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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P221


A secure e-business environment must also be resilient and scalable.. This section will develop a security blueprint for an e-business environment based on a three- tiered e-business architecture and major compo- nents described in the previous section.. Security Blueprint Overview. This security blueprint emulates as closely as possible the functional requirements of the typical e-business environment discussed in the previous...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P222


The corporate governance structure, WKHUHIRUHVSHFL¿HVWKHGLVWULEXWLRQRIULJKWVDQG responsibilities among different participants in the corporation, such as the board of directors and management. Corporate governance includes concerns for information technology governance because without effective information management, those charged with corporate responsibilities would not be able to perform effectively. eWeek (2004) make the case for IT professionals to take a leading role in corporate...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P223


Business Week ® is a registered trademark of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. This chapter gives a practical overview of the brief implementation details of the IEEE802.11 wireless LAN and the security vulnerabilities involved in VXFK QHWZRUNV 6SHFL¿FDOO\ LW GLVFXVVHV DERXW the implementation of EAP authentication using RADIUS server with WEP encryption options.. The authors hope that any reader would thus...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P224


A RADIUS client (here is referred to access point) sends the details of user credentials and connection parameter in the form of a UDP (user datagram protocol) message to the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server authenticates and authorizes the RADIUS client request, and sends back a RADIUS message response. To provide security for RADIUS messages, the RADIUS FOLHQW DQG WKH...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P225


Most existing small deployments mapped by war drivers do not enable the security features on products, and many access points have had only minimal changes made to the default settings.. Software tools like NetStumbler allow network administrators to wander their building looking for unauthorized access points, though it is quite an effort to wander in the building looking for new...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P226


Mobile code computation is a new paradigm for structuring distributed systems. There has been a general consensus that security is the key to the success of mobile code computation.. Hence, the mobile code paradigm has been developed as an alternative approach for distributed application design.. The mobile-code paradigm, on the other hand, allows programs to be transferred among, and executed...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P227


The features of the language needed to ensure that various code units do not interfere with each other, and with the system are given next.. Fixed for all “mobile code” units: Very restrictive but easy, and the approach cur- rently is used to handle applet security in Web browsers such as Netscape.. 8VHUYHUL¿HVHDFKVHFXULW\UHODWHGDFFHVV requests: Relatively easy, but rapidly gets annoying,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P228


By means of a standard JSP page, the user could insert login and password that was sent to WKHORJLQPRGXOHVSHFL¿HGLQWKH$&7,21WDJ ,Q WKLV FDVH WKH SUHGH¿QHG PHWKRG IRU VHUYOHW form-based authentication j_security_check, that accepted as parameters username (named j_username) and password (named j_ password ) DQGUHIHUUHGWRWKHVSHFL¿HG6HFXULW\'RPDLQ was used.. This solution was, however, not fully satisfac- tory for the goals of the project....

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P229


IT Development and the Separation of Banking and. Comparative Perspectives of the U.S. and Japan. Unlike the UK, Germany, France, and some ma- jor countries that permit entries from banking to FRPPHUFHDQGYLFHYHUVD³WZRZD\´UHJXODWLRQ the United States and Japan have maintained a policy of separating banking and commerce out of concern that the mixing of the two activities would result in the...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P230


(4) It is often the case in the countries where restriction on the scope of business conducted by banks is lax that there are fewer nonperforming loans and. However, Watanabe’s analysis raises some questions in the following points which are dif-. ¿FXOWWRDJUHHRQ:DWDQDEH¶VDQDO\VLVGRHVQ¶W consider the U.S., a developed country where restriction on the scope of business conducted by banks is stern,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P231


be protected against hacker attacks by readily available technology, the failure of administrator to employ the technology to protect client access to the service would be negligent.. However, this may be a moot point if the hacker cannot be located, lives in a jurisdiction where the law does not allow IRUVXFKDOHJDOFODLPWREH¿OHGRUKDVQRDVVHWV with which to satisfy the claim for damages (for...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P232


