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Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - S


The Sanpoil (Nesilextcin, N'Puchle), including the Nes- pelem and the Colville (Skoylpeli, Kettle Falls Indians), lived in northwestern Washington along the Columbia River from Kettle Falls to the vicinity of Grand Coulee and north of the Columbia in the Sanpoil and Nespelem River basins. Sociology of the Mdewakanton-Santee. History of the Santee Sioux: United States Indian Policy on Trial. Most...

Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - T


group, live in the upper basin of the Stikine River and in. After severe epidemics of the late 1800s, the figure apparently dropped to about fifteen hun- dred. West of the Tanaina are the southwestern mainland Eskimos.. Fish, particularly salmon, has been the basis of the subsistence economy both prehistorically and today. When Russia sold Alaska to the United States...

Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - U


Ukrainian-Canadians are one of the larger and more prominent ethnic groups in Canada. Ukrainian ethnographic territory cor- responds roughly (not exactly) with the area of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the Soviet Union. The Black Sea lies to the south of this land, and its northern neighbors in.. decline as perceived prerequisites for inclusion in the group,. replaced somewhat...

Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - W


A History of the Northern Ute Peo- ple. The Ethnohistory and Accultur- ation of the Northern Ute. Ethnography of the Northern Ute.. Ultimately, the Walapai surrendered and were moved to the inhospitable lowlands of the Colorado River In- dian Reservation. Many, too, turned briefly to the millenarian Ghost Dance in the late 1880s, hoping, to no avail, that the magical...

Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - Y


The Yakima (Pakiut'lema) lived on the lower course of the Yakima River in south-central Washington and now live with the Klickitat as the Confederated Tribes of the Yakima In- dian Reservation of Washington. guage of the Penutian phylum and numbered over six thou- sand in the mid-1980s.. The Yankton are one of the seven main divisions of the Siouan-speaking Dakota...

Encyclopedia of World CulturesVolume I - NORTH AMERICA - Z, END


wrongdoings to the doctor, followed by positive prayer as part of the cure.. Handbook of the Indians of Califor- nia. Of the Zuni, 2,469 were less than sixteen years old. Coloni- zation of the Southwest by the Spaniards under Ofiate in 1598 involved the Rio Grande valley. Throughout the eighteenth and most of the nineteenth centuries, Apache and Navajo raiding...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - Overview


The HRAF archive, established in 1949, contains nearly one million pages of information on the cultures of the world.. Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe University of the South Pacific Suva. University of the South Pacific Suva. The publication of the Encyclopedia of World Cultures in the last decade of...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - A


This is the southernmost group of the Abelam. From the Sepik floodplains in the south the Abelam extend to the foothills of the Prince Alexander Mountains (coastal range) in the north. Parts of the Abelam territory range, with 70 persons per square kilo- meter, are among the most densely populated areas in Papua New Guinea.. Ndu speakers moved into the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - B


The master carvers (wowipits) have been recognized as among the best of the preliterate world. Upon death, family and close friends grieve openly and intensively for several hours, flinging themselves down and rolling in the mud of the river- bank. Mud is believed to mask the scent ofthe living from the capricious spirit of the dead. The spirits of the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - C


religious holidays, and the end of the traditional period of mourning.. At the end of the mourning period, a large feast is held for the commu- nity, but the spirit of the dead person is believed to frequent the village or camp until his or her death has been avenged.. "Sister Exchange among the Wamek of the Middle Fly.' Ph.D....

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - D


pacification and development in the Grand Valley. concentration of Dani is in the Grand Valley ofthe Balim. To the north and west of the Grand Valley, in the upper Balim and adjacent drainage areas, live the Western Dani. Because of the high altitude and the sheltering. In the Grand Valley, the mean range of tempera- ture is from 26° C...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - E


Easter Island 53. Easter Island. Easter Islanders evidently never. (also Rapa-nui, Rapanui) came into use in the 1800s and eventu-. features are the three volcanic peaks, each located at one cor- ner of the island. grass or shrubs, although parts were heavily forested in the. Only flocks of sea birds and the Polynesian rat were in-. ers in the eighteenth...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - F


The Foi inhabit the Mubi River Valley and the shores of Lake Kutubu on the fringe of the southern high- lands in Papua New Guinea. and the foimena proper, the so-called Lower Foi who reside near the junction of the Mubi and Kikori rivers. Most members of the Foi population inhabit the banks of the middle reaches of the Mubi...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - G


Journal of the Polynesian Society 85:27-69.. With enemy groups often less than an hour's walk away, land outside of the garden areas was often contested. 'Nama Cult of the Central High- lands, New Guinea.". 'Cultures of the Central High-. The Gainj live in the Takwi Valley of the West- em Schrader Range in Papua New Guinea's Madang Prov-. On the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - H,I


Hawaiians are the indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands. homeland, they are the descendants of Eastern Polynesians who originated in the Marquesas Islands. is that of the largest island in the chain. refer to the aboriginal people of the archipelago because the first Western visitors anchored at that island and interacted predominantly with Hawai'i Island chiefs.. Rainfall and soil fertility...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - K


is the collective designation of four closely related horticul- turalist groups who live in the rain forest of the Great Papuan Plateau. meters, in the drainage of the Isawa and Bifo rivers. in the precontact years, but the 1940s brought epidemics of measles and influenza, which devastated many of the groups.. larly with the Sonia to the west and the...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - L


at the center of the Lak electorate, lies roughly at 1530 E, 4°30' S. The northern border of the Lak area is marked roughly by the Mimias River and the beginning of the Susu-. There are no reliable estimates of the. Lak is a member of the Patpatar- Tolai Subgroup of Austronesian languages. Use of the vernacular is. Two members...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - M


In 1982 the population of the islands was approximately 22,100. The Lineage System of the Mae Enga of New Guinea. It is probably similar to that of the linguistically related Tauade (Goilala).. Other members of the extended family may also join the household. Decision making within communities is done cooperatively by the amidi of the clans in the community and...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - N


In general the idea of the dwelling place of the dead was not im- portant to the Muyu. Far more significant was, and is, the idea that the spirits continue to play an important part in the daily lives of the living. is a term used to designate both the region and its inhabitants by the people who live in...

Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 2 - Oceania - O


'Changing Patterns of Marriage and Migration on Namoluk Atoll.". "Political Change: An Outer Island Perspective.". Ontong Java. Ontong Java is a coral atoll in the Solo- mon Islands and is one of the so-called Polynesian outliers, a number of islands and atolls located outside of the Polyne- sian triangle that are inhabited by people who are Polyne- sian in their...