porta viverra, lectus sapien tempus odio, ac volutpat mi dolor ac elit.</p>. background-image: url(link_icon_external.gif);. Figure 4.17. The attribute that we’re selecting is the href attribute, and we want our selector to match when it finds the text http: at the beginning of the attribute value. The...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P9


These extra parts of the table can be used to ensure that the content of the table is clear when it’s read out to visually impaired users who are unable to see the layout for themselves. chapter05/table.html (excerpt). <th></th>. <th scope="col">1999</th>. <th scope="col">2000</th>. <th scope="col">2001</th>. <th scope="col">2002</th>. <th scope="row">Grants</th>. <td>11,980</td>. <td>12,650</td>. <td>9,700</td>. <td>10,600</td>. <th scope="row">Donations</th>. <td>4,780</td>. <td>4,989</td>. <td>6,700</td>. <td>6,590</td>. <th...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P10


<script type="text/javascript">. <table class="datatable">. <th>Pool A</th>. <th>Pool B</th>. <th>Pool C</th>. <th>Pool D</th>. <td>England</td>. <td>Australia</td>. <td>New Zealand</td>. <td>France</td>. <tr class="even">. <td>South Africa</td>. <td>Wales</td>. <td>Scotland</td>. <td>Ireland</td>. <td>Samoa</td>. <td>Fiji</td>. <td>Italy</td>. <td>Argentina</td>. <td>USA</td>. <td>Canada</td>. <td>Romania</td>. <td>Europe 3</td>. <td>Repechage 2</td>. <td>Asia</td>. <td>Repechage 1</td>. <td>Namibia</td>. <colgroup class="odd">. <colgroup class="even">. "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">. lang="en-US">. summary="Calendar for June 2009">. <th scope="col">Monday</th>. <th scope="col">Tuesday</th>. <th scope="col">Wednesday</th>. <th scope="col">Thursday</th>. <th scope="col">Friday</th>. <th...

The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks- P11


In the following pages, we’ll consider forms laid out using CSS positioning as well as their table-based counterparts. As we work with forms, it’s especially important to consider the usability of the forms themselves. The form shown above in Figure 6.1 is unstyled. chapter06/elements.html (excerpt). "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">. lang="en-US">. type="text/css". id="form1">. <div><label for="name">What is your name?</label><br/>. <input type="text". name="name". id="name". /></div>. <div><label...