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Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 40


A chunk of memory that doesn’t belong to the array aString will be overwritten.. The-time<END OF OUTPUT 14. May t<END OF OUTPUT. a b c d e f g a b END OF OUTPUT. Note that the output is simply every other character of the input, and note that the blank is treated just like any other character.. Be sure...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 41


When a pointer variable, such as p1 , contains the address of a variable, such as v1 , the pointer variable is said to point to the variable v1 or to be a pointer to the variable v1. You can use the operator &. to determine the address of a variable, and you can then assign that address to a...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 42


At that point, the value of the pointer variable is undefined, which means that you do not know where it is pointing. Moreover, if some other pointer variable was pointing to the dynamic variable that was destroyed, then this other pointer variable is also undefined. Before you apply the dereferencing operator * to a pointer variable, you should be certain...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 43


Notice the delete statement, which destroys the dynamically allocated array pointed to by a in Display 10.7. if the program went on to do other things, however, you would want such a delete statement so that the memory used by this dynamically allocated array would be returned to the freestore manager. The delete statement for a dynami- cally allocated array...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 44


As noted in Chapter 8, when you overload the assignment operator it must be a member of the class. it cannot be a friend of the class. s1 = s2;//s1 and s2 in the class StringClass. The following definition of the overloaded assignment operator can be used in chains of assignments like. The definition of the overloaded assignment operator uses...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 45


object from a class with a destructor, then when the function call ends, the destructor will be called automatically. If the destructor is defined correctly, the destructor will call. You may also want your destructor to perform some other clean-up details as well, but returning memory to the freestore manager for reuse is the main job of the destructor.. The...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 46


11.1 SEPARATE COMPILATION 458 Encapsulation Reviewed 459. 11.2 NAMESPACES 473. Section 11.1 on separate compilation discusses how a C++ program can be distributed across a number of files so that when some parts of the program change only those parts need to be recompiled and so that the separate parts can be more easily reused in other applications.. This chap-...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 47


Since you have the definition and the implementation of the class DigitalTime in files sepa- rate from the application file, you can use this class in many different programs without needing to rewrite the definition of the class in each of the programs. You can define a class and place the definition of the class and the implementation of its...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 48


In Display 11.5, we used two namespace groupings for namespace Space1 and two other groupings for namespace Space2. Every name defined in a namespace is available inside the namespace groupings, but the names can also be made available to code outside the namespace groupings. For example, the function declaration and function definition in the namespace Space1 can be made available...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 49


Display 11.9 Hiding the Helping Functions in a Namespace (Implementation File) (part 3 of 3) 63 cout <<. 67 } //unnamed namespace 68. operator <<(ostream&. theObject) <The body of the function definition is the same as in Display 11.2.>. time2) <The body of the function definition is the same as in Display 11.2.>. 80 DigitalTime::DigitalTime(int theHour, int theMinute) <The body...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 50


The one in Display 11.10 is different from the one defined in the unnamed namespace in Display 11.9.. In a file f.h , place a declaration of void f. In file g.h , place a declaration of void g. <<. where Function_Name is the name of the particular function. In another file, main.cpp , put your main function, #include the...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 51


1 //Appends data to the end of the file alldata.txt.. 9 cout <<. "Opening data.txt for appending.\n";. 11 fout.open("data.txt", ios::app);. 12 fout <<. 13 <<. 15 cout <<. "End of appending to file.\n";. data.txt (Before program is run) 1 2 bucket my shoe.. data.txt (After program is run) 1 2 bucket my shoe.. Opening data.txt for appending.. End of appending...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 52


cout <<. next <<. The file list.txt contains the following three numbers (and nothing more):. //Precondition: The stream fileStream has been connected //to a file with a call to the member function open. The //file contains a list of integers (and nothing else).. //Postcondition: The numbers in the file connected to //fileStream have been written to the screen one per...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 53


62 cout <<. setw(fieldWidth) <<. next <<. 63 neatFile <<. neat.txt (After program is run) +10.37000. The program simply reads every character in the file cad.txt and copies the characters to the file. cppad.txt . to the output file. Notice that the line breaks are preserved when the program reads characters from the input file and writes the characters to...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 54


If you prefer, you may use the following in place of the last two of the previous lines:. After this, your program can read from the file "stuff". using the stream fstream and can also write to the file "stuff". There is no need to close and reopen the file when you change from reading to writing or from writing...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 55


13.1 RECURSIVE void FUNCTIONS 549 Example: Vertical Numbers 549 Tracing a Recursive Call 552 A Closer Look at Recursion 555 Pitfall: Infinite Recursion 556 Stacks for Recursion 558 Pitfall: Stack Overflow 559 Recursion versus Iteration 559. After a lecture on cosmology and the structure of the solar system, William James was accosted by a little old lady.. “Your theory that...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 56


What is the output of the following program?. cout <<. to the screen, all on one line.. When called, the function writes its argument to the screen backward. That is, if the argument is 1234 , it outputs the following to the screen:. A stack is a very specialized kind of memory structure that is analogous to a stack of...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 57


is that the chain of recursive calls will always reach a stopping case and that the stop- ping case always returns the correct value.. When designing a recursive function, you need not trace out the entire sequence of recursive calls for the instances of that function in your program. If the function returns a value, all you need do is...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 58


cout <<. n <<. <<. 10 <<. If n = 3 , the code to be executed is if (3 >= 1). On the next recursion, n = 2 and the code to be executed is if (2 >= 1). On the next recursion, n = 1 and the code to be executed is if (1 >= 1). The recursion...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 59


You can have an (undifferentiated) Employee object, but our reason for defining the class Employee is so that we can define derived classes for different kinds of employees.. This is reflected in the definition of the function printCheck for the class Employee (Display 14.2). Consequently, we implemented the function printCheck of the class Employee so that the program stops with...