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Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 11


Now that you’ve learned a bit about the puzzle pieces needed to build an SDK pro- gram, you’re ready to start programming. Via a tradi- tional Hello, World! program, we’ll look at the parts of a standard SDK program.. We’ll also examine how to create new classes of objects, and with that under our belt, we’ll finish up by looking...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 12


Using Interface Builder. What if you didn’t have to do that? What if you could lay out objects using a graphical design program and then immediately start using them in Xcode? With the SDK , you can, thanks to Interface Builder.. As we write this, Apple doesn’t offer any extensive iPhone Interface Builder doc- umentation. The “Interface Builder User Guide”...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 13


Finally, in chapter 15, we’re going. Over the course of our two view controller chapters (13 and 15), we’re going to offer code samples that are a bit more skeletal than usual. 13.1 The view controller family. UIViewController View controller A default controller, which controls a view;. This is what a view controller controls, typi- cally through some child of...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 14


You’re now ready to start accepting user input, since you can now send users off to the correct object. In this chapter, you’ll learn the difference between the two types of interactions. 14.1 An introduction to events. 14.1.1 The responder chain. Figure 14.1 shows an example of how an event moves up the responder chain. As we’ve already noted, this...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 15


In this chapter we’ll take an in-depth look at two view controllers: the tab bar controller and the navigation controller. Let’s kick off our discussion with the tab bar view controller.. 265 The tab bar view controller. 15.1 The tab bar view controller. Of the multipage view controllers, the tab bar is the easiest to use because it supports simple...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 16


Manipulating the Address Book. In our long example for this chapter, you’ll build table views from SQL ite data. 16.1 Accepting user actions. Controls will be central to any real-life program, so you’ll see them throughout the upcoming chapters. See section 16.5.3 for an example.. See section 16.2.1 for an example.. See section 16.3.4 for an example.. 16.2 Maintaining user...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 17


17.1 The accelerometer and orientation. The easiest use of the accelerometers is to determine the iPhone’s current orienta- tion. 17.1.1 The orientation property. Once you’ve done this, you can get to the orientation property. 17.1.2 The orientation notification. List- ing 17.1 shows how to access this information.. Table 17.1 UIDeviceOrientation lists seven values for a device’s orientation.. First you alert...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 18


18.1 An introduction to images. We’re now ready to consider the details. When you look more closely, you’ll discover that using images is a two-step process. We’re going to explore the simpler methods of dis- playing images, using UIImageView, in this section, and in section 18.2 we’ll examine the more complex means available for drawing images onto the back layer...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 19


19.1 An introduction to Quartz 2D. You’ll usually be writing to a UIView or to a bitmap.. Paths are what you’ll typically be drawing within Quartz. 19.2 The Quartz context. Table 19.1 lists these context-related functions, including both the standard UI context functions and the older Core Graphics function that you’re most likely to use—for PDF s.. 19.2.1 Drawing to...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 20


Even if you’re depending heavily on the web, there are numerous reasons that you might want to program using the SDK . 20.1 The hierarchy of the internet. This hierarchy of internet protocols is shown in figure 20.1, along with iPhone OS classes of note.. 20.2 Low-level networking. Figure 20.1 internet protocols are arranged in a hierarchy.. If you need...

Lập trình ứng dụng cho iPhone part 21


After this book, your main resource for learning more about the iPhone should be the references at developer.apple.com. The UIK it framework contains those classes most tightly connected to the iPhone, including all of the graphical classes you use to make up pages. Table A.1 A listing of the most important User Interface classes. part of the event model. classes...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 1


and iPod touch Development Platfor m. The introduction of the iPhone and subsequent unveiling of the iPod touch revolutionized the way people interacted with handheld devices. However, the question in the developer community in the months leading up to the release of the iPhone was: Will Apple allow third - party developers to develop custom applications for this new mobile...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 2


All of the innovations that have transpired — such as AJAX and XHTML — have revolutionized the structure and composition of a Web site, but not how users interact with it. Because the underlying guts of iPhone applications are based on Web 2.0 technologies, many Web developers will come to the iPhone platform and naturally think they are just creating...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 3


As you look at these overall objectives, an edge - to - edge navigation design looks like an obvious choice given the task - based nature of the application. Therefore, you will take advantage of the AJAX capabilities of iUI to seamlessly integrate listing data into the application.. Here ’ s an overview of the technologies that will be used...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 4


div id=”meet_our_team” class=”panel” title=”Meet Our Team” >. p class=”normalText” >. c03.indd 40. style type=”text/css” media=”screen” >. c03.indd 41. a href=”featured.html” >. ul id=”featuredListings” title=”Featured” >. a href html” >. c03.indd 42. ul id=”listings” title=”Current Listings” >. img class=”listingImg” src=”images/406509171-sm.png”/ >. a class=”listing” href html” >. p class=”listingDetails” >. img class=”listingImg” src=”images/306488642-sm.png”/ >. img class=”listingImg” src=”images/326425649-sm.png”/ >. img class=”listingImg” src=”images/786483623-sm.png”/ >....

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 5


Scripting UI Behavior with iui.js. When you use the iUI framework, iui.js powers all of the UI behavior for you once you include it in your document head. However, because the iUI framework does take control over many aspects of the environment, it is important that you have a solid understanding of the library ’ s internals.. The iui.js consists...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 6


Like its Mac and Windows cousins, Mobile Safari provides some of the best CSS support of all Web browsers. As you develop iPhone and iPod touch applications, you can utilize CSS to make powerful user interfaces.. Mobile Safari provides support for several of the more advanced -webkit- styles that are not part of the W3C CSS standard. However, because you...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 7


border-image , -webkit-border-radius , and -webkit-appearance ) and a CSS3 enhancement of the background property. Image-Based Borders with -webkit-border-image. The -webkit-border-image property enables you to use an image to specify the border rather than the border-style properties. The image appears behind the content of the element, but on top of the background. -webkit-border-image: url(image.png) 7 7 7 7;. The four...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 8


However, because of the current capabilities of Mobile Safari browser, you have to work with these interactions differently than what you might expect.. The good news is that much of the touch interaction that iPhone and iPod touch are famous for is built right into Mobile Safari. As a result, you do not need to write any code to handle...

Lập trình iphone chuyên nghiệp part 9


However, you do have a way to manipulate a less popular touch input — the two-finger scroll. While a one-finger scroll is used to move an entire page around, the two-finger scroll can be used to scroll inside any scrollable region of a page, such as a textarea . Because Mobile Safari supports the overriding of the window.onmousewheel event, you...