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Matthias Doepke - Marcroeconomics - Chapter 13


13.1 General Analysis of Taxation. Assume that the household take some observed action a in A (this discussion generalizes to the case when a is a vector of choices). For example, a could be hours worked, number of windows in one’s house, or the number of luxury yachts the household owns (or, if. The government announces a tax policy H...

Matthias Doepke - Marcroeconomics - Chapter 14


Up to this point we have assumed that the government must pay for all its spending each period. In this chapter we will continue to ignore the price level and the ability of the government to raise revenue by printing money, so we will not be able to consider inflation directly.. We will begin by considering the government budget deficit...

Matthias Doepke - Marcroeconomics - Chapter 15,16


Comparative Advantage and Trade. Economists use the terms absolute advantage and comparative advantage in discussing such issues.. For example, in producing a good that requires labor only, the worker who can make a unit of the good in the least amount of time has an absolute advantage in the pro- duction of that good. The United States has an absolute...