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Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - A


is applied, in a general sense, to all of the hill tribes that live in the area surrounding the Assam Valley. In a more specific sense, it refers to those peoples inhabiting the southern reaches of the Himalayan range in A-runachal Pradesh. The etymology of the word has been the subject of considerable debate. Two interpretations represent the range of...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - B


The cousin terminology is of the bifurcate-merging (Iroquois) type.. the re- gional council is made up of the commune headmen. and is ap- plied in this sense to the priests of the Chota Nagpur tribe.. the usage of the Pardhan, Ghasiya, Khar- war, and Gond). Its use depends on the preference of the parties involved. The size and composition of...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - C


castes arose out of the need of one caste for the goods or serv-. society, perhaps arose out of a blending of the nomadic war-. rior culture of Aryans with the settled urban, agrarian culture of the Indus Valley. Individuals accept their position in the caste system be- cause of the dual concepts of karma and dharma. Bangla, live in...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - D,E,F


Although this name appears in the anthropological liter-. ature, it seems that there is no discrete cultural group identifi- able as Dards. It is true that Pliny and Ptolemy in ancient times both referred to such a people inhabiting a tract of the. people living on the left bank of the Indus were called Dards.. The Dards, based on descriptions...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - G


Asamiya (Asambe, Asami), the native language of the Assamese, is derived from Sanskrit and is the official language of Assam State. In 1532 Turbak in- vaded Assam with a Muslim army and was defeated by the king of the Ahoms. Between 1910 and 1931, thousands of Bengali Muslim peasants from eastern Bengal, now Bangladesh, settled in the riverine tracts of...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - H


Hijras are devotees of Buhuchara Mata, a version of the Indian mother goddess. to be vehicles of the goddess's power. Hijras are also found in rural areas in the north, as well as cities in south India where they work mainly. Hijras speak the language of the re-. The history and cultural relations of the hijras are rooted both in...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - I


faith, accounting for nearly 8 percent of the Sri Lankan popu- lation but less than 3 percent in each of the other South Asian countries. Kerala and some other parts of the west coast had certainly been evangelized by Nestorian missionaries since the sixth century, and many in south India believe that the apostle Thomas. With the founding of the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - J


When all is ready, the body is placed in the grave so that it faces toward the north. A member of the bereaved family asks him if the death was nat- ural or the result of sorcery. today, however, the priest says a simple and hasty prayer to ease any torment of the spirit and to en- able it to...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - K


of the women. 'Rioting as Rational Action: An In- terpretation of the April 1978 Riots in Agra.". "Livestock Symbolism and Pastoral Ideology among the Kafirs of the Hindu Kush.". As a result, in the twentieth century Karnataka has become one of the most prosperous and modernized Indian states.. Aircraft, silk, and motorcycles are three of the best- known products. They...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - L


Labbai are one of the four Muslim groups in Tamil Nadu State. The Ravuttan, Marakkayar, and Kayalan form the rest of the Islamic community. Tamil is their main language, mostly spoken in the household. The origin of the Labbais is not clear, but a few specula- tions have been recorded. The historian Mark Wilks suggests that in the early eighth...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - M


ranges to the south and the southern slopes of the highest Himalaya to the north. For example, one of the subsections of the Thapa section is the Sinjali clan. the crest of the 1,500-meter ridge behind Banyan Hill.. prised approximately 40 percent of the total number of houses. Most of the hamlet's tillage thus is owned by families individually. Members...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - N


"people of the Book". Belief in the excellence of the Prophet's companions and the first four caliphs is required by authentic tradition.. numerous Indo-Mongoloid tribes living in the hill country at the convergence of the borders of India and Myanmar (Burma). The derivation of the name 'Naga". The 1981 census of the state of Nagaland recorded a population of 774,930,...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - O


The Okkaligas are the dominant landowning and culti- vating caste in the multicaste population of southern Karnataka State in southwestern peninsular India. 1955), which is the focus of this entry and which displays many of the features typical of Okkaliga villages in India.. The village of Rampura is located on the Mysore-Hogur bus road about 32 kilometers from Mysore. In...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - P


so literally it means "of the mountains.". sult of the Indian tectonic plate pushing under the Asian one.. The people of the outer Himalayas. Also, along the southern border of the eastern half of the Pahari domain, in the terai (the narrow band where the Himalayas meet the plains), live the tribal Tharu with their distinctive language.. The Pahari people...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - Q,R


Society.". Qalandar are scattered throughout Pakistan and North India, most heavily concentrated in the Punjab. The five rivers of the Punjab are, from north to. The high population density of the area. In both their language and cultural habits, contemporary Qalandar share common ancestry with Rom (Gypsies) and the Romany language of Gypsies and other traveler populations throughout the world....

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - S


and sannyasin (the life of the wandering beg-. an ascetic without having passed through all of the aforemen- tioned stages of life. Provision is also made so that the lay patrons of the monastery (who provide its chief means of support through bhetapuja, "honorific offerings") may receive the benefit of the spiritual counsel of the resident ascetics (by means of...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - T


After the burial, close relatives and friends come to the house of the deceased for a simple vegetarian meal. "India's Unpredictable Kerala, Jewel of the Malabar Coast.". Kerala: A Portrait of the Malabar Coast. The rest of the state is tropical and moderately hot, with virtually no winter. Most of the rain comes with the northeast monsoon beginning in October,...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - U,V,Z


of India drew up a list of the most disadvantaged castes,. The low rank of the Untouchables is explained by the general belief that their traditional occupations and other habits are or were polluting to higher castes in a spiritual way. Yet the Untoucha- bles remain the most backward and least educated sector of the community. The Vaisyas are the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume III - South Asia - Appendix


Adiyan (Adiyar, Adigal) A tribe found in northern Kerala.. (Crooke Ahiwasi A cultivating caste found in Uttar Pradesh.. They are found in southern Kerala and throughout Tamil Nadu. found in Kodagu District, southern Karnataka. Bachgoti A section of the Rajputs, found in Uttar Pradesh. Badahala (Badahela) A caste of potters found in Sri Lanka. Badhoyi A caste of carpenters and...

Basic Beekeeping Operation


Consider both the bees and your neighbors when making your decision. Bees need water to dilute honey and cool the hive during hot weather. If necessary, a dripping garden hose or water trough filled with coarse gravel may be placed near the hive. However, too much shade in the summer makes bees irritable 2.. Bees eat more stores and are...