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Developing writting skills 1 part 1


Vowel letters in English are pronounced according to their position in the word, i.e. according to the type of syllable they form. In the open syllable the pronunciation of vowel letters (except y) coincides with their alphabetical definition: a /ei/, e /i. however, these same sounds may be represented by other means, i.e. /ei/ represented by a) ai (in the...

Developing writting skills 1 part 2


The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the campers about safety in the woods. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the. (appositive phrase) Note that the part of the sentence placed first acquires a. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning them with the part of the sentence...

Developing writting skills 1 part 3


It is surprising. Isn’t it curious. It is proper. Isn’t it fortunate. It was most unusual. It is quite evident. Isn’t it wonderful. It is doubtful. It is a pity. It was a shame. Use the appropriate means of emphasis in the following sentences. (The items to be emphasized are given in italics.). Mary always came over in the evening...

Developing writting skills 1 part 4


The consonant b is silent (a) in –bt (before t): debt, doubt, subtle. (b) in –mb (after m): limb, lamb, climb, dumb, crumb, thumb, tomb, comb.. The consonant c is silent (a) in (-)sc. (b) in –scl- in a few words: muscle, corpuscle. The letter-combination ch is silent in a few words: yacht, fuchsia.. (b) finally in –gm,- ign: paradigm,...

Developing writting skills 1 part 5


Technical description gives an objective account of the appearance or structure of a thing. On the left there is a large window. Under the window there is a radiator but you can’t see it because it’s behind the settee. On the settee there are two cushions. the fire-place is at the other end of the room. On each side of...

Developing writting skills 1 part 6


He was glad to see me. He was tired. He could not get up in the morning. It does not matter how far away it is. You may make any necessary changes in the arrangement of material and in the wording, but must not change the sense of the original.. (Skeleton structures have been suggested to indicate possible approaches to...

Developing writting skills 1 part 7


Someone who is a decision maker in the executive branch of our government. my brother was always my best friend when I was a child especially as we two were almost alone in the world we lived with our old grandmother in a little house, almost a shack, in the country whenever I think of him now I see a...

Developing writting skills 1 part 8


When the butter in the frying pan has melted, pour in the egg batter. After the eggs are partially cooked, place a slice of cheese on them and fold one half of the omelet over the other half. There was a sale in the shop. I went back to the shop. Find the key sentence in the first paragraph.. It...

Developing writting skills 1 part 9


the mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original.. Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning.. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card.. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject of your paraphrase.. Check...

Developing writting skills 1 part 10


According to Freud, actual but unacceptable desires are censored internally and subjected to coding through layers of condensation and displacement before emerging in a kind of rebus puzzle in the dream itself (pages).. Summarize in your own words what the single main idea of the essay is.. Paraphrase important supporting points that come up in the essay.. They found, too,...

Developing writting skills 2 part 1


DEVELOPING WRITING SKILLS - A textbook for students of the Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov. This book which covers all the 4 types and is intended for students of the English Department /upper intermediate level/ at Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov, is the logical continuation of the one published in 2004, which dealt with topics ranging from sentence...

Developing writting skills 2 part 2


Carefully selected details, however minor they might seem, contribute to the effect of the whole. For example, consider how some of the drama of the narrative in “Man Overboard” disappears if the detail about the mysterious green monster that turned out to be a sleeping bag, or the even more mysterious, and frightfully more real, monster that dragged it down...

Developing writting skills 2 part 3


Now I raced up the stairs, stepping on the heels of the slowpoke ahead of me.. Comment on the first sentence of the story /part I/. Speak on the role of rhetorical questions in the story. Why is the story divided into two parts? Do you observe any difference between the ways the actions develop in “Gun in the Desk”...

Developing writting skills 2 part 4


Waking at dawn, I looked out of the window. We were in the desert. On either side of the railway an immense plain, flat as Holland, but tawny instead of green, stretched out interminably. On the horizon, instead of windmills, a row of camels was silhouetted against the gray sky. A thick brown fog , whirled into eddies by the...

Developing writting skills 2 part 5


animals perhaps and always singing, lay England which was London and the country called the Front, from which many of our neighbors never came back. I could not understand how so many people never returned from there, but later I grew to know more, though still without understanding, and carried a wooden rifle in the park and shot down the...

Developing writting skills 2 part 6


get the reader’s attention. Unless you get the reader’s attention, the rest of the essay is wasted. Therefore, to write an interesting and effective introduction, first it is important to write a few sentences that draw the reader into the topic of your essay, and then present the argument through a thesis statement that contains the topic and the ideas...

Developing writting skills 2 part 7


But here they are, part of the nation’s future, young Yankees who in the end must rely on the special strength of children:. How to teach in a tower of Babel? How is the Tower Of Babel connected with the main topic of the article?. It’s not economically feasible to hire bilingual teachers unless there are 20 or more students...

Developing writting skills 2 part 8


It is this characteristics that is most peculiar to the argumentative essay than to expository essays. Since there are two sides to the issue, and since you want to convince the reader that you are right, not only must you prove your own case, but you should also prove that the opponent is wrong, or at least that your points...

Developing writting skills 2 part 9


His investigations made possible the harnessing of the energy of the inanimate world. With steam, electricity and radio beams to do our work for us, there was less need for the comparatively weak and fumbling human muscle – and slavery began to vanish.. It is also a fact that, before modern technology, the full flower of art and human intellect...

Developing writting skills 2 part 10


What is it about these things that makes us so obedient, and so oblivious to that which lies outside them—such as actual people? I once asked a man who was bellowing into a cell phone in the coffee shop in San Francisco why he was talking so loudly. Like computers and television, cell phones pull people into their own psychological...