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TOEIC- Unit 1


Chào m ng b n đ n v i l p luy n thi TOEIC ừ ạ ế ớ ớ ệ c a VietnamLearning! ủ. Preparation for the New TOEIC Test. Introduce about the TOEIC test – Listening. Introduce about the TOEIC test – Reading. The most widely used English language exam taken by more than 4 million. TOEIC does...

TOEIC- Unit 2


Chào m ng b n đ n v i l p luy n thi TOEIC ừ ạ ế ớ ớ ệ c a VietnamLearning! ủ. Come to class on time 1. Incomplete Sentences. Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book.. When you hear the statements, you must select...

TOEIC- Unit 4


Preparation for the New TOEIC Test. Question – Response (p Exercise 1,2,3. Incomplete Sentences Preposition. Listening – Question and Response. You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English.. They will NOT be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark...

TOEIC- Unit 5


5) The severe weather conditions in the alpine regions forced the. In both of these parts, the verb forms change according to the time of the action(s).. This structure is used for real and unreal (contrary-to- fact) statements in the present and past tense.. For a real condition in the future, the verb in the if-clause is usually in the...

TOEIC- Unit 6


Incomplete Sentences (Continue). Reading – Conditional sentence. www.englishpage.com/conditional/conditionalintro.html. http://www.tolearnenglish.com/english_lessons/conditional-sentences-exercises. Incomplete Sentences - VERBS: TENSE. The various verb tenses have four principal verb forms:. SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE PAST PRESENT PARTICIPLE. Incomplete Sentences - VERBS:TENSES. on time, unlike the local, which is always late.. has been arriving D. he will dispatch it to the proper. will come in C. is going to...

TOEIC Double passage


Question 1-5 refer to the following e-mail message and brochure.. Which of the following is NOT covered by the Excentrix health insurance?. Question 6-10 refer to the following submission form and form letter.. Please send the completed form, slides of your artwork, and the submission fee to : “The Press Fund Show, P.O. Why didn’t the Jury Committee accept all...

TOEIC Homework Reading Review-Part 7


Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Questions 153 – 154 refer to the following report.. The most important evidence of a new standard of living was the sudden increase in expenditures for transport, especially in private automobiles.. 153.What was the result of the disproportionate increase in...

More Toeic test


Questions 1-3 refer to the following job posting.. YOUR SEARCH: Temporary part-time administrative or clerical position in the New York city region.. Prefer candidates with prior knowledge of insurance premiums.. A Level 2 According to Certificate from a recognized college is a prerequisite for this job. Only those candidates with strong interpersonal skills will be selected for an interview. Please...

TOEIC Reading advertisement


Questions 4-7 refer to the following excerpt from an advertisement.. Supertech Cordless Telephone System: Reader’s Review. “This is one of the best cordless telephones we tested. With 10 channels, the user never has to worry about interference or static. A clear channel is just a push button away. The system also comes equipped with battery backup to maintain service during...



he ……….the test again.. Before she died, her husband ……….to take a walk with her daily.. Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following information.. Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following notice.. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following advertisement.. Available on the fifteenth of the month.. Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following advertisement.. Which...



In the past, dietitians recommended a balance of the major food groups. We could call the TV stations and ………..the opening of our new stores.. people in the world.. These are the foods in the bottom level of the pyramid. Why didn‟t the man see the woman?. In the end, Manchester won after. the participants in the race do B....