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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 1


Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value – an Overview. 1.1 Old-Growth Forest Perception. Most of us, scientists and laymen alike, are deeply fascinated by old-growth forest.. However, let us hear a different view on old-growth forests:. The man who wrote these lines in the eighteenth century was the famous French scientist Comte de Buffon, author of the multi-volume book Histoire...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 2


Old-Growth Forest Definitions:. Many of us possess an archetype of old-growth forest appearance. Section 2.2 reviews existing attempts to define old-growth forest and discusses their merits and problems. Subsequent sections are devoted to the more applied aspects of old-growth forest definitions and their implications. 2.3 presents a literature analysis con- ducted to understand how the term ‘old-growth’ is actually used...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 3


Old Trees and the Meaning of ‘Old’. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume), it is fair to say that many old-growth forests contain a high number of trees close to their maximum longevity. 5 by Wirth et al., this volume). It will be shown that the concept of death is problematic in the context of clonal plants, and that...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 4


Wirth et al. Especially for trees growing at high elevation, Wieser et al. Luyssaert et al. At the end of the chapter we will return to the reduction of photosynthesis in the context of community composition, as late-successional species may show an imperfect acclimatisation to full sunlight.. The basic assumption of the hydraulic limitation hypothesis (HLH) is that, as trees...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 5


Old-Growth Forest Carbon Balances – Insights From a Trait-Based Model of Forest Dynamics. Succession is the process that eventually transforms a young forest into an old- growth forest. West et al. Pacala et al. Badeck et al. Hickler et al. Purves et al. Pacala et al.. Wright et al. 14 by Lichstein et al., this volume). This is especially true...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 6


Old-Growth Forest Canopies, Understorey Light and Vegetation Dynamics. Old-growth forests are characterised by the presence of old trees ( >. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume). 6.2 Structural and Compositional Features of Old-Growth. 2 (Wirth et al.) 10 (Bauhus), 13 (Grace and Meir), and 19 (Frank et al. Old-growth forests generally have. Wirth et al. Contrary to popular belief,...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 7


of Old-Growth Forests: Processes and Pattern. Through these functions, forests act as substantial sinks for carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Wofsy et al. Janssens et al. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume) the question arises whether these characteristics also result in differences in the biosphere atmosphere exchange of carbon, water, and energy of old-growth forests.. Fluxes of scalars such...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 8


Woody Detritus Mass and its Contribution to Carbon Dynamics of Old-Growth. Woody detritus is an important component of forested ecosystems. Woody detritus also plays an important role in controlling carbon dynamics of forests during succession.. Woody detritus takes many forms. Coarse woody detritus (CWD) exceeds these diameters (usually >. Woody detritus is present in the form of roots, stumps, branches...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 9


Aboveground and Belowground Consequences of Long-Term Forest Retrogression in the Timeframe of Millennia and Beyond. 21, by Wirth, this volume), but where it occurs, the decline is usually apparent in the order of decades to centuries following forest stand development (Gower et al. 7 by Kutsch et al., this volume). Gower et al.. Magnani et al. Ryan et al. For...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 10


Rooting Patterns of Old-Growth Forests:. Franklin et al. Torsvik et al. 11 by Gleixner et al., this volume). Many of the attributes and values of old-growth forests are related to their aboveground structural diversity (McElhinny et al. Wirth et al. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume). Therefore, gaps are an important feature of old-growth forests. Emborg et al. Many...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 11


Soil Carbon Accumulation in Old-Growth Forests. 11.1 Introduction. This chapter will summarise current knowledge regarding soil carbon storage, identifying factors that might affect soil carbon storage in old-growth forests. 11.2 Development of Soil Carbon Stocks in Ecosystems. In the long term, accumulation of soil carbon during ecosystem development is driven by the input, decomposition and output of plant-derived carbon. In...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 12


Is There a Theoretical Limit to Soil Carbon Storage in Old-Growth Forests? A Model Analysis with Contrasting Approaches. 12.1 Introduction. Apart from the intrinsic worth that nature and forests have due merely to their existence, old-growth forests have always provided a number of additional values through their function as regulators of the water cycle, repositories of genetic and structural biodiversity...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 13


Old-Growth Forests in the Canadian Boreal:. Wirth et al. One important consequence of the variability in fire frequency in the boreal zone is the amount of forests that can reach the status of old-growth forests between fire events. As the time needed to reach old-growth is difficult to define (see Chap. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume), we adopt...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 14


14.1 Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration. Little old-growth forest remains on productive land in the United States (US). Considerable controversy has arisen over the fate of the remaining old-growth in the Pacific Northwest (Thomas et al. Where possible, we compared late-successional FIA biomass estimates to old-growth biomass estimates in the literature.. 14.2 Mechanisms of Biomass Decline. 14.2.3 and cf. 14.2.1...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 15


15.1 Introduction. Countries in the northern hemisphere are responsible for the emission of most of the 6.5 Gt carbon (C) produced from fossil fuels annually by humankind. Thus, unman- aged forests may be an important component of the northern hemisphere terrestrial carbon sink (Luyssaert et al. However, the national reporting and accounting of carbon stocks that is submitted to the...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 16


Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of South America: Conservation,. Defining old-growth forests (Chap. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume) must consider both technical and cultural issues. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume). Armesto et al. Veblen et al. Neira et al. Wirth et al. Armesto et al.. 400 m), between 41 and 43 S (Veblen et al. In some cases...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 17


2 by Wirth et al., this volume), including mixed ages and species, and large amounts of standing and downed deadwood in all stages of decay. This is known from artefacts and charcoal found in the soil (Gomez-Pompa et al. These forests occupy some 12% of the terrestrial surface. they contain 55% of the biomass. they are thought to hold over...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 18


Since the early 1990s, changes in forest area can be measured with confidence from space from the global to the regional scale (Mollicone et al. During the 1990s, rates of forest- cover change were much higher in the tropics than in other parts of the world. In addition to reviewing the results from Earth observation studies, this chapter presents a...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 19


Impacts of Land Use on Habitat Functions of Old-Growth Forests and their Biodiversity. While this book has a clear focus on the biogeochemical function of old-growth forest, the pivotal role of old-growth forests in the conservation of biodiversity has been a recurring theme in several chapters [e.g. It is because of their function of habitat provision that non-governmental organisations all...

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 20


Old-Growth Forests in the Context of International Environmental Agreements. 20.1 Introduction. Forests are included in several political negotiations and legal documents under the United Nations (UN). This chapter focusses on the three most relevant and dynamic UN political processes in the context of old-growth forests: The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diver- sity (CBD),...