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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P100


G., Shattuck, K., &. Sandford, R., &. T., Halverson, R., &. eLearning—back to the future.. A Survey of Competency Management Software Information Systems in the. One of the greatest surprises of the Internet economy is that far from replacing people, the use RIDGYDQFHGWHFKQRORJ\LVFRQ¿UPLQJWKDWWDOHQW is the most valuable asset in today’s organizations.. In this context, competency management (CM) software automation practices...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P1


University of Hull, UK. University of Tampere, Finland. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. University of Central Florida, USA. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, University of Tampere, Finland • 6-volume set • ISBN . Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications Craig Van Slyke, University of Central Florida, USA • 6-volume set • ISBN . Hamid Nemati, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P2


Roussaki, Ioanna \ National Technical University of Athens, Greece. University of Texas at Dallas, USA. Saha, Pallab \ National University of Singapore, Singapore. Sainio, Liisa-Maija \ Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Scacchi, Walt \ University of California, Irvine, USA. Seo, Dong Back \ University of Illinois, USA. Shan, Lee Moh \ National...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P3


Chapter 4.16. 1236 Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Hanna-Kaisa Ellonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Liisa-Maija Sainio, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Chapter 4.17. Chapter 4.18. 1276 Nir Kshetri, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Satya Jayadev, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Chapter 4.19. Chapter 4.20. Chapter 4.21. Ranganathan, University of Illinois, USA...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P4


Section Two, Development and Design Methodologies, contains in-depth coverage of conceptual architectures and frameworks, providing the reader with a comprehensive understanding of emerging theoretical and conceptual developments within the development and utilization of electronic business.. ³(%XVLQHVV3ODQQLQJDQG$QDO\VLV)UDPHZRUN´E\%HQ&OHJJDQG%RRQ7DQUHSRUWVRQDIUDPHZRUN that has been successfully used to analyze the e-business capabilities of an organization with a view to GHYHORSLQJWKHLUHFDSDELOLW\PDWXULW\OHYHOV³$&RQWH[W%DVHGDQG3ROLF\'ULYHQ0HWKRGWR'HVLJQ and Develop Composite Web Services,” by...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P5


As e-business business models and technologies develop, the supply chain dimension of e-business, called e-supply chain, has become one of the most discussed topics in the various industries (Kim et al., 2005. Based on a survey result of supply chain relationships in the IT industry, Gosain, et al. B2C e-commerce created many successful e-commerce startups with unique business models such...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P6


Some of the cybercrimes include QHWVSLRQDJHWKHIWRIFRQ¿GHQWLDOLQIRUPDWLRQHWKHIWFUHGLWFDUGIUDXGIUDXGXOHQWLQWHUQHWEDQNLQJ sites, cyber-terrorism, cyber-piracy, and viruses.. ¿JKWLQJF\EHUFULPHDUHOHJDORUJDQL]DWLRQDODQGWHFKQLFDO*LYHQWKHGLYHUVLW\RIFXOWXUDODQGEXVLQHVV practices in different regions of the world, business organizations and law enforcement agencies need to develop global cybercrime prevention and detection programs standards and a comprehensive ethics policy. Realization of RSHUDWLRQDODQGVWUDWHJLFEHQH¿WVZDVIRXQGWREHFRQWLQJHQWRQHIIHFWLYHDVVLPLODWLRQRIHEXVLQHVV innovation, top management championship, strategic investment rationale, and extent of coordination (Chatterjee et al., 2002).. of e-business,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P7


Kaplan, S., &. Katz, M.L., &. Technology adoption in the presence of network externalities. Journal of Political Economy . Kickul, J., &. The effects of IT on supply chain management in the automobile industry. 86-101), Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.. Kim, H.W., Chan, H.C., &. Kim, J., Lee, I., Lee, Y., Choi, B., Hong, S.-J., Tam, K.Y., Naruse, K., &....

