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Microeconomics for MBAs 40


Figure 12.7(a) shows the additional benefits consumers would receive from Q c – Q m units, the area under the demand curve, Q m abQ c . The additional money consumers must pay producers for Q c – Q m units, shown by the area under the marginal revenue curve, is a much smaller amount: only Q m cdQ c...

Microeconomics for MBAs 41


the browser market and a potential competitive threat in the operating system market.. The Justice Department also argued that the market dominance Microsoft now enjoys in the operating system market could be equated with monopoly power because of the presumed existence of “high switching costs” and “lock-ins.”. Switching Costs and Lock-Ins. Assistant Attorney General Joel Klein introduced “switching costs” into...

Microeconomics for MBAs 42


Consider the owner of a theater who realizes that some customers are willing to pay more to go to the movies than others are. But the owner has no way of determining who the price-insensitive customers are when they are paying for their tickets. So how does the manager charge the price- insensitive customers more without losing the remaining customers?....

Microeconomics for MBAs 43


must be because Microsoft has placed a value on not having the Netscape icon on the desktop that is higher than Netscape’s value of having it there. If the reverse were true (Netscape valued the desktop space more highly than Microsoft), then Netscape would have bought a place on the desktop for its icon long ago.. If the Justice Department...

Microeconomics for MBAs 44


the others will have to follow its lead or be underpriced and run out of the market. Figure 13.4 depicts a situation in which all the firms are relatively small and of equal size, except for one large producer. The small firms’ collective marginal cost curve (minus the large producer’s) is shown in part (a), along with the market demand...

Microeconomics for MBAs 45


Section 4 of the Clayton Act states that. Any person who shall be injured in his business or property by reason of anything forbidden in the antitrust laws may sue therefore in any district court of the United States in the district in which the defendant resides or is found or has an agent, without respect to the amount in...

Microeconomics for MBAs 46


Consider a decision facing you as a manager on whether to commit to an expensive research and development project that will reduce profits over the near term but which is expected to more than offset this loss with higher profits in the future.. Should you be fearful that investing in this project will, because of the reduction in current profits,...

Microeconomics for MBAs 47


Beginning in the late 1960s, however, the FCC moved to introduce competition into the sale of telephone equipment and the delivery of long-distance service. It is in the Department of Energy. Its authority was limited at first to the. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the FPC came under attack for its tight controls on the price of natural...

Microeconomics for MBAs 48


In direct contrast to the natural monopoly situation, where there is a shortage of competition, the destructive competition argument centers on a surplus of competition. Presumably, excess capacity triggered cutthroat competition in the early days of railroads. This may be an argument for a government protected and regulated monopoly on the transmission of electricity, but it has no bearing on...

Microeconomics for MBAs 49


Obviously private schools have to treat their customers well if they are to survive. But some of the most successful private schools recognize that treating their customers well as a group can require mistreating them individually. If parents miss, or are even late for, a meeting, they are fined $100. Parents who are fined, or who must attend a meeting...

Microeconomics for MBAs 50


In a competitive market, the price, or wage rate, of labor is determined just as other prices are, by the interaction of supply and demand. To understand why a person earns what he does, then, we must first consider the determinants of the demand and supply of labor.. The Demand for Labor. The demand for labor is the assumed inverse...

Microeconomics for MBAs 51


That means minimizing the cost of production, including the full wage rate paid to employees. A federal law establishing migrant housing standards was passed in the late 1960s. In 1969 the farm labor service of the Michigan Employment Security Commission arranged jobs and housing for 27,163 migrants, but in the summer of 1970 it estimated that it would be able...

Microeconomics for MBAs 52


When workers are paid by the piece, they are, in effect, asked to assume a greater risk that shows up in the variability of the income they take home. Granted, piece rate may give the workers a higher average income. However, in order for the piece rate system to work. Piece rate (or any other form of incentive compensation) is...

Microeconomics for MBAs 53


They can also be a part of the payments made by tenants to landlords. Both the landlord and tenant are intent on having an agreement that will ensure that the other will “perform” as specified. The tenant wants a nice living environment or, in the case of retail space, wants a profitable business environment. It has been planned and developed...

Microeconomics for MBAs 54


Once someone is promoted to the executive ranks, his or her pay must also go up significantly at the time of the promotion simply because the executive becomes more visible to the rest of the relevant business community. Before the promotion, other firms might be unaware of the executive’s abilities. After all, he or she might be toiling away with...

Microeconomics for MBAs 55


The poor performance of one management team can represent a profitable opportunity for their competitors in the market for firms and management talent.. Demand is influenced by the laborer’s productivity and the price of the laborer’s product.. As the economist Milton Friedman complains, “The old saying is that Quakers went to the New World to do good and ended up...

Microeconomics for MBAs 56


Consolidation can be a mixed blessing, however, if it reduces competition among governments. A large government restricts the number and variety of alternatives open to citizens and increases the cost of moving to another locale by increasing the geographical size of its jurisdiction. In fact, the people who run government have interests of their own. They are bigger than the...

Microeconomics for MBAs 57


This emphasis may cause faculty members to shun an important incentive inherent in the political process (especially in large group settings), that is, the tendency to pursue strictly private objectives at the expense of larger university goals. If professors have tenure, why don’t business people have provision for the same kind of job security? The quick answer to that question...

Microeconomics for MBAs 58


It can produce three units of beef, trade two of them for a textile unit, and have one extra beef unit left over—or it can trade all three units of beef for one and one-half units of textiles. Japan can produce one unit of textiles and trade it for two units of beef, gaining one textile unit in the process.....

Microeconomics for MBAs 59


will pursue their individual interests, competing for favors and benefits the same way they compete in the. (The nation could convert to production of war-related goods, but the conversion process might be prohibitively lengthy and complex.) Tariffs may create inefficiencies in the allocation of world resources, but that is one of the costs a nation must bear to maintain military...