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Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P1


When- ever new systems are to be built or existing systems have to be reconfigured or adapted, performance evaluation can be employed to predict the impact of architectural or imple- mentation changes on the system performance.. By monitoring the timing of certain important events in a system, insight can be obtained in which system operations take most time, or which...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P2


Little’s law and the MIMI1 queue. I N Section 2.1 we present Little’s law, a very general law that can be applied in many queueing models. Using Little’s law, we are able to study the simplest queueing model, the MIMI1 queueing model, in Section 2.2.. 2.1 Little’s law. In this section we will introduce the probably most general law in...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P3


In Section 3.9 we discuss the use of renewal processes as arrival processes;. Finally, in Section 3.10, we summarise the specification and evaluation of the various types of Markov chains.. Since we have two possibilities for each of the two sets involved, we end up with four different types of stochastic processes. Consider the number of jobs NI, present in...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P4


Furthermore, by the special structure of the birth-death process, the steady-state probability vector p can be - expressed explicitly in terms of the model parameters, thus making these models attractive to use.. In Section 4.1 we consider the solution of the most fundamental birth-death model:. In Section 4.2 we deal with a (single server) queueing model with constant arrival and...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P5


The analysis of these models is more complicated than that of the simple birth-death models encountered in Chapter 4.. In Section 5.1 we present the well-known results for various mean performance measures of interest for the MlGll queue. We pay special attention to the impact of the general service time distribution. In Section 5.4 we discuss an extension of the...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P6


A limiting case of the non-preemptive priority scheduling is shortest job next scheduling, which is discussed in Section 6.3. I Non-preemptive priority scheduling. Of the Performance of Computer Communication Systems: A Model-Based Approach.. We can compute the expected service time E[S. For the second moment we find E[S2. What can be observed is that even for small utilisations the average...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P7


I N Chapters 5 and 6 we have addressed queues with generally distributed service time distributions, but still with Poisson arrivals. In Section 7.1 we address the GlMll queue, the important “counterpart” of the MIGil q ueue. Then, in Section 7.2, we present an exact result for the GIG11 q ueue. Since this result is more of theoretical than of...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P8


In Section 8.1 we readdress the analysis of the MIMI 1 queue in a “matrix-geometric way”. This is used as an introduction to the matrix-geometric analysis of the PH IPH/ 1 q ueue in Section 8.2. Numerical algorithms that play an important role in the matrix-geometric technique are discussed in Section 8.3. Figure 8.1: The state-transition diagram for the MIMI1...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P9


Chapter 9 Polling models. In this chapter we provide a concise overview of the theory and application of polling models. 9.1 Characterisation of polling models. In the above description a number of issues have deliberately been left unspecified. In particular, the visit ordering of the server to the queues and the strategy being used to decide how long a particular...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P10


We first introduce basic terminology in Section 10.1 after which we discuss the class of feed-forward queueing networks in Section 10.2. Therefore, we present in Section 10.4 an approximation procedure for large open queueing networks with characteristics that go well beyond the class of Jackson networks. 10.1 Basic terminology. 10.2 Feed-forward queueing networks. We then discuss series of MIMI1 queues...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P11


11.1 Gordon-Newell queueing networks. 11.1 Gordon-Newell queueing networks 231. Figure 11.1: A small three-node GNQN. (11.4) where the normalising constant (or normalisation constant) is defined as. (11.6) As can be observed, ]2(3,3. (11.11). 11.1 Gordon-Newell queueing networks 233. Figure 11.2: The CTMC underlying the three-node GNQN. (11.12) This can be understood as follows. for all K, (11.13) i 2. K-h32...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P12


In Section 12.1 we introduce load-dependent servers and show the corresponding product- form results for closed queueing networks including such servers. We then continue with the extension of the convolution algorithm to include load-dependent service stations in Section 12.2 and discuss two important special cases, namely infinite-server systems and multi-server systems, in Section 12.3. In Section 12.4 we extend the...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P13


I N this chapter we present a number of results for a yet richer class of (mixed) open and closed queueing networks, the so-called BCMP queueing networks. The seminal paper on this class of queueing networks, published by Baskett, Chandy, Muntz and Palacios in 1975, is probably the most referenced paper in the performance evaluation literature. We present the BCMP...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P14


SPNs grew out of the general theory of (non-timed) Petri nets developed by Petri in the early 1960s through the introduction of stochastic timing in these models. refer to the end of the chapter for an overview.. Note that the discussion of the numerical solution of the CTMCs generated from the SPNs is postponed until Chapter 15. 14.1 Definition. In...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P15


15.1 Computing steady-state probabilities. N o t ice that the left part of (15.1) in fact does not uniquely define ISBNs Hardback). (15.2) Starting from this system of equations, various solution approaches can be chosen:. 15.1.1 Gaussian elimination. Figure 15.1: Schematic representation of the i-th reduction step in the Gaussian elimination procedure. 15.for i I= 1 to N do pi...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P16


I N this chapter we address a number of applications of the use of SPN models. Then, in Section 16.2, we discuss SPN-based polling models for the analysis of token ring systems and traffic multiplexers. Since some of the models become very large, i.e., the underlying CTMC becomes very large, we also discuss a number of approximation procedures. 16.1 Multiprogramming...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P17


We motivate the use of iSPNs in Section 17.1 and characterise the class of iSPNs by defining a number of constraints that have to be fulfilled in Section 17.2. We then discuss, in Section 17.3, how matrix-geometric methods can also be applied in this case.. In Section 17.4 we comment on algorithms to detect the special iSPN structure and to...

Hiệu suất của hệ thống thông tin máy tính P18


18.1 The idea of simulation. Let 6 denote the result of the. (18.1) Clearly, in this case, the calculated value zi is exactly the same as the real value Q.. (18.2) By making the intervals sufficiently small zt will approximate a with any level of desired accuracy. 18.2 Classifying simulations 411 We will come back to these properties in Section...

Bài giảng Nhập môn công nghệ thông tin và truyền thông: Bài 6 - GV. Lê Thanh Hương


PHẦN CỨNG VÀ MẠNG MÁY TÍNH. Viện Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông. Phần cứng và mạng máy tính. Phần mềm máy tính 8. Cơ sở dữ liệu và Hệ thống thông tin 11. Đạo đức máy tính. Các thiết bị vào/ra 4. Các thiết bị lưu trữ. Truyền thông máy tính 6. Mạng máy tính. Dữ liệu:. Dữ...