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History of Economic Analysis part 100


Meanwhile I am content to point out that measures of the kind envisaged by Marshall come within the range of any reasonable definition of planning.. Three leaders, von Wieser, Pareto, and Barone, who were completely out of sympathy with socialism, created what is to all intents and purposes the pure theory of the socialist economy, and thus rendered a service...

History of Economic Analysis part 101


this universal interdependence was demonstrated by numerous investigations into the theory of joint and composite demand and supply and of the values of related commodities in general which produced some of the most illuminating passages of Book V of the Principles and which were further developed by Edgeworth. In fact, it stands to reason that the comprehensive but gaunt and...

History of Economic Analysis part 102


Now we ask: do these conditions suffice to determine values of these variables? This, to repeat, is the question of the ‘existence,’ in the mathematical sense, of a set of values that will satisfy the conditions. All he claimed was that solutions exist normally and that, if the commodities in the market are numerous, there will in general be a...

History of Economic Analysis part 103


[(e) The Introduction of Capital Formation and of Money.]. The rest of this section may be cast into the form of an answer to the question how the fundamental schema of consumers’ and producers’ behavior is affected—or possibly upset—by the introduction of capital formation and of money. Though both subjects have been touched upon in the preceding chapter and will...

History of Economic Analysis part 104


Under these conditions the practical value of the final result, at which we arrive nevertheless, is no doubt much reduced. It reads: both for a numéraire and for a money economy, Walras’ system of the economic process is determined and stable, though he did not quite succeed in proving this rigorously. for a process which is stationary except for positive...

History of Economic Analysis part 105


tion, as the second of the two descriptive functions that I have called the two pillars of the classic theory of that time. If we wish to define marginal productivity of a service as the partial derivative of the production function with respect to the quantity of that service, we must, as has been pointed out already, assume first of...

History of Economic Analysis part 106


514n.)—I suppose, in order to make these more realistic—in spite of the fact that he thereby destroyed their reversibility and rendered them useless for the purposes of static theory:. they really represent pieces of economic history in the form of diagrams. 52 At any rate it is understandable that both the leads given by Marshall and the loose ends left...

History of Economic Analysis part 107


‘subjective’ or ‘modern’ theory of value before long. In order to convey the essentials of a story that cannot be told satisfactorily in the space at our command, we shall confine ourselves to a minimum of names and reduce to a sequence of logical steps what actually was a sequence of controversies, which were sometimes as acrimonious as they were...

History of Economic Analysis part 108


on with Allen and Hicks—indifference curves were the starting points of the analysis;. But they are just as independent of the particular index function chosen as they are of the particular form of the cardinal utility function, being uniquely determined by the scale of preferences. This suggests the idea of doing also without index functions, especially because they give rise...

History of Economic Analysis part 109


Scientific analysis had little if anything to do with the ‘discovery.’ There are, however, a number of critical interpretations of the exchange standard by scientific economists of which it must suffice to mention: L.von Mises, ‘The Foreign-Exchange Policy of the Austro-Hungarian Bank,’ Economic Journal, June 1909;. C.A.Conant, ‘The Gold-Exchange Standard,’ Economic Journal, June 1909. and a series of important papers...

History of Economic Analysis part 110


11 In trying to do justice to it we meet with the same difficulty that confronted us when we were trying to define his place in the history of general theory. Wieser’s spacious vision of the monetary phenomenon is not adequately rendered by calling him a sponsor of the ‘income-approach’ 12 or a sponsor of the consumption standard. It comprised...

History of Economic Analysis part 111


The so-called Equation of Exchange is certainly the simplest possible system of such aggregates that contain the value of money or the price level at all. And if the latter be the thing to be explained, the others drop naturally (though illogically) into the role of its ‘causes’—and the Equation of Exchange, in itself nothing but the statement of a...

History of Economic Analysis part 112


the chief progress of monetary theory in more recent times has been the result of a tendency to tear up the straitjackets and to introduce explicitly and directly all that the best presentations of the quantity theory relegated into the limbo of indirect influences.. In that period, more definitely than before, we find in the neighborhood of the quantity theorem...

History of Economic Analysis part 113


were other contributions toward a complete theory, especially, as we should expect, in the United States. 9 But it was not until 1924 that the theoretical job was done completely in a book by Hahn, and even then success was not immediate. 10 Among English leaders credit is due primarily to Professors Robertson and Pigou not only for having made...

History of Economic Analysis part 114


Speaking very roughly, we may associate this achievement—or a decisive share in this achievement—with ‘the work of Tugan-Baranowsky. 9 It is, however, only the emphasis upon the pivotal importance of that fact which constitutes the historical merit of the work. The outstanding work in the line under discussion is Arthur Spiethoff’s. 8 Walras, it is interesting to note, treated as...

History of Economic Analysis part 115


PLAN OF THE PART. The surveys presented in the three preceding Parts were indeed far from complete. So far as scientific economics in the usual sense is concerned, no significant man or work or movement was left out—not intentionally, at least—and I have done what I could do within this volume to touch upon the more important framework and frontier...

History of Economic Analysis part 116


The fundamental independence from war influences of the developments that brought about a new period of economic analysis can be easily established by listing them. It is these four—obviously interdependent—aspects of contemporaneous work that will be discussed in the chapters that are to follow. The rest of this chapter will be devoted to the discussion of a matter of ‘atmosphere.’....

History of Economic Analysis part 117


And in addition, the disturbing effects of the general conditions then prevailing upon research and study must be taken into account. However, though less so than in the field of the physical sciences, the bulk of professional work went on. The author tells us in the preface that his manuscript had been completed in December 1935. In consequence the economic...

History of Economic Analysis part 118


‘business cycle research without theory,’ which flared up occasionally, was of a nature similar to the one that arose about the work of Mitchell and the National Bureau of Economic Research and will hence be touched upon together with the latter.. The importance of the work of Wesley Clair Mitchell and the National Bureau of Economic Research, which he led...

History of Economic Analysis part 119


hypothesis, perhaps permissible in the very short run, that it is uniquely determined by national income. ‘psychological laws’: 10 the consumption function, the investment function, and the liquidity-preference function, the three great simplifiers, which are to implement Keynes’s vision of the economic process, in particular the intention to prove the existence of underemployment equilibria and, to put it with perhaps...