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P8


The number of external stakeholders groups is organization-dependent:. Some relevant questions with respect to stake- holders are:. respect to new stakeholders. New stakeholders can be new customers, new suppliers, new banks, or even new governments. New customers can be reached by entering new markets (market exten- sion) or by disintermediating current intermediar- LHVDQGLQWKLVZD\WDUJHWLQJ¿QDOFRQVXPHUV The same applies to suppliers. By using...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P9


In the college application example, the process might involve seeking referee reports, administering D WHVW GHWHUPLQLQJ TXDOL¿FDWLRQ FULWHULD DQG eventually reaching a decision.. would then access the databases in the prescribed sequence, and either add or manipulate data. The eventual verdict is based on the same information inputs, albeit in the digital format.. We are therefore mov- ing higher in...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P10


Both Enterprises A and B could encode their data using XML, and the platform-independent XML could then easily facilitate the information exchange via the Web route (Hagel III, 2002).. and the project funding must be committed and available. To get e-governance off the ground, Andersen Consulting (Backus, 2001) recommends a strat- HJ\RI³WKLQNELJVWDUWVPDOODQGVFDOHIDVW´$W the top end of the e-governance implementation spectrum,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P11


In trying to bring about e-business change: “man- agers would do well to recognise the complemen- tary nature of technology, business models, and e-business readiness throughout the value chain from their suppliers to their customers” (Barua, Konana, Whinston, &. The study used an established theoretical frame- work (Figure 1) from business process change case-based research (Guha et al., 1997), for...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P12


:HGH¿QH6HPDQWLFH%XVLQHVVDV³DQDSSURDFKWR managing knowledge for coordination of eBusi- ness processes through the systematic applica- tion of Semantic Web technologies.” Advances in Semantic Web-based technologies offer the means to integrate heterogeneous systems across organizations in a meaningful way by incorporat- ing ontology—a common, standard, and share- able vocabulary used to represent the meaning of system entities. knowledge representation, with structured collections of...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P13


Pollard (2004) states that knowledge management activities in healthcare center on acquiring and storage of information, and lacks the ability to share and transfer knowl- edge across systems and organizations to support individual user productivity. To serve the needs, relevant patient-centered knowledge must be accessible to the person supplying care in a timely manner LQ WKH ZRUNÀRZ ,QWHURSHUDELOLW\ VWDQGDUGV RI...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P14


Hierarchy of the MRPII defers from one software package to another. There are many different forms of the MRPII hierarchy but generally all of them constitute three major parts: long range planning, intermediate- range planning, and short-term control as shown RQWKHULJKWKDQGVLGHRIWKH¿JXUH An explanation of these is presented in the following paragraphs (Toomey, 1996).. The RCCP provides a quick capacity check...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P15


The new spectrum of the cross-enterprise solution:. The integration of the supply chain and enterprise resource planning systems. The Role of Government in E-Business Adoption. An analysis of the role of government in e-busi- ness adoption is provided in this chapter, with empirical evidence from Australia included. It is VKRZQWKDWJRYHUQPHQWLQÀXHQFHLVPXOWLIDFHWHG Governments champion e-business adoption for national economic gain. they provide...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P16


A survey of all Australian wineries, excluding the microsize wineries processing less than 20 tons of grapes per year, was conducted in the latter part of 2004 using a self-administered questionnaire. The survey was designed to collect detailed information about the nature and extent of the wineries’ e-business adoption, and among other things, to statistically test the proposition that some...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P17


relevant research projects in this area are: ECOLEAD (European COLlaborative networked organizations LEADership initiative, http://www.ecolead.. CROSSWORK (Developing Cross- 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO :RUNÀRZ )RUPDWLRQ DQG Enactment, http://www.crosswork.info. VE- Forum (the European forum for virtual organizations domains, http://www.ve-forum.. their Applications, http://www.athena-ip.org ) and INTEROP (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software, http://www.interop-noe.org ) are relevant research projects in this area.. www.srdc.metu.edu.tr ) is...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P18


RosettaNet (http://www.rosettanet.org) is a VHOIIXQGHG QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ DURXQG D consortium of major IT, electronic components, and semiconductor manufacturing companies aiming at aligning business processes between partners in a given supply chain: Partners agree on partner interface processes (PIPs) to use, and are then ready to start a business scenario.. details of the bindings for the WUDQVIHUSURWRFROVHJ+773DQGWKHVSHFL¿FD-. RosettaNet aims at aligning...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P19


Collaborative relation- ships require a new community to be established which bridges the cultures of the workers in the partnership organisations. in the absence of face-to-face interaction trust emerges from recurrent actions. Understanding the mean- ing of collaboration in the supply chain. Modeling the organizational transformation associated with implementing e-business collaborative systems in the supply chain. In Proceedings of the...