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Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts- P19


displacement reaches u z ≈ 0.21 [mm] the carck propagation nearly stops due to the fact that most of the load is carried by the area of counter pressure.. When the displacement reaches u z ≈ 0.21 [mm], the load is primarily induced to the counter pressure sup- ports by the nearly fully separated upper part of the concrete structure....

Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts- P22


The saturation at t = 938 d shows a point in phase II, the moisturizing phase of the outer surface. It can be seen, that because of the high crack induced permeability the saturation increases nearly equally (at one level) in the area of cracks. The next paragraphs will deal with each of the phases I,II,III in detail.. Hygro-mechanically loaded...

Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts- P25


Dis- sertation, Institut f¨ ur Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Ruhr-Universit¨ at Bochum, Germany (1997). Journal of the Engineering mechanics Division, ASCE, EM2 (1980). Hackl, K., Peters, M.: An investigation of the accuracy of the eXtended Finite Element Method. Journal of Computational Physics . Journal of Solids and Structures . Bergische Universit¨ at Wuppertal (2000). Abschlussbericht, Ruhr-Universit¨ at-Bochum (Juli 2008). Arbeitsbericht f¨ ur...

Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts- P26


Yamazaki, F., Shinozuka, M., Dasgupta, S.P.: Neumann expansion for stochas- tic finite element analysis. Zienkiewicz, O.C., Zhu, J.C.: The superconvergent patch recovery (spr) and adaptive finite element refinement. Subject Index. 3D-p-finite element method 392 abrasion 1, 162. Bauschinger effect 255, 256 beam finite elements 369 beat 118. diffusion, 296. Subject Index 713. differential settlements 109 diffusion 292. extended finite element...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P1


With much of the technology being introduced to the con- sumer marketplace being rather new, digital image processing remains a “hot” topic and promises to be one for a very long time. Of course, digital image processing has been around for quite awhile, and indeed, methods pervade nearly every branch of science and engineering. Further, there is included a chapter...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P2


The results of the operation are then passed back to the front panel indicators. NI Vision is the image processing toolkit, or library, that adds high-level machine vision and image processing to the LabVIEW environment. overlay figures, text, and bitmaps onto an image without destroying the image data.. filter images to enhance the information in the image. Use these VIs...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P3


Since P f is a continuous function represents a smooth mapping of the histogram of image f to an image with a smooth histogram. To see that a flat histogram is obtained, we use the probabilistic interpretation of the histogram.. The cumulative histogram of the resulting image g is:. Histogram equalization applied to the image “students.”. Histogram equalization applied to...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P4


Open and close filtering of the binary image “cells.” Open with: (a) B ⫽ SQUARE(25);. These mainly manifest as a function of the first operation performed in the processing sequence. Close-open and open-close filtering of the binary image “cells.” Close-open with: (a) B ⫽ SQUARE(25). There are also only small differences between the results obtained using the medium and larger...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P5


The term “orientation” applied to an image or image component describes those aspects of the image that contribute to an appearance that is strongly characterized by the frequency orientation portrait of the DFT. This corresponds perfectly to the orientations of the ridge patterns in the fingerprint image.. As a first example, the DFT of the image “planks” was modified by...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P6


In this section, we present some of the more common image noise models and show sample images illustrating the various degradations.. In practice, however, the range of values of the Gaussian noise is limited to about ⫾ 3. Certainly the least convenient property of the Gaussian distri- bution is that the cumulative distribution function cannot be expressed in closed form...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P7


It is noted that the reasons for uniform sampling of the temporal dimension follow the same arguments.. Because of this aspect of color imaging, we need to characterize the color vision system of the eye in order to determine proper sampling of the wavelength dimension.. To understand the fundamental difference in the wavelength domain, it is necessary to describe some...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P8


by the conditional density of the observed (noisy) image, y, given the original (clean) image x:. where ␴ n 2 is the variance of the noise. For decades, the inadequacy of the Gaussian model was apparent. For each histogram, tails are truncated so as to show 99.8% of the distribution.. With this assumption, the model is completely determined by the...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P9


Toward the end of the chapter, we briefly describe several alternative approaches.. Compute the multiscale representation of the noisy image.. Denoise the noisy coefficients, y , of all bands except the lowpass band using denoising functions x ˆ (y ) to get an estimate, x, of the true signal coefficient, ˆ x.. Given this general framework, our problem is to...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P10


12.2 Weighted Median Smoothers and Filters 273. (12.18). Although defined for integer-valued signals, the thresholding operation in (12.18) can be extended to noninteger signals with a finite number of quanti- zation levels. The threshold decomposition of the vector x T with M ⫽ 2, for instance, leads to the 4 binary vectors. T (12.19) x ⫺1. Given a set of...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P11


The next three images show iterations of the conditional dilation of the marker with a 3 3- pixel square structuring element. (13.30) This reconstructs the bright components of the reference image f that contains the marker m. There is a large variety of reconstruction openings depending on the choice of the marker. In both cases, the marker is a function...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P12


Going from 14.6(a) to 14.6(c) the variance of the noise in the degraded image, i.e. The power spectrum of the original image has been calculated from the model (14.20a). Typical artifacts of the Wiener restoration—and actually of most. (d) Magnitude of the Fourier transform of the restored image in Fig. of the restored image should be approximately equal to the...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P13


15.6(d) the restored image (ISNR. 1.64 dB) by the direct implementation of the constrained least-squares fil- ter in (15.42) is shown, along with the magnitude of the frequency response of the restoration filter. 15.2(d) and 15.6(c) and 15.2(e) and 15.6(d), that the high frequencies have been suppressed, due to regularization, that is the addition in the denominator of the filter...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P14


Let T be the set of the leaf nodes corresponding to the ordered symbols of S.. Each connection between two nodes form a “branch” of the tree. otherwise the last node in T is the “root” node of the tree.. k ⫽ 0 p k l k ⫽ 1.9 (bits per symbol), where l k is the length of the...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P15


17.4 Quantization 427. DCT of the 8 ⫻ 8 block in Fig. JPEG quantization tables given in Annex K of the standard for luminance and components are shown in Fig. 17.4 Quantization 429. Example quantization tables for luminance (left) and chrominance (right) components provided in the informative sections of the standard.. We now examine the quantization of the DCT coefficients...

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P16


If the segmentation symbol is not decoded properly, the data in the corresponding bit plane and of the subsequent bit planes in the code-block should be discarded. The extensions included in Part 2 of the JPEG2000 standard are also listed.. The efficiency of the JPEG2000 lossy coding algorithm in comparison with the JPEG baseline compression standard has been extensively studied...