Two extreme zones of trust include the Internet (a zone with no trust) and an internal QHWZRUND]RQHZLWKKLJKWUXVW6HWWLQJXS¿UHZDOOVUHTXLUHVXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIQHWZRUNSURWRFROVDQG RIFRPSXWHUVHFXULW\6PDOOPLVWDNHVFDQUHQGHUD¿UHZDOOZRUWKOHVVDVDVHFXULW\WRRO. Malware: Malware is a software program that runs automatically against the interests of the per- VRQUXQQLQJLW0DOZDUHLVQRUPDOO\FODVVL¿HGEDVHGRQKRZLWLVH[HFXWHGKRZLWVSUHDGVDQGZKDW it does.. E-Business Process Management and Intellectual Property:. Relevant legal cases are cited and discussed to provide additional foundation to the e-business community. E-BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P233


This revitalization has come with legislation—much of it intended to curb LQIULQJHPHQW²DQGPRUHVLJQL¿FDQWO\ZLWKWKH creation of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) in 1982, which has been granted exclusive jurisdiction over patent appeals (Merz. This may be due in part to the creation of the CAFC and a more pat- ent friendly environment. Further, they theorize that the increase...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P234


E-Business Process Management and Intellectual Property. Trends in patent OLWLJDWLRQ7KHDSSDUHQWLQÀXHQFHRIVWUHQJWKHQHG patents attributable to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Journal of the Patent and 7UDGHPDUN2I¿FH6RFLHW. Communications of the Association for Information Systems . Intellectual property and the digital economy: Why the anti-circumvention. UMG RECORDINGS, INC., et al., Plaintiffs, vs.. District Court for the Southern District of New York,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P235


in the literature as public watermarks because they can be read without having a secret key.. Detectable watermarks on the other hand, can be read only by authorized users (i.e., users that have a key that helps read the invisible mark in- serted in digital media). In the case of visual content, a most common categorization depends on the processing...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P236


E-Business Standardization in the Automotive Sector:. Successful cooperation between large manufac- turers and their suppliers is a crucial aspect, espe- cially in the automotive industry. Such mutually EHQH¿FLDOFRRSHUDWLRQUHTXLUHVDWOHDVWDFHUWDLQ level of integration and interoperation of the partners’ IT and e-business systems. This chapter looks at two approaches in order to achieve this JRDOVHFWRUVSHFL¿FKDUPRQL]DWLRQ (in the form of electronic marketplaces) and international,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P237


Therefore, the big picture behind Covisint was the idea of one single point of entry for suppliers of every company size in order to facilitate and enable integration and collaboration. The vision behind Covisint was to enable the connection of the entire automotive industry to a single, global exchange marketplace with one single point of en- try, standardized business processes,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P238


A Basis for the Semantic Web and E-Business:. This chapter introduces how to effectively orga- nize ontology languages and ontologies and how WRHI¿FLHQWO\SURFHVVVHPDQWLFLQIRUPDWLRQEDVHG on ontologies. In this chapter we propose the hierarchies to organize ontology languages and ontologies. Based on the hierarchy of ontology languages, the ontology designers need not bear in mind which ontology language the primitives exactly come...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P239


DUHGH¿QHGLQ)LJXUHWKHQZHFDQVHOHFWRQH FRQFHSWDQGE\FOLFNLQJWKH³%ORFN´EXWWRQD certain concept of the parent ontology is blocked in the child ontology. ³0XWDWLRQ´EXWWRQZHFDQLQGLFDWHWKDWFHUWDLQ concept of the parent ontology is mutated in the FKLOGRQWRORJ\)URPWKHULJKW³&RGHV´IUDPHRI )LJXUHZHFDQVHHWKDW³RI¿FHBSKRQH´LVEORFNHG E\6WXGHQWB2QWRORJ\DQG³FRQWDFWBQR´LVPXWDWHG LQ6WXGHQWB2QWRORJ\,IZHFOLFNWKH³6DYH´EXW- ton, the new Student_Ontology will be saved in D¿OHEXWLIWKHUHDUHSUREOHPVZHFDQUROOEDFN. FRPERVRI³*UDQGSDUHQW2QWRORJLHV´DQG³3DUHQW Ontologies” frames. Similarly, we can use the atavism operation to indicate that some concepts of the grandparent ontology are atavismed in the...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P240


With the recent emergence of EHRs and the need to distribute medical information across organizations, the Semantic Web can allow advances in sharing such information across disparate systems by utilizing ontologies to create a uniform language and by using standards to allow interoperability in trans- mission. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how Semantic Web...