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Chủ đề : Lưu trữ thông tin

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Chương IV: Thu thập, bổ sung tài liệu vào lưu trữ


THU TH P, B SUNG T Ậ Ổ ÀI LI U Ệ VÀO L U TR Ư Ữ. THU TH P, B SUNG TÀI LI UVÀO L U TR Ậ Ổ Ệ Ư Ữ. Khái ni m, m c đích, n i dung, nguyên t c ệ ụ ộ ắ thu th p b sung TLLT ậ ổ. Các n...

Đề tài thực tập tốt nghiệp: Quản lý thư viện trường Open University


Đ TÀI TH C T P T T NGHI P Ề Ự Ậ Ố Ệ QU N LÝ TH VI N Ả Ư Ệ. Phân tích các ch c năng c a h th ng ứ ủ ệ ố. Thi t k h th ng ế ế ệ ố. H th ng th vi n hi n nay ệ ố...

Tổng diện tích mạng P1


The Information Age. On the information superhighway there will be few speed limits and no turning back. The way in which information is generated, stored, transmitted and processed is changing in a way that will revolutionise many people’s work practices in the not too distant future. The end of the 20th century will be recognised as the dawn of the...

Tổng diện tích mạng P2


It was not very long ago that users of the UK postal system had a choice of postboxes, one marked ‘local’, the other ‘national’. In broad terms, the nature of the evolution will be similar—less reliance on user knowledge, more intelligence embedded in the network.. We build up here a picture of what users are likely to require, and go...

Tổng diện tích mạng P3


Frame Relay. As a mature product of the ‘analogue era’, it is a complex protocol.. In particular, Frame Relay has its roots in the Integrated Services Digital Network, the ISDN (Griffiths 1992).. The ISDN is the latest step in the evolution of the PSTN. As Figure 3.1 shows, one of the distinctive features of the ISDN is that the user...

Tổng diện tích mạng P4


SMDS, the brainchild of Bellcore, the research arm of the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) in the USA, has been developed to meet these needs.. But, it also has a foot firmly in the public telecommunications culture in that it uses the standard ISDN global numbering scheme, E.164, and it provides a well-defined service with point-of-entry policing—the SMDS access path...

Tổng diện tích mạng P5


Section 5.1 gives a general overview of the key features of ATM with an explanation of the underlying principles. Figure 5.2 Cell switching. Indeed, as we shall see, one of the features of ATM is that the nature of the two channels forming a connection (one for each direction of transmission) can be configured independently.. Because of the statistical nature...

Tổng diện tích mạng P6


A Telecommunications View of the Total Area Network. Each of these switching techniques and technologies provides additional flexibility in the range of services that can be offered to the user, and in the way that distance is perceived, or preferably not perceived. One of the increasing important factors shaping developments in telecom- munications networks and services is competition. It is...

Tổng diện tích mạng P7


A Computing View of the Total Area Network. One of the hottest frontiers in technology is for software that will enable people to co-operate across national and economic frontiers. Despite having no first-hand experience of the act, the authors have been assured by many friends and colleagues that there is more than one way of skinning a cat. The main...

Tổng diện tích mạng P8


Network Management. We build a picture of the general aims that have to be addressed before this can be achieved. Finally we outline the fast-maturing network management systems so essential for coping with the volumes of data and speed of reaction required by users.. The users of a network, however, are not interested in the individual elements of the network....

Tổng diện tích mạng P9


Survival in the Information Jungle. People always overestimate what will be possible in the next two years. and underestimate what will be possible in the next ten. Anyone reaching this part of the book will have picked up a lot of information about new network technologies and the role they promise to play in the information age. There are yet...



L U TR THÔNG TIN Ư Ữ 1.1. Nguyên t c l u tr thông tin ắ ư ữ. Sau khi x lý hình th c, n i dung tài li u (mô t th m c, phân ử ứ ộ ệ ả ư ụ lo i, đánh ch s , làm tóm t t…) ph i l u tr...



THUẬT TOÁN. THUẬT TOÁN TRÊN CẤU TRÚC CÂY. sắp xếp (sorting. tìm kiếm (searching. Phân tích thuật toán. Sắp xếp (Sorting). Các thuật toán sắp xếp cơ bản. Shellsort - Sắp xếp. Đây là những thuật toán sắp xếp đơn giản, dễ cài đặt.. Sắp xếp con trỏ. Sắp xếp chia 4. Sử dụng thuật toán sắp xếp chèn với...

Bài tiểu luận: Thuật toán vector khoảng cách


Đ c đi m c a thu t toán vector kho ng cách ặ ể ủ ậ ả. M i nút tính kho ng cách gi a nó và t t c các ỗ ả ữ ấ ả nút khác trong h th ng t ch và l u tr thông tin ệ ố ự ủ ư ữ này trong...

Báo cáo môn UML " quản lý nhân khẩu cấp xã "


H th ng có giao di n ng ệ ố ệ ườ i dùng thân thi n, d s d ng. ổ ủ ộ - S a nhân kh u. Sau khi ng ườ i dùng đăng nh p thành công . Ng ườ i dùng ch n thêm m i s h kh u. Ng ườ i dùng nh...