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Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 61


Managed Metadata service applications. Confi guring managed metadata. Publishing content types. Two powerful features in SharePoint 2010 are metadata and content types. Content types take metadata to the next level by providing a way to group a collection of metadata with a specifi c template. These content types can then be associated with many different lists within the site collection....

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 62


452 ❘ chAPtER 16 maNaged metadata service aPPlicatioNs. Whenever a new web application is created, it can either be automatically associated with the default service applications or it can be configured using a custom set of service applications.. Whenever you create a new Managed Metadata service application, one of the menu options will be adding it to the list of...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 63


When creating a managed metadata site column, you can choose the option “Customize your term set” to create a column-specific term set. If it is created as part of a content type that is published, it would be available wher- ever that content type is available, thereby facilitating enterprise manageability to that term set.. Managed Metadata columns provide several key...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 64


cONtENt tYPES. Content types are a powerful feature within SharePoint that provide a single point of management of common document or list types. Content Types were introduced with SharePoint 2007 and could be used within any single site collection. If you needed to use content types across multiple site col- lections, the content types had to be deployed and managed...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 65


social Computing and sharePoint 2010. WhAt’S IN thIS chAPtER?. Managing, using, and synchronizing user profi les. Social computing is one of the fastest evolving trends on the Internet. This dynamic trend has touched the corporate environment and most, if not all, companies are thinking about using social computing in some capacity, but we are yet to see broad-scale adoption like...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 66


In the User Profile Service Application, click Configure Synchronization Timer Job. In the User Profile Service Application, click Configure Synchronization Settings. The concept of organizations in the User Profile Service Application is similar to the user profiles, the difference being that user properties are related to individual people, and organization properties are related to entire organizations. Organization sub-types can be...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 67


Users are encouraged to tag items everywhere in the environment, which makes their expe- rience more interactive and collaborative. Notes buttons, shown in Figure 17-9.. In Central Administration, click Monitoring in the quick launch.. In the list of timer jobs, click the User Profi le Service Application ➪ Activity Feed Job, and click the Enable button.. End users are able...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 68


In SharePoint, My Sites are personal sites that not only display information about each user in the organization, but also are used as a personal landing page and storage site for individuals.. Multiply this num- ber by the number of users in the organization, for a potential total. A lot of the size planning for My Sites is based on...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 69


How will you know when new comments are added to the blog? The com- ments have to be approved, so someone needs to know when to approve them. Set up an alert for yourself on the Comments list, to be notified when new items are added.. To approve or reject an item, go to the Comments list and click the...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 70


integrating the offi ce 2010 Clients with sharePoint 2010. WhAt’S IN thIS chAPtER?. Common SharePoint integration points that exist in all of the Offi ce. Integration of each Offi ce 2010 application with SharePoint. Microsoft Offi ce 2010 is now more tightly integrated with SharePoint than any previous ver- sion. Collaboration has become an intuitive part of the user experience,...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 71


From a SharePoint task list, click Open Schedule to export tasks in the cur- rent list to Microsoft Project.. Now that some of the more common integration features have been covered, the rest of this chapter details each of the Microsoft Office 2010 applications as they relate to SharePoint.. INtEgRAtINg ShAREPOINt 2010 WIth WORd 2010. Of course, multiple versions of...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 72


chart Web Part. The new Chart Web Part is a fantastic addition to the already long list of SharePoint’s out-of-the-box Web Parts. Many SharePoint projects require a graphical display of data as a Web Part on a page. Figure 18-17 shows an example of the Chart Web Part.. The data in this Web Part can come from a SharePoint list,...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 73


A part of the Microsoft Offi ce suite of applications, InfoPath is used for the creation and fi lling out of forms. InfoPath Forms Services was fi rst introduced in Microsoft Offi ce SharePoint Server 2007. If you have used InfoPath, then you know that in the past it was a single application in Offi ce. Because designing a form...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 74


536 ❘ chAPtER 18 iNtegratiNg the office 2010 clieNts With sharePoiNt 2010. All three of the list default forms are automatically changed to be displayed with the new colors and title. Think of the possibilities!. INtEgRAtINg ShAREPOINt 2010 WIth mIcROSOFt vISIO. SharePoint users can create Visio diagrams on their client machines and publish them to the server, after which point...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 75


Type a name for the template, and at the bottom optionally choose to include the data in the template.. ShAREPOINt 2010 WORKSPAcE. Previously known as Microsoft Office Groove 2007, SharePoint Workspace is an application that enables you to take a SharePoint site’s data offline. The Site Actions menu on a SharePoint 2010 site contains an option called Sync to SharePoint...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 76


The offi ce Web applications. Offi ce Web Applications (OWA) are the web browser–based companions to the Offi ce 2010 suite of desktop products for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. They are available on Windows Live at no cost to users as an ad-supported service, and for enterprise users, they can be hosted on SharePoint 2010. When enabled, these applications...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 77


It is also possible to activate the feature for every site collection in the farm at once using a PowerShell script.. If you have already run the Confi guration Wizard, proceed to the “OWA PowerShell Activation” section at the end of the chapter.. In the dialog shown in Figure 19-3, leave the checkbox to automatically run PSConfi g blank. At...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 78


The multiple-server install process is exactly the same as the single-server install except that the setup application must be executed on every server in the server farm that will host the Office Web Application functionality. The other difference is that the PowerShell commands for activating the services on a single server that is also a domain controller may not need...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 79


Dashboard Designer. PerformancePoint Services (PPS) is one of the built-in services in SharePoint Server 2010. With the introduction of SharePoint Server 2010, PPS is now an integrated part of SharePoint 2010’s architecture and exists as one of the available services. PPS retains many of the same features and functionality as its predecessor while including additional ben- efi ts, enhancements, and...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 80


introduction to Dashboard Designer ❘ 601. This should reveal the web page shown in Figure 20-18. From this page, click the Run Dashboard Designer button to initiate the ClickOnce deployment process. Dashboard Designer 2010 is automatically deployed to the client desktop using ClickOnce technology. After a few checks, the designer is downloaded and installed to the client’s desktop and opened...