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Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P20


This seminal arrangement came to be known as the “family farm.” The family farm community was rich in resources derived from land, not money, and from this unique prosperity grew a lifestyle with a status all its own.. Farmwork was difficult, and the farmer was different from the rest of society. WORLD WAR I saw an increase in the value...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P21


announced a monumental agreement with the Soviet Union whereby the Soviet Union would purchase virtually all surplus grain produced in the United States. grain and food prices escalated rapidly owing to this new demand, causing great public skepticism about the deal, except in the rural United States, where farm values and incomes escalated.. PIK, combined with a drought in 1983,...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P22


By 1992, there were at least 12 “fortress hubs,” or airports where one airline controlled more than 60 percent of the traffic. Instead, each airline developed its own computer system and entered data in a manner that unfairly biased travel agents’ choices in favor of the carrier that owned the system.. Through skillful manipulation of the data, the airlines were...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P23


In fact, beer and wine were staples on the ships carrying settlers to the New World. Although the majority of the colonists drank alcohol regularly, strong community social stric- tures curbed any tendency toward immoderation.. When Congress imposed an excise tax on the farmers who produced liquor in the 1790s, they resisted paying the tax. A moralistic and punitive view...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P24


A mutual agreement between two parties in which the performance of the contractual obligations of one or both parties depends upon a fortuitous event.. The most common type of aleatory contract is an insurance policy in which an insured pays a premium in exchange for an insurance company’s promise to pay DAMAGES up to the face amount of the policy...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P25


Their levels are set as percentages of the worldwide maximum of 140,000.. These are persons of “extraor- dinary ability” in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. These are mainly religious work- ers, as well as former employees of the U.S.. These must be filed in the United States by citizens or resident aliens on behalf of the applicant and...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P26


FORFEIT her earning power to invest time in the family. The several years she spent out of the workforce continue to handicap her earnings.. Alimony is the only means available to the court to avoid a potentially unjust division of assets.. If the wife’s elderly mother becomes ill and dependent on her after the divorce, for example, the wife’s need...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P27


By comparison, however, owners of limited liability companies may structure their business in a manner similar to a corporation so that members and managers are shielded from personal liability for the debts of the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). An alteration is a variation made in the language or terms of a legal document that affects the rights and obligations of...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P28


ambiguity deprives a person of the notice requirement of DUE PROCESS OF LAW , and, therefore, renders the statute unconstitutional.. The delineation of the scope of a particular subject matter.. NEGLIGENCE cases at the scenes of accidents or in hospitals where injured parties are treated, in exchange for a percentage of the damages that will be recovered in the case.....

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P29


These state chapters follow the decisions of the national executive board yet are also free to pursue cases on their own.. The Rights of the Poor: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to Poor People’s Rights.. In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU. The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is a NONPROFIT , nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting, protecting,...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P30


An action commenced and maintained by the mutual consent and arrangement of the parties to obtain a judgment of a court on a doubtful question of law that is based upon facts that both parties accept as being correct and complete.. The action is considered amicable because there is no dispute as to the facts but only as to the...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P31


corruption of the innocent human spirit and a ceiling on achievement.. Many of the early anarchists were essentially socialists, and anarchist theories played a significant part in the socialist movements during the early twentieth century.. Beginning in about the 1960s, anarchism shifted its focus to a more general opposition to public and private hierarchy and domination of the working class....

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P32


Although federal law governing the financial industry is quite old, its application to annual reports grew in complexity from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s. An annual report must include a balance sheet reflecting changes in the corporation’s financial worth, an income and cash flow statement, and other relevant docu- mentation, all of which must be reviewed first by outside auditors....

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P33


The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Woman’s Rights Movement. Restrictions on ballistic missile defenses (BMDs), military warning systems designed to alert and protect a nation, composed the bulk of the treaty’s articles. Fol- lowing the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Russian Federation continued to adhere to the agreement. NIXON of the United States and...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P34


Although activities such as price-fixing still came under attack, other kinds of business cooperation flourished and even received offi- cial encouragement during the early years of the. The following year, Con- gress passed the Robinson-Patman Act in an attempt to make sense of the Clayton Act’s bans on price discrimination. It, we repeat, requires overt acts.” The decision weakened the...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P35


In states that have no provision for a limited appearance, a defendant can avoid being subject to the personal jurisdiction of the court by refusing to appear, thereby causing a default and a consequent FORFEITURE of the property. Or the defendant can submit to the court’s personal jurisdiction, defend the case on its merits, and face the possibility of full...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P36


or voters have been defeated, because the exclusion of groups such as illegal aliens, nonvoters, and children could significantly affect some areas of the country, because some states have large populations of these groups.. One such effort to exclude these groups occurred during the 1866 debates over the passage of the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT and ultimately led to a congressional vote...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P37


Because the product of an architect’s work is used by members of the general public, the legislature of a state may regulate the practice of those engaged in the profession. Ordinarily, the person who employs the archi- tect becomes the owner of the plans, unless the employment contract states otherwise. acts of an architect when they are within the scope...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P38


Six service members who had declared their homosexuality filed suit in the U.S. the First Amendment from efforts to prohibit it because of its content.” The court further found that to regulate speech content, even in the military context, the government must show a. Nickerson criticized the legal hairsplitting in the policy directives, which purported to differentiate between a homosex-...

Gale Encyclopedia Of American Law 3Rd Edition Volume 1 P39


With Washington laying out its largest defense spending in a quarter century, arms control and disarmament were clearly perceived to not be a priority of the Bush administration.. In an April 2009 speech, Obama outlined a number of concrete steps that the United States was planning to take in order to address the threat of nuclear weapons. Oba- ma’s appearance...