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Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P42


The result of compile error-check. Even in the absence of face-to-face interactions in the classroom, users can take pro- gramming training and improve programming skills through the platform in distance education.. The main frame of the client is divided into three parts: program content index, system-compiling textbox and TC-compiling textbox. After choosing the problem in the index, users can click...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P43


Flash animation for explanation of the overflow concept. After students choose a panel in a Top-down panel, and insert a value in a user input textbox, they can confirm the result of the program for the cho- sen value.. 7 is an applet for comprehension of the con- cept of a pointer address. An animation or visualization for comprehension of...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P44


The integration of multimedia education contents with the web-based C compiler support system enables students engage in C programming exercises, any time and any where, provided they have access to the internet.. Virtual Education System for the C Programming Language 205 2.3 Online Report and Examination. Java applet quiz helped me understand the syntax of the C language.. The web-based...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P45


The guideline for development of contents consists of an interactive contents model, a process contents model, a practical contents model, an animation contents model, a multimedia contents model etc., as shown in figure 1.. cyber contents model. 1.1 Interactive Contents Model. Interactive contents model. 1.2 Practical Contents Model. Practical contents model. 1.3 Process Contents Model. 1.4 Animation Contents Model. A...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P46


If the student inputs a free character line in the text-box indicated by the finger, a character is stored in a picture of the memory , below an address value. Quiz about a sort variable of the character type. Quiz operation about a sort variable of the character type. The student can verify that each character in the lines were...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P47


of sorts and the states of the performed sorts. With the emergence of the web, learning can be done via indirect interaction between teacher and student, using multiple methods of communication free from constraints of time and space. Traditional learning methods are not needed because of the rapid development of computer networks. We developed con- tent about how to use...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P48


(3) Example – explore the fundamental programming paradigms through the demonstration of the Bomberman game.. (4) Exercise – structured lab works for students to practice the fundamental program- ming concept while playing the Bomberman game.. In order to give our students an overview of the programming course, we provide a road map as shown in Fig. The “Road Map” component...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P49


Introductory C Programming Language Learning with Game-Based Digital Learning 229. (1) Interactive: There are interactive elements in the tool, for example, the tool will accommodate some feedbacks with Students when learning time.. (2) Amusement: There are animations, games, music and other entertainment effects in the tool, for example, user can create animations.. (3) Easy to use: There are obvious and...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P50


In the proposed interactive video game-based learning platform, the design concepts of adventure games are adopted to construct the game platform. According to this mode of game play, video is used for scenarios and the interactive objects provide players to get experience by examining and operating them.. In the interactive VGBL platform, there are three major components need to be...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P51


Interactive Video Game Platform for Game-Based Learning 239. Video segments are used for scenarios in the VGBL platform. In: The Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Vir- tual Systems and Multimedia, Berkeley, pp. In: The Proceed- ings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment, Sydney, pp.. In: The Proceedings of XVII International Conference of the Chilean Com- puter Science...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P52


missions to the learners. Learners could utilize the PPC to get these game mission data and continue the game mission solving progress. Learners could utilize the GPS/GIS functionalities to ensure the right gaming route, and use the RFID reader to start a particular game mission. Game server architecture. 3.1 Game Server Modules. Connection Protocol Processing Module is responsible for the...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P53


9 shows the user interfaces on our proposed U-GBL mobile learn- ing devices.. Main mission Fig. The GUIs on U-GBL mobile learning devices. In game mission design phase, we utilized the two-way specification table proposed by Anderson and Krathwohl [15]. One is for knowl- edge dimension, and the other is for cognitive process dimension. The knowledge dimension indicates the knowledge...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P54


for Documentation and Conservation cooperates with international organizations as well as national institutions in the domain of cultural heritage preservation. In this context, capacity-building activities in heritage management for Afghan experts and conservation work on some of the most important monuments in the country such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site Bamiyan are key projects. Activities take place in tight...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P55


Expert knowledge captured in a non-linear multimedia story. 4.2 Using <e-Adventure>. to Transform Non-linear Digital Stories into Educational Games. The other pillar is the <e-Adventure>. platform, a complete solution for the develop- ment, execution and integration of educational games in Virtual Learning Environ- ments [17]. The games are created using the <e-Adventure>. The games created with the editor bundle a...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P56


In: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Designing interactive Systems DIS 2006, Uni- versity Park, PA, USA, June pp. Overmars, M.: Teaching Computer Science through Game Design. Spaniol, M., Klamma, R., Sharda, N., Jarke, M.: Web-Based Learning with Non-linear Multimedia Stories. (eds.) Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI 1992, Monterey, CA, pp. In: Proceedings...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P57


Some 53% of the subjects were male while 47% were female. around 3% of the subjects were freshmen, 26% were sophomores, 37% were juniors and 34%. The first game was a simulation of how components are installed into a motherboard of a personal computer (PC), as shown in Figure 2 (a). The purpose of this game was to increase students’...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P58


Galarneau, L.: The elearning edge: leveraging interactive technologies in the design of en- gaging, effective learning experiences. Mason, R.: The next generation educational engagement. ings of the IEEE Fifth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (ISMSE . Dijkstra's Algorithm by Board Game. This paper describes the reasons about why it is beneficial to combine with graph theory and board game....

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P59


(4) All the players have to learn the related knowledge about the shortest path algo- rithm and minimum spanning tree.. In the new edition of Ticket to Ride, we fixed some rules based on original rules be- cause of our ideal – combining the board game and three minimum spanning tree theories. The element is the concept of start location...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P60


Java and Matlab*. Recently, it is a hot research to construct virtual laboratory (VL) in the modern remote education. This paper proposes a platform of VL based on the in- tegration of Java and Matlab, which is called VL-JM. The VL-JM platform uses JMatLink to realize the seamless joint between Java and Matlab. Matlab is used for computing in the...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science- P61


To realize these functions of the JMPS, we utilize Java Socket and multi-thread technology to solve these problems which are involved in listening to remote clients' requests and multi-users access. The definition of JMPS is shown in Fig.3.. The thread executes method of the object and passes parameters in command line to Matlab for further processing and the results will...