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Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 2


Some of the newest high-end digital SlR cameras capture 14-bit images, which means nearly 4.4 trillion color choices . Thirty-two-bit files are starting to emerge and can be created using Photoshop’s Merge to hDR, which we’ll cover in Chapter 8. you can use the additional tonal values as you make adjustments to the image. in other words, as you tweak...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 3


But the extent of the exposure corrections you’ll be able to make will be less because you’ll have only an 8-bit image to work with, and extensive Photoshop corrections may result in posterization or noise. if you make large prints and want the best images you can get, RaW is without a doubt the way to go.. See whether you...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 4


Figure 1.9 A histogram for this shade of purple, which has RGB values of shows that the luminosity histogram has a single line at 60, whereas the RGB histogram is composed of three lines, one at 0, one at 132, and one at 189.. however, some of the newer models offer a choice. The histogram just reflects the tones in...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 5


Of course, if you are shooting a silhouette, a spike at the left side of the his- togram indicating black for the silhouette is acceptable, while any specular highlights may be fine as pure white. We expect those areas to be pure white without detail.) But for most images, in order to capture detail in both the shadows and the...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 6


Figure 1.19 The white balance here was accidentally set to Tungsten. if you’ve ever gotten up before dawn to go out and photograph in the beauti- ful, warm, early-morning light, you know that nature photographers aren’t always seeking to make neutrally colored images. This is one of the reasons we prefer to shoot in raw mode. we don’t have to...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 7


how many times have you looked up and commented on the great clouds or beautiful sunset but not taken the picture because foreground elements were missing? Or the opposite—you found a great subject, perhaps a bird posing wonderfully or a gorgeous scene, but the sky or background was completely blah? Or you could tell there was just too much contrast...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 8


One of the main disadvantages of lightroom, in our opinion, is the need to change modules depending on what task you’re doing. That makes the initial edit through your images slower.. if you opt to adopt aperture or lightroom as the basis of your workflow, you’ll find that you make many or all the global exposure and color changes we...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 9


After you’re done photographing, you need an easy way to get your images from the memory cards onto your computer and to see how the pictures look. Adobe Bridge, a stand-alone application that comes with Photoshop and Elements, and Organizer in the PC version of Elements, have a lot of features to help with this task. it’s used not only...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 10


Advanced This section (shown in Figure 2.10) contains several settings. Figure 2.10 The Advanced section of the Bridge Preferences contains a number of additional settings.. Software rendering can be helpful for those with older computers and/or lesser graph- ics cards whose hardware can’t take advantage of some of the features in Bridge. For those with better graphics cards and newer...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 11


The text box to the right will prompt you to type text. We recommend using the Preserved Filename, which is available as one of the options when you click the drop-down menu in each line because it creates a distinct filename for each image.. You’ll see a preview of your new name at the lower right.. Under options, if you...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 12


Further, any panel in Bridge can be positioned in any pod by clicking the tab at the top of the panel and dragging it to the desired location. By doing this you could place the filmstrip on the left and the folders on the right, or create any other configuration that suits your needs.. When initially viewing images, we usually...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 13


Create stacks, rearrange the files in them to change the one that appears on top, drag images in and out of the stack, and so on. We think you’ll like this feature once you get comfortable with it.. But as you’ve probably noticed, images seem to accumulate quickly, and keeping them organized can be a bit of a chore, especially...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 14


Then click the icon. To remove an image from a Collection, right-click/Control-click on the thumbnail in the Content panel and choose remove from Collection.. By clicking the refine icon and choosing review, you can view all the images currently visible in the Content panel in a full-screen Preview-only mode. arrow, you can delete images from view. Click the icon to...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 15


To access Mini Bridge, click the Mini Bridge icon . You can expand the length or width of the panel by hovering the cursor over the edge until it becomes a double-edged arrow. Figure 2.41 A lot of options are available from the icons in Mini Bridge.. Click the Panel view icon to choose to view the navigation pod, the...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 16


We’ll show you how to use ACR to adjust your images so that you’re starting with the best possible files!. Using the ACR Interface. You can choose to make only basic corrections to your image or per- form some quite sophisticated adjustments, including targeted adjustments. The one that came with your camera may be able to take advantage of some...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 17


Using the Spot Removal Tool. The spot removal tool is similar to the Clone and healing brush tools in Pho- toshop, although not quite as powerful. Unfortunately, since retouching in ACr is limited to circular spots, it is not well suited for object removal. if you are using a smart object–based flexible workflow (see Chapter 5), it’s helpful to do...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 18


if you later change your mind, you can click reset Camera raw defaults.. Using the Basic Tab. whether or not you choose to use the Auto settings as your default, chances are that you will often want to make some tonal and color adjustments to your images. The ability to easily make subtle tweaks, as well as major corrections, to...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 19


Note: If you overexposed or underexposed the image to the point that you didn’t capture some of the highlight or shadow data, the Recovery and Fill Light sliders will not be able to recover it. But if you were able to capture it on the sensor, then the Recovery slider will reveal it. Remember that the sensor contains more information...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 20


Although this noise is most common in the darker tonalities, it can also sometimes be seen as green and magenta blobs in areas that should be neu- tral gray and as rainbow artifacts in the highlights. view of the areas demonstrating problems with noise, and move the sliders to reduce the color variations. higher settings will retain more color detail...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 21


when you have adjusted the image in a way that you’d like to keep, go to the snapshot tab and use the snapshot icon to create a snapshot of the image looking this way. That way you can further modify the image any way that you like. To return the image to the snapshot, open the snapshot tab and click...