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Taking Your Talent to the Web- P11


Sysadmins and netadmins are also called network engineers, database administrators, directors of web development, webgods, UNIX guys, NT guys, Linux guys, and geeks (formerly often called “webmasters”)—these are the people who run the server (computer) that houses the site you’re developing. They also run the staging server where you might build the site before actually “publishing” it to the Web.....

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P12


How is it possible to reconcile the needs of the user with the demands of the client and the heritage of the brand—not to mention coping with bandwidth lim- itations, browser incompatibilities, and the unknowable behavior of each individual visitor? Is it really possible to do this job well?. Moreover, as a design professional, you already possess most of the...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P13


To make the effect crystal clear, capture an image of a mouse cursor and lay it on top of the “active” icon in Photoshop (Figure 7.1).. You have presented, articulated, and sold ideas to the client. The only difference is that the work is farther along in the process.. The client is interested not only in what you are showing....

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P14


including solutions—in Chapter 10, “Style Sheets for Designers.”. As a result of the Thousand Year March toward CSS compliance and while waiting for better browsers, designers still use HTML for tasks it performs reliably, if grudgingly, such as creating visual layouts by manipulating HTML tables:. <table border=”0” cellpadding=”0” cellspacing=”0” align=”center”>. <a href=”reading.html”><img src=”reading.gif” width=”20” height=”20” border=”0”. alt=”Reading”></a>. <a href=”writing.html”><img src=”writing.gif”...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P15


This is what the W3C recommends, and this is the way we will build all sites in the near future and forever after. (We’re doing it at alistapart.com.). However, as we mentioned in Chapter 2, old browsers that do a poor job at understanding CSS are still widely used in the market we serve. www.glish.com (designed by Eric Costello). www.harrumph.com...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P16


Many web designers rename old files before they update them (personnel.html becomes, for instance, personnelbak.html, or. Equally important is that depending on the rules of the FTP server, text files might have to be uploaded as text, or they will not work. Check it and you will not be faced with the mysteries of the nonworking site.. For example, <IMG...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P17


Now pat yourself on the back. Many of your peers have no idea that this spe- cial swatch exists, that it comes bundled with Photoshop, and that it can greatly ease the creation of meaningful and attractive color schemes for the Web. You are ahead of the game.. If you’re stuck using an older version of Photoshop or an alternative...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P18


As you might expect, 45-degree angles came into vogue around 1999 because they reproduce well on the Web, and within six months they were popping up in print and TV as a meaningless design fetish after everyone had tired of the striped effect. And as you might also expect, many web designers employed 45-degree angles in JPEGs, then saved the...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P19


But this is not the only way and not necessarily the best way to create websites.. They do not generate the Liquid Design we discussed in Chapter 2 because it is not in the nature of a pixel-based program to develop abstractions of form. But whenever pos- sible, instead of slicing entire comps to create precise graphic web layouts, we...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P20


Leading on the Web serves exactly the same purpose as leading in print: it adds air to the “page” and enhances readability. On the screen-based Web, with its low typographic resolution, anything we can do to encourage read- ability is all right by us. 266 HOW: Style Sheets for Designers: Working with Style Sheets. CSS is used to control typography,...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P21


the seven CSS keywords directly to the seven Netscape font sizes. (The IE/Windows devel- opers were also the first group to attempt to support absolute font size key- words. We should credit them for that before carping about the results.) The problem, of course, is that, logically, the sizes do not map to the key- words. In old-style browsers, <FONT...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P22


The event handler is followed by the equal sign in the same way that links and other standard bits of HTML use the equal sign.. As you may have guessed, window.status is JavaScript’s charming way of referring to the status bar at the bottom of the web page. (The status bar is the part of the browser that usually displays...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P23


<option value=”b.html”>B List. <option value=”c.html”>C List. <option value=”d.html”>D List. <option value=”e.html”>E List. <option value=”f.html”>F List. <option value=”g.html”>G List. <option value=”h.html”>H List. <option value=”i.html”>I List. <option value=”j.html”>J List. <option value=”k.html”>K List. <option value=”l.html”>L List. <option value=”m.html”>M List. <option value=”n.html”>N List. <option value=”o.html”>O List. <option value=”p.html”>P List. <option value=”q.html”>Q List. <option value=”r.html”>R List. <option value=”s.html”>S List. <option value=”t.html”>T List. color: #ccc”>. <a...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P24


Beyond Text/Pictures. and the awkwardness of trying to read a com- puter screen in the bathroom.. As we start to become genuine web designers, though, most of us see more advantages than disadvantages in the Web’s distinctive differences from print. This, the substance of the vision of the founders of the Web, should be enough. In particular, there are the...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P25


If for some reason you prefer to save your SSI files in a directory called “rosebud,” the reference would read:. Then upload your HTML pages to the web server.. But if you can stick to the .html file extension, you’ll avoid confusion and heartache down the road.. What’s the next step? There probably isn’t one. More than one SSI can...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P26


From every page of the site, the text-based logo calls out to the search engine, and the search engine rewards it with the Web’s greatest mark of love: a high ranking.. To the eye, the logo is a logo. to the search engine, it is a word. “Widgets” appears at the top of every page of the site, that site...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P27


Flash files are created in the Macromedia Flash authoring program. If it sounds like you should reconsider getting involved in web design, you’ve read too far and know too much to escape unscathed.. Our opinion: Flash and LiveMotion are both fine tools, each of which caters to a different niche in the market. Good Flash sites are dynamic, attractive, navigable,...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P28


But some of the best places to learn are on the Web itself, hence this chap- ter. In it we share our favorite online resources and explain the importance of continuing your education as the Web and your career experience growth and change.. But as we’ve also pointed out, the Web is changing. indeed, like the sea, or like some...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P29


role of web designers, 145 text, 246. See also plug-ins. adding inline styles, 269-270 addresses. analysis, phases of web projects, 152-156 Andreessen, Marc, 116. event handlers, 295-298 executing, 299-300 global documents, 321-324 image rollovers, 302-306 links, 300-301. pull-down menus, 310-312 resources text rollovers, 294-295 LZW compression, 234-236 sans serif fonts, 244 SSI, 341-343 style sheets, 267-270 Archinect, 397 architecture, 32,...

Taking Your Talent to the Web- P30


See also HTML. plug-ins, 377-378 redundant, 339-340 sensible, 189 Mary Quant site, 74 Matte Color dialog box, 228. minimizing bandwidth, 49-50 missing plug-ins, replacing, 346 modems, bandwidth, 41 modifying. See also formatting. RealPlayer, 362-364 WMP, 367. bandwidth, 41 interactivity, 22 plug-ins, 358-362. SMIL, 352-354 SVG, 354-358 web standards, 330. See also browsers 18-month pregnancy, 31. See also Java objects, 285,...