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Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 15: Gross Domestic Product


Gross Domestic Product. What is gross. domestic product?. GDP is the most widely reported measure of a nation’s economic. The market value of all final goods and. What is gross national product (GNP)?. GNP measures the market value of all final goods and services produced by a. What is an advantage of using GDP?. using dollars, rather than a list...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 16: Business Cycles and Unemployment


What is a. business cycle?. changes in real GDP. What is a peak?. The phase of the. business cycle during. which real GDP reaches its maximum after rising during a recovery. What is a recession?. business cycle during which real GDP. What is a trough?. business cycle in which real GDP reaches its. What is a recovery?. business cycle during...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 17: Inflation


What is inflation?. An increase in the. general (average) price level of goods and. services in the economy. What is deflation?. A decrease in the general (average) price level of. goods and services in the economy. What is the most widely reported. measure of inflation?. What is the. Consumer Price Index?. The CPI is an index that. measures changes in...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 18: The Keynesian Model


When were the ideas of the Classical. Depression of the 1930’s. What is Say’s Law?. The belief of the. Say’s Law say?. money to buy because of the wages they were paid. The Great Depression and the publication of The. What is the main. Disposable income. What is the. consumption function?. services at different levels of disposable income. What is...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 19: The Keynesian Model in Action


The Keynesian Model in Action. What is the purpose of this chapter?. Real GDP. Government Spending. Real Government spending Trillions of $ per year. Autonomous Government Spending. In the Keynesian model, the equilibrium is the. In the Keynesian model, where is the equilibrium. What can pull aggregate expenditures higher or. Aggregate expenditures. decrease in real GDP and employment?. What is...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 20: Aggregate Demand and Supply


What is the aggregate demand curve?. aggregate demand. Assuming fixed credit, an increase in the. price level translates through higher. A higher domestic price level makes U.S. decreasing real GDP. Real GDP. The Aggregate Demand Curve. shift in the aggregate demand curve?. Price Level(CPI). A Shift in the Aggregate Demand Curve. aggregate supply curve?. A horizontal supply curve. The Keynesian...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 21: Fiscal Policy


Fiscal Policy. What is a discretionary fiscal policy?. spending or taxes to alter aggregate demand and. expansionary fiscal policy?. Increase government spending. fiscal policy?. Decrease government spending. Real GDP. Government Spending to Combat a Recession. Increase in government. Increase in the aggregate. demand curve. Increase in the price level and the. real GDP. GDP increase by with an increase in....

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 22: The Public Sector


What is the purpose of this chapter?. Federal government expenditures. Government Expenditures . Corporate income taxes. Individual income taxes. people in the. Growth in Taxes in the U.S . Benefits received Ability to pay. What is the benefits received principle?. What is the ability to pay principle?. who have higher incomes can afford to pay a. regardless of the benefits....

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 23: Federal Deficits and the National Debt


Federal Deficits and the National Debt. What is the purpose of this chapter?. process that creates and finances our national debt. What are the four stages of the budget process?. What is the. national debt?. What has been done to curb the national debt?. The legislated legal limit on the national debt. What usually happens when the debt pushes. National...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 24: Money and the Federal Reserve System


Money and the Federal Reserve System. What is barter?. What is the problem with barter?. What is money?. store of value. What is the advantage of money?. The use of money. functions of money?. Store of value. What is a. The primary function of money to be widely. The function of money to provide a common. measurement of the. No,...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 25: Money Creation


deposits at the Fed. required reserves?. The minimum balance that the Fed requires a bank to hold in vault cash or on deposit. with the Fed. required reserve ratio?. deposits that the Fed. deposit with the Fed. excess reserves?. Potential loan balances held in vault cash or on deposit with the Fed in excess of required reserves. Note: The Fed...

Lecture Microeconomics - Chapter 28: International Trade and Finance


comparative advantage. What is. comparative advantage?. What is free trade?. What is protectionism?. What is an embargo?. What is a tariff?. What is a quota?. What is a recent free trade agreement?. What is NAFTA?. What is the. balance of payments?. current account?. The first section of the balance of payments, which includes trade in currently produced. balance of trade?....