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Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 42


the Curves adjustment in photoshop has a reputation for being one of the most difficult controls to master. simply put, you can con- centrate contrast or brightness modifications in certain tonal ranges. As with levels, you can accomplish similar effects within ACr, but the Curves tool in photoshop has some features that make it more convenient.. of course, at first...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 43


Tr y It! To start getting more comfortable with Curves, open the image Curves at www.sybex .com/go/photoshopnature and make some adjustments, starting with a simple S curve adjust- ment and then working to fine-tune the overall tonality to your liking.. Another tool that you can use to create a layer mask is the gradient tool. this allows you to place...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 44


then you can start over.. Tr y It! To practice dodging and burning, open the image DodgeBurn from www.sybex.com/. The Shadows/Highlights Adjustment. the shadows/highlights adjustment is an excellent way to reveal subtle detail in the shadow and/or highlight areas of your images. Although you could theoretically produce similar results with sophisticated use of Curves, the shadows/highlights adjustment is far easier...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 45


Chapter Contents Recognizing Color Casts Removing Color Casts Adding a Color Cast. At other times you may not even be aware there is a color cast until you do some checking. there are several ways to detect a color cast.. Using Hue/Saturation to Reveal a Color Cast. An easy way to identify a color cast is to open a temporary...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 46


the lovely warm (yellow/red) quality it imparts to their subjects as opposed to the more neutral or cooler light that may occur in the middle of the day.. Removing Color Casts. there are a number of different approaches to removing color casts. Note: If while you are shooting you know that you will want to make sure the colors are...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 47


to remove the little circles with the numbers by them, reselect the Color sam- pler tool, and hold down the Alt/option key. this toggles the visibility of the color samples. simply hiding them can be a time-saver if there is any possibility that you might want to modify your color-cast adjustments.. Tr y It! Open the image named Colorcast3 on...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 48


Figure 7.16 Selective Color was used to improve the shade of blue in the sky by making it slightly warmer.. to add a little extra “pop” to your pictures, select Black as your target color, and then increase the percentage of Black by a small amount, such as 2. You can use selective Color to remove some stubborn color casts...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 49


the advent of the digital darkroom freed photographers from being tied to the con- straints of any one particular camera format, whether it is 35mm, medium format, or some other format. An added benefit of stitching together several frames is that the larger file you create enables you to make prints that are substantially larger and more detailed than you...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 50


We had to choose to give up detail in the highlights, the shadows, or both. photo- shop enables us to combine several images of the same subject, taken using different exposures, to retain detail in the highlights and shadows while simultaneously having the midtones properly exposed. the other takes full advantage of the completely revised and impressive HDR tool in...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 51


Expanding Latitude via Merge to HDR Pro. photoshop Cs5 dramatically overhauled and improved the merge to HDR feature.. merge to HDR pro is a tool to combine multiple exposures (ideally three to seven exposures of the identical subject, although technically you can use it with two images) into one 32-bit image.. Using 32-bit enables the image to have a greatly...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 52


Tr y It! Open the images from www.sybex.com/go/photoshopnature called HDR1, HDR2, and HDR3, and experiment with creating a 32­bit file and then converting it back to a 16­bit file.. Extending the Depth of Field. nature photographers sometimes encounter situations where we want to maximize our depth of field (the range of apparently sharp focus within an image) but we encounter...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 53


the image in Figure 8.17 has impact, but it’s a composite and needs to be presented as such.. it’s essential to make good selections when creating composites. Figure 8.17 Images like this can often be confused with “lucky” shots and ethically must be presented as composites.. Chapter 4, “Foundations,” covered some of the basic selection tools, but when you make...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 54


Experiment with different combinations of the Red, Green, and Blue channels (such as a value of 100 for Red and 0 for Green and Blue to let you just see the Red channel). Use your favorite selection technique, such as the Magic Wand or Quick Selection tool, to select the part of the image you wish to be selected.. Click...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 55


Chapter Contents Black and White Painterly Images Filters. Black and White. some images lend themselves to black and white, to say nothing of the fact that right now black-and-white images are very popular. in fact, there is a timeless quality to many black-and-white prints.. Converting to Black and White. Digital sensors capture images in color, but there are a variety...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 56


For Photoshop Elements Users: Converting to Black and White. Photoshop Elements has its own Convert to Black and White tool, which works similarly to the Channel Mixer. Convert to Black and White.. At the bottom of the dialog, you will find various presets on the left and sliders on the right to adjust the amount that each channel contributes to...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 57


Note: You can create customized brush tips to use when painting by going to Window >. Brush and click- ing one of the preset bristle tips as shown here. A Bristle Qualities dialog appears in which you can specify the various parameters of the bristle tip. some of the filters correct problems in the image such as vignetting or pin...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 58


You may want to explore other blurs, such as smart blurs, motion blurs, and zoom blurs as well.. they’re quite useful when you want to blur a section of your image. However, it’s important to remember that if you make a selection of the area you want to blur, a Gaussian blur considers that selection a general guideline, but not...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 59


if you just want to return to the original state, choose revert. When you have achieved the desired effect, if you’re working on a full- resolution image, you can simply click Ok to apply your work to the picture. if you are using a small-file version of your image as we suggested at the start of this section, click save...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 60


another reason is that if you didn’t think of using a particular image as part of a mon- tage while you were in the field, it doesn’t matter. You can make several versions of the same file in Photoshop. and in Photoshop, you can go further and combine numerous images in a variety of ways.. Blending Modes. Before proceeding with...

Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 61


if you have elected to rotate your image 90°, chances are you will want to crop and use the center square formed by the overlap of the two images.. sometimes you can repeat the process and copy the montage, rotate, or flip it and blend it to create a virtual kaleidoscope (figure 9.32).. Figure 9.32 All sorts of abstract designs—even...