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Kỹ thuật nuôi ong mật


Đời sống của đàn ong: Ong mật sống thành đàn, trong đàn gồm có Ong chúa, Ong đực và Ong thợ.. Các thành viên của đàn ong:. Ong chúa: Bình thường mỗi đàn ong chỉ có một con ong chúa. Ong chúa là cá thể duy nhất có khả năng sinh sản để duy trì bầy đàn và điều tiết...

Bees And Honey - Part 1


In addition to these adult bees the colony will contain a variable number of the immature stages of the honeybee.. All the immature bees are housed in the cells of the honeycomb, each individual in a separate cell, and are collectively spoken of as brood.. Packed into other cells of the honeycomb will be pollen and honey, the food of...

Bees And Honey - Part 2


But eventually they draw themselves out of the cells rather like drawing a cork, and you might almost expect to hear a 'pop'. They are a bit staggery on their feet and of course quite useless to the colony;. During this time they are being fed by the other bees and their glands become activated and ready for use so...

Bees And Honey - Part 3


When dealing with a social insect it is necessary not only to look at the individual life and behaviour of members of the colony but also to look at the society as a whole and its behaviour as a unit. Now I would like to expand what has been written in the two previous chapters in the light of colony...

Bees And Honey - Part 4


As the venom sac is attached to the part of the sting protruding from the wound, if you grasp it to pull it out you will. The -sting of the worker honeybee, dissected out and flattened. The barbs, which can be seen near the tip, are on two thin lancets which slide up and down on each side of the...

Bees And Honey - Part 5


Carried to an extreme the extensive method produces the 'leave alone' beekeeper who never looks at the brood chamber of his colonies but merely puts on supers and takes any crop he is lucky enough to find at the end of the year.. This is antisocial behaviour on the part of the beekeeper, as he runs the risk of retaining...

Bees And Honey - Part 6


Handling the bees. Quite a lot of corrugated paper appears to be fireproof these days, but if it will smoulder easily it should be rolled into a cylinder to fit the firebox of the smoker. Gently smoke the entrance of the hive. Do not puff smoke in until the bees come out crying. It takes about two minutes for the...

Bees And Honey - Part 7


In some colonies, of course, the new queens will supersede but this usually happens either in the beginning or, more generally, at the end of the active season. In the middle of the year colonies usually either swarm or give up the whole idea. I shall continue to use the normal beekeeping parlance and write of a colony making queen...

Bees And Honey - Part 8


We have stressed the need to have young mated queens available at various times during the active season: in the spring to replace a 'poor queen' and in the swarming season to replace queens in colonies that have made up their minds to swarm. Also at those times all through the active season from April to the end of July...

Bees And Honey - Part 9


Usually the queenless colony, particularly during the main part of the active season, has been made so by some mistake by the beekeeper.. Recognition of queenlessness is far from easy if one is just relying on conclusions drawn during examination of the colony. Most of the year, however, there is one sure way of finding out whether a colony is...

Bees And Honey - Part 10


The honey harvest. An average analysis of honey is shown in the Table below. Constituent parts of the 3 per cent 'other substances' in honey About 15 organic acids including acetic, butyric, gluconic,. If sugar is added to water in a vessel it will dissolve but at any particular temperature there will come a time when no more will dissolve...

Basic Beekeeping Operation


Consider both the bees and your neighbors when making your decision. Bees need water to dilute honey and cool the hive during hot weather. If necessary, a dripping garden hose or water trough filled with coarse gravel may be placed near the hive. However, too much shade in the summer makes bees irritable 2.. Bees eat more stores and are...

Beekeeping site and Information about bees and beekeeping


Beekeeping site and Information about bees and beekeeping.. BEES AND BEEKEEPING. The best way to learn beekeeping is of course with some of the more experienced beekeepers, but a lot can be learned through books and reading yourself. In order to find some beekeepers in your area it is best to go to local beekeepers association. When talking about honeybees...

Gilles Fert - Introducing Queens


Gilles Fert - Introducing Queens http://www.beekeeping.com/fert/introduction_us.htm. 1 of PM. Return to the "World's First Virtual Beekeeping Gallery". Introducing Queens. Breeding queens by Gilles FERT. As a general rule, it is easier to get a queen accepted by a colony during a nectar flow. If no nectar is being brought in, acceptance will be helped by a feed. Other considerations must...

Apiservices - Pollen trap - Trappe plans


left lateral pillar Montants latéraux gauche et droit Wood Bois. Rear pillar Montant arrière Wood Bois. landing bar Planche d'envol Wood Bois. Cross bar Traverse Wood Bois. left pillar Petits montants latéraux gauche et droit Wood Bois. Drawer guide Guide tiroir Wood Bois. left lateral pillar Montants latéraux gauche et droite Wood Bois. Front top plate Plaque supérieure avant Wood...

Basic Beekeeping


Most of the bees in a colony are workers. The population of a colony depends on a number of factors such as: the egg laying ability of the queen, the space available in the hive (area where the bees live) and the incoming food supply.. temperatures of the hive and guard the hive against intruders [in other words:. Note the...

Program for beekeeping and queen breeding Version 6.0 for windows 98/NT/2000/XP


Demo software, which has all the facilities of the expanded program, except that it is limited to ten hives.. I hope that users of the software will continue to forward their ideas and suggestions to me, so that the software can be as useful as possible.. The purpose of the software is to make hive note writing simple and efficient,...

Beemaster's beekeeping course


Many of the emails I get ask this. Her control of the hive through pheromones, and the fascinating events which surround her life. I hope this is a fascinating overview of the life of the queen.. Study of the Hive A closer look at Honeybee. Including the many stage of the worker bee's short but busy life. Here the social...

Beginning Beekeeping For Kentuckians


2b) is the longest bee in the hive but has the shortest wings. Your county extension agent can determine what samples to take from the hive to diagnose the problem.. Some guard the hive to keep out raid- ers. Moreover, they do not even do jobs they could like ventilating the hive. Drones are banished from the hive before winter...

Deluxe Starter Kit Of Beekeeping - mannlake


(OS1)...$51.95. 2 lbs...$39.95 HD-281 Box of Riteway © Staples Ship wt. FN x Sheets $ 11.95 2 lbs.. Ship Weight FN x Sheets $ 8.95 3 lbs.. FN x Sheets $ 41.95 7 lbs.. FN x Sheets $ 41.95 8 lbs.. FN x Sheets $ 12.95 3 lbs.. FN x Sheets $ 61.95 9 lbs.. Ship Weight FN x Sheets...