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Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P80


Turban, E., &. Wilson, H., Daniel, E., &. E-business processes are implemented through existing, as well as novel technologies. The overall aim of this chapter is to provide a blueprint of the literature related to e-business technologies for e-markets.. According to the 2005 report of the United Na- tions Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD, 2005), e-commerce continues to grow...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P81


Issues, contributions, and representative references in the topic of architecture. Kaluza., 2004. Gini., 2004. Infrastructure design of e-market applications. Brandtweiner and Scharl (1999), Baghdadi (2004), Wicke (1999), Gomber and Maurer (2004), and Blecker et al. Models or frameworks for particular types of markets also exist, such as the ones proposed for secure e-markets from Roehm and Pernul (2000), Mandry et...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P82


Gerber, A., Russ, C., &. Electronic Commerce Research &. Gerber, C., Teich, J., Wallenius, H., &. Geyer, G., Kuhn, C., &. International Journal of Electronic Commerce . Electronic Commerce Research . Gomber, P., &. Greenwald, A., &. Electronic Markets . Henderson, T., Crowcroft, J., &. Electronic Commerce Research &. Ito, T., Hattori, H., &. Jaiswal, A., Kim, Y., &. Janssen,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P83


These requests are received via the portal and after processing results are returned to the clients via the portal. Thus, the portal plays the front-end role in receiving clients’ requests across the Web via interface agents (Dai &. Abrahams, 2005) and delivering results to the clients. %/0UHTXLUHGLQVROYLQJWKHVSHFL¿HGSUREOHP INDEX is deployed on multiple application servers each interacting with a Web server...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P84


in the portal market, as it has in virtually every other information technology market.. ‘enterprise portal software’ is one of the ‘highest priorities’, ranked only behind security technology and wireless networks (Sribar &. Two types of players are currently competing to gain control of the enterprise portal market: pure-play and infrastructure. Examples of the key pure-play vendors include Plumtree and...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P85


Since the WSDL standard for Web services RQO\ GH¿QHV V\QWD[ DQG GRHV QRW LQFOXGH DQ\. Those documents can be used as a semantic layer for existing technologies such as Web services even though the EDI his- tory suggests that it is unlikely that UBL will be the lingua franca of e-business. Nevertheless, UBL can be used to add interoperability to...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P86


In the most general case, agents will be acting on behalf of users with different goals and motivations. The characteristics of any MAS can be summarized as follows (Sycara, 1998):. Web Services Technologies. Web services have emerged as the next generation of Web-based technology for exchanging informa- tion. Web services are modular, self-describing, self-contained applications that are accessible over the...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P87


VSHFL¿HV D SURWRFRO IRU TXHU\LQJ and updating a common directory of Web service information. The problem of Web knowledge representa- tion can be reduced using the XML stan- dard representation provided by the Web service.. The extraction of the information could be automatically learned using the provided Web service representation. Using these new set of technologies, our previous B2C Web...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P88


Because agents are not capable of signing reliably on behalf of their users, it may be necessary to enable the signature of electronic contracts by separating the negotia- tion process from the signing process.. The data structure of the. &URVV)ORZFRQWUDFWPRGHOFRQVLVWVRI¿YHPDLQ SDUWVWKHFRQFHSWPRGHOWKHZRUNÀRZGH¿QLWLRQ the enactment clauses, the usage clauses, and the natural language description. The architecture of the contract object model of...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P89


of the contracting parties to acquire, share, DQGUHFRQ¿JXUHGDWD. Data and knowledge bases are directly linked to the models used by agents (as individuals or groups) as well as to the dynamics of the ecosystem and inter- action of the entire multiagent organization.. The unprecedented transformations exhibited in the digital market urge enterprises to augment technological developments and improve their competitive...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P90


There will be SAFER-compliant and non- compliant communities coexisting in the whole e-commerce network. An owner is in charge of all his or her agents, and making respective authorizations to mobile agents and his or her agent butler, which is a 24-hour online watcher who would handle most of the tasks on behalf of the owner. When agents are sent...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P91


Therefore, if the above characteristics exist in a single software entity, then we can consider it is an intelligent agent that provides the capability of the agent paradigm. Multi-Agent Systems. Therefore, we should always consider the system of agents as a multi-agent system, where the agents will need to interact with each other and cooperate as required. Typical structure of...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P92


How much does the agent need to reduce the price to win the bid?. To improve the performance of the agent, it is necessary to learn from the history of the game.. For example, Figure 4 presents the average price of PC of the competition. The agents can learn from the chart when the market price of PCs are high,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P93


In SAFE, agent transport is achieved via a series of message exchanges. The general guideline is that the duration must be longer than the maximum tolerable time for message exchange to complete, but less than maximum tolerable agent transport time.. To further prevent replay attack, message ex- changes between entities during agent transport is labeled according to each transport session.....

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P94


Proceedings of the 11 th International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms, Saarbrücken, Germany.. ceedings of the 1997 1 st International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Marina Del Rey, CA (pp.. Proceedings of the CIKM’95 Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, Baltimore.. On securing a mobile agent’s binary code. Proceedings of the ICSC Symposia on Intelligent Systems and Ap- plications (ISA’2000), Sydney, Australia.. A comparison...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P95


Security mechanisms can be included in the agent’s transport protocols (Schoeman &. SSL also provides mutual authentication of both sides of the connection so that man-in-middle at- tacks can be prevented. Many mobile agent systems have been built for both academic research and commercial purposes in recent years. In mobile agent security, oblivious transfer (OT) from a trusted party can...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P96


In Smith et al. Besides, embedded biodata, such as height and age of the visitor, could be useful for authenticating visitors for restricted rides in the theme park. Poor information availability has been one of the stumbling blocks IRU¿UPVWRLQWHUDFWZLWKWKHLUFOLHQWV:HEEDVHG commerce has managed to improve on that factor TXLWHVLJQL¿FDQWO\+RZHYHUZKHQVKRSSLQJLQ SHUVRQZHVWLOOVWUXJJOHWR¿QGDGHTXDWHLQIRU- mation on certain products. One of the key future research directions,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P97


On the other hand, it is challenging to at- tract the attention of executives to an initiative of this nature, and then to adapt corporate culture to ensure that the strategy is successfully carried through. This chapter examines PETs, their ap- plication to business needs, and the preparation of a business case for investment in PETs.. On the other hand,...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P98


rapid emergence of the open, public Internet in the years immediately following the publication of that paper enabled an explosion of such extra- organisational systems.. Organisations that want to avoid the distrust impediment need to apply the business case techniques in the bottom-right- KDQGFRUQHURI([KLELWLQRUGHUWRUHÀHFWWKH perspectives of all of the important stakeholders, including human users and other individuals af- fected by...

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4-Volumes) P99


Active, critical learning principle: All aspects of the learning environment are set up to encourage active and critical, not passive, learning.. Learning involves active and critical think- ing about the relationships of the semiotic domain being learned to other semiotic domains.. Theories of Learning and Instruction There is a growing body of research within the theories of learning and instruction...