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Có 23+ tài liệu thuộc chủ đề "thông tin toàn cầu"

GSM and UMTS (P21)


Chapter 21: The Contribution of the GSM Association to the. Section 1: Cooperation of the Operators from the Agreement of the GSM MoU to the Opening of Service in 1991/1992. 21.1.1 The Main Objectives of the MoU Group in the First Period of its Activity and its Organization. to avoid that holders of potentially essential IPR for the GSM technology...

GSM and UMTS (P22)


Chapter 22: GSM and UMTS Acceptance in the World. 22.1.1 Introduction. The GSM MoU signed in September 1987 2 differentiated between commitments for CEPT countries and the rest of the world:. When the name of the standardisation group GSM (Groupe Spe´cial Mobile) was used as system name and interpreted as ‘‘Global System for Mobile Communication’’ in many people – including...

GSM and UMTS (P23)


Chapter 23: GSM’s Success Factors. Friedhelm Hillebrand 1. 23.1 Acceptance in Europe, the First Step. The first big step was the success and acceptance in all European countries. GSM was certainly the right product at the right time. There were countries like France and Germany who needed capacity in the early 1990s. Other countries like the UK, Italy, the Nordic...