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Kỹ năng quản lý thời gian


K năng qu n lý th i gian ỹ ả ờ. Th i gian là quý báu cho nhà lãnh đ o. dù trong công vi c nào, b n v n ph i bi t qu n lý th i gian ờ ạ ở ệ ạ ẫ ả ế ả ờ c a mình. ậ ạ ể ổ ứ...

Time Management Part 1


McGraw-Hill. ManciniFM.qxd PM Page i. Manufactured in the United States of America. The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title . any other use of the work is strictly prohibited. McGraw-Hill and its licensors do not warrant or guarantee that the func- tions contained in the work will meet your requirements or that its...

Time Management Part 2


If you take aspirin after drinking alcohol, you’ll never get a headache.. If you read in dim light, you’ll eventually go blind.. T hese and other beliefs have so often been repeated that they’ve taken on a life of their own. This chapter examines the four most treacherous myths that you may encounter as you manage your time.. Myth 1:...

Time Management Part 3


If you deal with things in a logical, orderly. sequence, you’re sure to bring efficiency and results to your efforts. And it will expose you to five prioritizing options from which you can choose. The ABC System. Preached by virtually every time management expert (especial- ly time guru Alan Lakein) and practiced by more organization- sensitive people than any other...

Time Management Part 4


And everyone resolves never to do it again. Procrastination—the cat burglar of time management—steals into your life and whisks away one of the most valuable assets you possess.. Indeed, some people—having decided that it’s so ingrained in human nature that there’s no use struggling against it—take pride in their status as procrastinators. You can find out all about it at...

Time Management Part 5


When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is the jar full?” Everyone in the class answered, “Yes.”. Once more he asked the question, “Is this jar full?” “No!” the class shouted.. “Good,” he shouted back, grabbing a pitcher of water and pouring it into the jar until it was full...

Time Management Part 6


“It’s not my job.”. Whom do you imagine saying this—someone who will do nothing unless it’s spelled out in a contract? That’s one rather disheartening interpretation.. There may be a lot of tasks you’re doing right now that are not your job, such as things you should delegate or things that should never have been delegated to you. Delegating isn’t...

Time Management Part 7


You’ve settled down to a nice, quiet dinner at home. “As a fellow graduate of the East Overshoe University, I’m sure you’ve kept up on our recent successes. And you’ve certainly been supportive of our efforts to continue that tradition of quality. That’s why we thought you’d like to know about our new fundraising drive. Maybe you’d like to contribute...

Time Management Part 8


The speaker recast a quote he had read in Aviation Mechanics Bulletin: “If an aircraft part can be installed incorrectly, it will be.” His new, generic version: “If anything can go wrong, it will.” That engineer’s last name was Murphy.. O r so one of the stories goes. Not that the twentieth century was the first to note that “the...

Time Management Part 9


See if you can remember them.) Then, in the blank provided, write an estimate of how much time you think you spend.. The average American spends how much time reading weekly?. 1.2 hours 4.1 hours 8.2 hours 2.8 hours 5.7 hours 10.4 hours. Most people spend how much time per day writing and typing?. Time you think you’ll spend ....

Time Management Part 10


I magine you’re a secretary. You’ll see why.). Fortunately, you type about 80 words a minute, so you’ll finish the first letter in about five minutes. Then again, you’re not perfect. you’ll proba- bly make about five typos. But there’s this wonderful new invention: a piece of chalky white paper that you can place over a mistake. You’re proud of...

Làm thế nào để ngủ ít hơn mà vẫn làm việc nhiều hơn?


2) Tăng Chất Lượng giấc ngủ của bạn. Những Hoang Đường Phổ Biến Về Giấc Ngủ. “chất lượng” của giấc ngủ của họ cũng như mức độ năng lượng. Những Huyền Bí Của Giấc Ngủ Chất Lượng. 5 Giai Đoạn Của Giấc Ngủ. Có 5 giai đoạn của giấc ngủ. Giai Đoạn 1: Giấc Ngủ. Bạn có thể nghĩ Giai...