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History of Economic Analysis part 120


There is another way of indicating the relative importance in the whole work of the introduction and the conclusion, namely, by comparing the relative amount of space allotted to them with the total. Had the History been completed, there might have been 2000 typed pages, of which the introduction would have occupied a little more than 100 pages or 5...

History of Economic Analysis part 121


Clipped to the first of these pages was a sheet of shorthand notes with the comment ‘Ch. There was a ‘Chapter II: The Political and Intellectual Scenery,’ a few pages of which were used in the final version of Chapter 3. there was a ‘Chapter III: Scope and Method,’ a few pages of which were used in the final version...

History of Economic Analysis part 122


Mill, James, Elements of Political Economy, 1st ed., London, 1821.. 1821, Everyman’s Library ed., London and New York, 1912, reprinted 1917.. 1938], New York, 1940.. 1854], New York, 1878.. Seligman, Edwin R.A., Essays in Economics, New York, 1925.. Sempere y Guarinos, Juan, ed., Biblioteca española economico-politica (4 vols. by Edwin Cannan from text of 5th ed., Modern Library, New York....

History of Economic Analysis part 123


‘completing’ and ‘competing’ commodities, 996;. Funkhouser, H.G., and Walker, Helen M., 526 Fuoco, Francesco, 511. Hutcheson, Francis, 127f Hutchins, B.L., and A.Harrison, 272, 401

History of Economic Analysis part 124


and Mill’s, 570;. on Smith’s, 307–8;. on Jevons’ and Austrians’, 920–24;. and Galiani’s, 301;. and Say’s, Senior’s, Ricardo’s, Marshall’s, 569–70;. compromise between Ricardo’s and Say’s, 530;. and Ricardo’s, 603, 604;

History of Economic Analysis part 125


monetary theory, 216, 234;. and Cantillon . value theory . life sketch, 224–5;. on agriculture, 229–30;. on laissez-faire, 230–31;. and utilitarianism, 233;. perfect competition in, 233;. wage theory . interest theory, 234;. capital theory . rent theory, 238;. and Ricardo, 569;. Ricardo, David, and utilitarianism, 408, 471;. life sketch, 470;. analysis as a detour n;. Say’s Law and, 621, 625...

History of Economic Analysis part 126


as Senior of neo-classical period, 758;. See also Capital, Theories of;. See also Aggregate Demand Function, Keynesian System, Macroanalysis. See also Austrian School, Distribution, Theory of;. Bank of England, and land bank schemes, 295–6 In classical period, 690–2:. analysis in neo-classical period, 1110–17 Commercial bill theory of, 718n:. adherence to in neo-classical period, 1111–13;. See also Central Banking Barter, equilibrium...

History of Economic Analysis part 127


Tooke’s and Overstone’s new impetus to . Marx on, 652, 740n In neo-classical period, 1123–35:. Pigou’s work, 1164;. Harvard Committee’s work, 1165–6;. See also Business Cycle Theories, General Gluts Business Cycle Theories, debt-deflation theory, 1122. Disproportionality theory of crises:. and explanation of ‘Great Depression,’ 760;. ‘Overproduction’ theory of crises Random-disturbance theories, 741. Malthus’ as oversaving type, 740;. See also Business...

History of Economic Analysis part 128


See also Business Cycle Analysis;. See also Economic Laws;. Economic Development, in neo-classical period, 759–60;. Malthus’ as hitchbound In classical analysis, 570–74:. in neo-classical period, 892–3;. in classical economists, 537;. See also Economic Analysis Economic Man n. in neo-classical period . See also Classes, Social;. See also Economic Analysis Economic Thought Economics, applied fields of, 22–4;. in neo-classical period, 861–2....

History of Economic Analysis part 129


theory of classes, 440;. See also Utilitarianism. See also Liquidity Preference;. ‘philosophy’ in economics, 30–32;. See also Keynesian System Income Concepts, Graslin, 175;. See also Decreasing Costs. See also General Price Level Indifference Curve Analysis, Beccaria and, 179;. See also Capital, Theories of. see also Capital, Theories of:. Marx’s theory outlined, 649–50, see also Marxist System;. marginal product theory, 467,...