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Thuế GTGT là thuế tính trên khoản giá trị tăng thêm của hàng hoá, dịch vụ phát sinh trong quá trình từ sản xuất, lưu thông đến tiêu dùng.. 2./ Sự ra đời và phát triền của thuế GTGT.. Năm 1954 thuế GTGT lần đầu tiên ra đời tại Pháp dưới hình thức thuế đánh vào giai đoạn sản xuất....

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 1


The Age of the Economist Gerber. Printed in the United States of America.. 2 An Overview of the Financial System. 16 Determinants of the Money Supply. 24 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model. Structure of the Financial System. AN OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Regulation of the Financial System. Evolution of the Payments System. Supply and Demand in...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 2


A coupon bond pays the owner of the bond a fixed interest payment (coupon payment) every year until the maturity date, when a specified final amount (face value or par value) is repaid. Second is the maturity date of the. 1 Because the concept behind the calculation of the yield to maturity makes good economic sense, economists consider it the...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 3


In this chapter, we complete the interest-rate picture by examining the relationship of the various interest rates to one another. Risk Structure of Interest Rates. It shows us two important features of interest-rate behavior for bonds of the same maturity: Interest rates on different categories of bonds differ from one another in any given year, and the spread (or difference)...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 4


F I G U R E 1 Sources of External Funds for Nonfinancial Businesses in the United States. “Differences Between Financial Systems in European Countries: Consequences for EMU,” in Deutsche Bundesbank, ed., The Monetary Transmission Process:. Schmidt, “Differences Between Financial Systems in European Countries: Consequences for EMU,” in Deutsche Bundesbank, ed., The Monetary Transmission Process: Recent Developments and Lessons for...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 5


In all countries, banks are financial intermediaries in the business of earning profits. We spend more time on commercial banks because they are by far the largest depository insti- tutions, accounting for over two-thirds of the deposits in the banking system. Historical Development of the Banking System. (As a study aid, Figure 1 provides a time line of the most...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 6


Permanent life insurance policies have a constant premium throughout the life of the policy. In the early years of the policy, the size of this premium exceeds the amount needed to insure against death because the probability of death is low. The Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States reports details about the current state of the insurance industry....

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 7


We start by focusing on the formal institutional structure of the Fed and then examine the more relevant informal structure that determines where the true power within the Federal Reserve System lies. Origins of the Federal Reserve System. Because of the heated debates on these issues, a compromise was struck. Formal Structure of the Federal Reserve System. This initial diffusion...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 8


control of the money supply is far more complicated. The resulting framework provides an in-depth description of the money supply process to help you understand the complexity of the Fed’s role.. Finally, we examine the determinants of the money multiplier.. Determinants of the Money Supply. The Money Supply Model and the Money Multiplier. This multiplier tells us what multiple of...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 9


subsequently, in the 1990s and 2000s, their competitiveness increased.. To answer these questions, we develop a modern view of exchange rate determi- nation that explains recent behavior in the foreign exchange market.. Transactions conducted in the foreign 435. the exchange rate of the U.S.. Foreign exchange rates are published daily and appear in the “Currency Trading” column of the Wall...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 10


Now we are ready to explore the role of the money supply in determining the price level and total production of goods and services (aggregate output) in the economy. This chapter describes how the theories of the demand for money have evolved.. then we move on to the Keynesian theories of the demand for money. Because it also tells us...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 11


You have already learned that the IS curve describes equilibrium points in the goods market—the combinations of aggregate output and interest rate for which aggregate output produced equals aggregate demand. (A change in the interest rate that affects equilibrium aggregate output 561. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the ISLM Model. autonomous changes in money demand and changes in the money...

The economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets Part 12


For example, expansions in the money supply might be found to be less effective when interest rates are low. period and the resulting decline in the money supply—the largest ever experienced in the United States (see Chapter 16). 2 In the 1980s, real interest rates rose to exceedingly high levels, approaching those of the Great Depression period. Several episodes occur...