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Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 81


This chart report can now be added to a dashboard, and then Designer can be used to publish the dashboard to the Dashboards library. The result is displayed in Figure 20-27.. FIguRE 20-27. This completes the process for verifying the PerformancePoint installation and configuration, as well as the brief introduction of the Dashboard Designer’s capabilities.. For example, the Workspace Browser...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 82


ImPORtINg PERFORmANcEPOINt SERvER 2007 cONtENt tO PERFORmANcEPOINt SERvIcES 2010. SharePoint 2010 provides a wizard-driven process for importing dashboard content from PerformancePoint Server 2007 (PPS2007) into PerformancePoint Services (PPS2010) in SharePoint Server 2010. The import wizard walks the administrator through the process of importing dash- boards, scorecards, data sources, KPIs, and so on. Before performing the import, you must be aware...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 83


new Content Management. Capabilities in sharePoint 2010. Creating and confi guring document sets. Using the Document ID service for persistent links. Automatic routing with the Content Organizer. This chapter covers the new document management capabilities in SharePoint 2010.. Managed metadata. This is the capability to centrally defi ne taxonomies that can be leveraged within and across the SharePoint farm to...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 84


Document sets can be versioned. sioning, and it does not replace versioning of individual documents in the set. Workflows can be associated with the group.. Permissions can be defined for the group.. New pages are provisioned for the document set. This Web Part page can be used directly or it can be customized as needed.. The customiz- able landing page,...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 85


Allowed Content Types Other existing content types can be added and removed from the Document Set content type. Content can be selected by browsing directly to the files. Shared Columns A shared column is a column that is available for all documents in the set . Each of the columns in the content type can be shared, which means the...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 86


cONtENt ORgANIzER. In SharePoint 2007, the Records Center site template has a routing engine that routes records to the proper location within the Records Center site collection. The Content Organizer feature in SharePoint 2010 is a new routing feature that extends, enhances, and makes more broadly available the routing engine used in the Records Center site template from SharePoint 2007.....

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 87


Working with sharePoint Designer 2010. Introduction to SharePoint Designer. Controlling the use of SharePoint Designer. Uses of SharePoint Designer. Although SharePoint is very powerful and has a long list of features and capabilities out of the box, it is fair to assume that most companies are going to want to customize the product in some way. This is where SharePoint...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 88


Early in the chapter we mentioned the negative feelings that many users have had about previ- ous versions of SPD. Enable SharePoint Designer. Enable Detaching Pages from the Site Definition. which detaches them from the site definition.. Removes the All Files link from the navi-. Click General Application Settings in the left navigation.. From the SharePoint Designer section, click Configure...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 89


FIguRE 22-40. For the Filter Criteria, set the values to the following criteria:. Click OK.. To test it, open the site in the web browser again and navigate to the list. To switch to the new view, with your mouse hover over the All Items link in the bread crumb, you’ll be able to switch to the NFL view, which...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 90


View All Site Content.. At the top of the page, click the Site Workflows link.. FIguRE 22-53. FIguRE 22-54. This example showed how you can create a workflow that captures information into a form, looks up the manager of the person who started the workflow, writes the information to a list, and then assigns a task to the manager. 678...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 91


For SharePoint websites with a signifi cant amount of branding customization, it’s a good idea to create the top-level site collection as a publishing site. Having publishing enabled at the top level of a site collection enables easy manipulation of master pages and themes throughout all the subsites.. creating a Publishing Site collection. This example assumes that you have already...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 92


FIguRE 23-8. Is the site going to be a public Internet site where communication is key, or will it be an internal intranet site where the focus is typically collaboration but sometimes also includes communication? Table 23-1 highlights some of the key differences between the two.. Many different types of browsers Browsers can be controlled by administrators. FIguRE 23-9. FIguRE...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 93


Note that all of the fonts installed on the server are available for selection. One last design option that is available in SharePoint Server 2010 publishing sites is the capability to apply the theme to the current site and reset all of the subsites below it to the same theme. There was no equivalent option in SharePoint 2007 themes, and...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 95


Because branding in SharePoint frequently involves changing out-of-the-box files, customization can happen easily (and sometimes happens unexpectedly when someone who is inexperienced is working with SharePoint Designer). When a SharePoint site is created, its files are actually instances of files from the SharePoint server’s file system that are provisioned into the content database. When a browser visits one of these...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 96


Business Connectivity services in sharePoint 2010. BCS, which is based on a set of services and features included in SharePoint Foundation 2010, provides out-of-the-box support that simplifi es the development of solu- tions that use external data and services. BCS is a major enhancement to its predecessor in SharePoint 2007, the Business Data Catalog (BDC). BCS uses a new concept...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 97


Creating a BCs solution ❘ 731. available for external content types, the type and options for configuring permissions on objects, and the specific steps to configuring authentication and authorization. An understanding of this informa- tion is not required to get starting using BCS, and readers can complete the hands-on exercise in the section “Creating a BCS Solution” without this knowledge.....

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 98


SharePoint Server 2010 uses BCS as the foundation for SharePoint 2010 Search crawl functionality and social computing by augmenting User Profile Service functionality.. SharePoint Search is discussed in Chapter 14, and the User Profile Service is discussed in Chapter 17, so the information below is specific to how BCS affects these two services and their capability.. SharePoint 2010 Search uses...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 99


Building Workfl ows in sharePoint 2010. WhAt’S IN thIS chAPtER?. Why workfl ow is important. Core workfl ow topics. Confi guration options for workfl ow. Using workfl ow tools such as SharePoint Designer and. These processes can be managed several ways, but the most effective way is to leverage the workfl ow capabilities of SharePoint 2010.. Rather than have users...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 100


—This option will start the workflow as soon as a user creates or uploads a new item to the list or library. This start method is more commonly used because it requires less user responsibility and the workflow is guaranteed to run for every content type in the list or library.. —This option will start the workflow when an item...

Thủ thuật Sharepoint 2010 part 101


Once you have made the changes, the workflow will be updated. For out-of-the-box workflows this process will update the existing workflow and all running instances, so be careful not to change the workflow is such a way that will negatively affect one of the instances.. After editing custom workflows created with SharePoint Designer or Visual Studio, a previous version of...