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Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 60


For example, the following are the first few lines from the body of the member function Hourly- Employee::printCheck (taken from Display 14.5):. You might have wondered why we needed to use the member function setNetPay to set the value of the netPay member variable. You might be tempted to rewrite the start of the member function definition as follows:. The...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 61


When overloading the assignment operator in a derived class, you normally use the overloaded assignment operator from the base class. To help understand the code out- line we will give, remember that an overloaded assignment operator must be defined as a member function of the class.. If Derived is a class derived from Base , then the definition of the...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 62


Pitfall S AME O BJECT ON B OTH S IDES OF THE A SSIGNMENT O PERATOR. Whenever you overload an assignment operator, always make sure your definition works when the same object occurs on both sides of the assignment operator. An example of this is given in the program- ming example “Partially Filled Array with Backup.”. Suppose Child is a...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 63


15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions. 15.1 VIRTUAL FUNCTION BASICS 628 Late Binding 628. Virtual Functions in C++ 629. 15.2 POINTERS AND VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS 641 Virtual Functions and Extended Type Compatibility 641 Pitfall: The Slicing Problem 645. How C++ Implements Virtual Functions 649 CHAPTER SUMMARY 650. Polymorphism is one of the fundamental mechanisms of a popular and powerful programming philosophy known...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 64


Suppose you modify the definitions of the class Sale (Display 15.1) by deleting the reserved word virtual . How would that change the output of the program in Display 15.5?. Even if there is no derived class and there is only one virtual member function, but that function does not have a definition, this kind of message still occurs.. Of...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 65


That was before we knew about virtual functions, and so the destructor in the base class PFArrayD was not marked virtual . Since the destructor in the base class is not marked virtual , only the destructor for the base class ( PFArrayD ) will be invoked. This will return the memory for the member array a (declared in PFArrayD...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 66


Display 16.1 A Function Template. 1 //Program to demonstrate a function template.. 18 cout <<. 19 <<. integer1 <<. <<. integer2 <<. 21 cout <<. 22 <<. 24 cout <<. 25 <<. symbol1 <<. symbol2 <<. 27 cout <<. 28 <<. To be certain that your templates work on the widest selection of compilers, place the template definition in the...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 67


cout <<. b[i] <<. c[i] <<. <<. a[i] <<. template<class T>. Pair<int>. score to be 3 for the first team and 0 for the second team:. type parameter. Display 16.4 (Part 1) Class Template Definition 1 //Class for a pair of values of type T:. 2 template<class T>. For example, Display 16.4 (part 2) shows appropriate definitions for the member...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 68


What do you have to do to make the following function a friend of the template class PFArray in Display 16.5?. void showData(PFArray<T>. //Assumes that <<. If you have not yet done so, this would be a good time to read Section 7.3 of Chapter 7, which covers the template class vector. Another predefined template class is the basic_string template...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 69


You add the following to the public section of the template class definition of PFArray. //Displays the data in theObject to the screen.. 16_CH16.fm Page 687 Monday, August PM. Write a template version of the iterative binary search from Display 13.8. Write a template version of the recursive binary search from Display 13.6. Consider each element in turn, inserting it...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 70


Note that all the member functions in the class IntNode are simple enough to have inline definitions.. p1 points to a node n1 , then the following creates a new node pointed to by p2 such that this new node has data 42 and has its link member pointing to n1. After we derive some basic functions for creating and...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 71


Display 17.8 Searching a Linked List. Since empty lists present some minor problems that would clutter our discussion, we will at first assume that the linked list contains at least one node. Make the pointer variable here point to the head node (that is, first node) of the linked list.. Make here point to the next node in the list.....

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 72


operations you can perform on a stack: adding an item to the stack and removing an item from the stack. To add a plate to the stack, you put it on top of the other plates, and the weight of this new plate pushes down the spring. Display 17.14 shows a simple program that illustrates how the Stack class is...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 73


Display 17.18 A Queue Template Class as a Friend of the Node Class (part 1 of 2) 1. This is the interface for the class 3 //Queue, which is a template class for a queue of items of type T.. 9 class Queue;. 15 Node(T theData, Node<T>* theLink. 16 friend class Queue<T>;. 19 Node<T>. 24 <The definition of the template...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 74


Display 17.21 Program Using the Queue Template Class with Iterators (part 2 of 2). Display 17.22 Implementation File for a Queue with Iterators Template Class (part 1 of 2) 1 //This is the file queue.cpp. This is the implementation of the template 2 //class Queue. The interface for the template class Queue is in the header 3 //file queue.h.. 12...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 75


A linked list is a list of nodes in which each node contains a pointer to the next node in the list.. The end of a linked list (or other linked data structure) is indicated by setting the pointer member variable equal to NULL. Both can be implemented using a linked list.. If a tree satisfies the Binary Search Tree...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 76


18 Exception Handling. 18.1 EXCEPTION HANDLING BASICS 759 A Toy Example of Exception Handling 759 Defining Your Own Exception Classes 768 Multiple Throws and Catches 768. 18.2 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES FOR EXCEPTION HANDLING 779. After that, you use the C++ exception handling facilities to add code for those unusual cases.. Exception handling is commonly used to handle error situations, but per-...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 77


cout <<. "Try block entered.\n";. "Leaving try block.\n";. <<. thrownValue <<. "After catch block". a function invocation that might throw an exception>. catch-block parameter type is thrown in the try block>. See Display 18.2 for an example.. In the code given in Self-Test Exercise 1, what is the throw statement?. What happens when a throw statement is executed? (Tell what...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 78


is to end the program. can be changed with the function set_unexpected . D is a derived class of class B and B is in the exception specification, then a thrown object of class D will be treated normally, since it is an object of class B . If double is in the exception specification, that does not account for...

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 79


In Chapter 17 we constructed our own versions of the stack and queue data structures. Included in the STL are implemen- tations of the stack, queue, and many other standard data structures. When discussed in the context of the STL, these data structures are usually called container classes because they are used to hold collections of data. Chapter 7 presented...