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Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 5


In order for your class to serve data to the TableView , you ’ ll need a method to return the requested data. Bring up your DataModel.h header fi le by selecting it in the left - hand browser pane in Xcode. You ’ ll also need an interface method that tells users of the class how many rows you...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 6


As an application developer, you have several options when it comes to storing the data used by your iPhone application. In the last chapter, you learned how to display a small dataset that was stored in a simple array. In this chapter, you will learn about the database engine that backs many iPhone applications, SQLite. To use SQLite, you will...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 7


1 Widget A 1 Details of Widget A 1.29 5 1 Canvas_1 2 Widget B 1 Details of Widget B 4.29 15 2 Canvas_2 3 Widget X 1 Details of Widget X 0.29 25 3 Canvas_3 4 Widget Y 1 Details of Widget Y 1.79 5 3 Canvas_4 5 Widget Z 1 Details of Widget Z 6.26 15 4 Canvas_5...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 8


You will populate this variable in the initializeDatabase function. Then, every other function in your class will have access to the database.. In init , you will make an internal call to initialize the database. set the reference to the database [self initializeDatabase];. It will go out and get the path to the database and attempt to open it. Open...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 9


Writing to the Database. If you modify the sample application, or create your own SQLite application that attempts to write to the database, you will have a problem. The version of the database that you are using in the sample code is located in the application bundle, but the application bundle is read - only, so attempting to write to...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 10


CH003.indd 59. Now, you add some images to the catalog items. You can obtain the images used in the example from the book ’ s web site. Add the images to your application by right - clicking on the Resources folder in the left - hand pane of Xcode and select Add Existing Files. Next, you should add code to...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 11


Hang on to the new product [theProduct retain];. First, it sets the product to be displayed, and then it marks the view to be redrawn. Now you get to the real meat of this example, drawing the view. This is done in the drawRect function and is relatively straightforward:. Draw the product text. CH003.indd 69. CH003.indd AM AM. Boy, that...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 12


When a search begins, the search display controller overlays the search interface above the original View Controller ’ s view to display a subset of the original data. The fi rst step is to create the UISearchBar and add it to the table. In the RootViewController header, add an instance variable and associated property for the search bar:. In the...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 13


In the previous chapter, you learned how to display your application data using the. You will then apply this knowledge to build better data - driven applications.. You will explore the UISplitViewController and UIPopoverController , which you can use when building iPad applications. You will also learn how to use the new UIGestureRecognizer class and its subclasses to interpret user...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 14


Changes to the RootViewController. Now you need to move on to the RootViewController . You cannot simply use an NSArray because you will need to be able to add surveys to the collection on - the - fl y. In the RootViewController header fi le, add an instance variable called surveyDataArray of type NSMutableArray. Switch over to the RootViewController implementation...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 15


that you will add to the user interface. The permittedArrowDirections parameter allows you to specify from which direction the popover will appear with respect to the frame that you specifi ed in the fi rst parameter. popover to the UIKit framework. The last step is to clean up the infoButton and infoPopover properties in the dealloc and viewDidUnload methods:. Now,...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 16


In this chapter, you learned how to use some of the features of the iPhone SDK that are specifi c to the iPad. In Part II, you will learn about the Core Data framework. Core Data is a powerful library that you can use to create and manage data on the iPhone. Core Data comes with a powerful modeling tool...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 17


The schema for the persistent store is incompatible with current managed object model. The code fi rst determines if the Persistent Store Coordinator already exists. If the coordinator does not exist, the code must create it. In order to create the coordinator, you need to pass in a URL that points to the data store. You can see that the...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 18


However, to keep this example simple, you will just build a very simple interface in code.. Modify the TaskEntryViewController.h header to include instance variables for a. UITextField and the Managed Object Context. Declare the properties for the UITextField and the managed object context. Finally, modify the interface defi nition to indicate that you will be implementing the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. Specifi...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 19


Now that you have created the Product entity, you need to add the attributes of the entity.. The Product should have the attributes defi ned in the Entity - Relationship Diagram, as shown previously in Figure 6 - 2.. Select the Product entity in the data model.. With the entity selected, click the plus icon at the bottom of the...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 20


The NSError object that you return is a pointer to a pointer. This is a consequence of the fact that Objective - C passes all objects by value. If you passed the NSError pointer as a regular pointer, you would only be able to modify the NSError that you passed into the method. Accepting a pointer to a pointer allows...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 21


You can just add the taskTableView to the existing synthesize statement:. In the controllerDidChangeContent method, change the reference from self.tableview to self.taskTableView . (void)controllerDidChangeContent:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller { [self.taskTableView reloadData];. Next, although you are not ready to implement the full functionality, you should add stub implementations of the action methods that you declared in the header fi le. This is helpful in...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 22


The last change in the RootViewController is to implement the TableView methods. You do need to implement the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: to display the text property of the Task object for the row. You will also add some code to check the isOverdue transient property and display overdue tasks in red. Here is the code for tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:. static NSString *CellIdentifier = @”Cell”;....

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 23


The user navigates to the EditLocationController by tapping the location cell on the ViewTaskController . The EditLocationController , as shown in Figure 7 - 9, allows the user to select a location, add new locations, and delete existing locations. You will also need to add a member variable and property for the NSFetchedResultsController that you will use to display your...

Phát triển ứng dụng cho iPhone và iPad - part 24


You can see that you are once again using an NSDateFormatter to convert the NSDate object into a string for display in the TableViewCell. In the dealloc method, release the member variables that correspond to the class properties:. You have now fi nished implementing all of the edit controllers. The last thing that you need to do before you are...