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9.Pull out single layer to make symetrical.. 11.Valley up.. 14.Pull one layer through. 15.Valley folds.. 17.Swing down. 22.Swing over. 24.Swing up.. 27.Valley outwards.. 26.Swing down.. 29.Valley along precrease. 30.Valley down point, while swinging out top single layer.. 33.Pull up edge B, so that it is parallel with the base of model.. 32.Pull up the thick set of layers 31.Swing over...

Nghệ thuật xếp hình của Nhật Bản


2] More precreases. 3] More precreases.. 11] Fold flap in half. 12] Fold in half again.. Bisect top layer.. 17] Flip over.. 19] Flip over.. 20] Fold flap over.. 22] FOld in half.. 23] Flip over. 24] Fold tip down while spreading top layer.



Az élhez felhajtunk, majd vissza.. Fold up to the crease and unfold.. Felhajtjuk a sarkot az új élhez, majd vissza.. Fold the corner up to the new crease and unfold.. Oda-visszahajtás ismét.. Fold and unfold again.. Hajtsunk az új élhez.. Fold to the new crease.. Oda-visszahajtás.. Fold and unfold.. Felhajtunk az új élig.. Fold up to the new crease.. Model:...



Valley fold the sides into the center, while folding over 1 flap over the other of the water bomb base.. Mountain fold the flap inside of the model upwards so that the open part of the flap is on the top. Fold the top flap back. Squash fold the flap as shown to the center.. Petal fold the flap up.....



Other constellations are possible too, as shown in the diagrams at the end.. 7 Normal unit 8 Stop unit (mind flaps). 10 Couple 4 units like this. 11 Bend units as shown. to lock firmly 12 Couple units to this two by two to make a garland. Use stop unit at the ends.. 6 unit rings and 2 unit rings.....



Flip over.. 4] Collapse on existing creases.. 5] Valley fold single ply and turn tip inside out. You will have to partially unfold model to do this.. 9] Swing hose back up.. 10] Repeat steps 6 - 10. The bottom mountain is new.. The other three folds are existing creases.. 18] Unfold panel. 19] Flip over.. The inside will resemble...



GearwheelMaarten van Gelder 1990 Aug One gearwheel is constructed from several segments. One sheet of paper per segment. The segments are put together by slitting the last tooth of each segment in the first tooth of the next segment. By this overlap you loose teeth, but it will fix the gearwheel. Divide the paper horizontally and vertically in 8, 16,...



by Herman van Goubergen. The distances around the edges of the paper are measured in units of 1/40th of the side of the square.. Measure the correct position for the long folds and draw them on the back of the paper before folding.. Where the long pleats cross,. After this stage (or after stage 4) it is a good idea...



Cutting “dollar” rectanges from a square. It more closely approximates (at 2.427:1) the dollar’s true proportions (2.436:1) than a 3-by-7 rectangle (2.333), and is more convenient too.. A square and an 8.5” x 11” rectangle are shown.. Bisect and unfold, marking only at the right edge.. Valley-crease where mark hits right edge. With an 8.5” x 11” sheet, valley- crease...

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Fire Lizard


Thin the neck down by folding over the flap to the upper edge of the neck, while at the same time folding back the flap to the point where the center hump meets the edge of the wing. Mountain fold the base of the neck inside of itsself with out folding the out side flap that makes up the front...

Some folds and puzzles using paper_Origami Fun


Here are some folds &. works with other rectangles - the bigger the louder!. works with ordinary foil - you don't have to start smoking!. This design was folded by a barman in Cyprus!. design was discovered by 11 year old Julien Correia.. Here are some folding puzzles to get your brain and fingers working!. Don't forget there are no...

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Cách chọn thực phẩm an toàn ngày Tết


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