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Drawing Eyelashes


Eyelashes are fine hairs that grow from the outer edges of the upper and lower eyelids. The upper eyelid is the larger, movable fold of skin above the eyeball that opens and closes to protect the upper and center sections of the eye. Eyelashes, though tiny, are the most challenging parts of human anatomy to draw realistically! In Illustration 04-01,...



DRAWING KIM’S FACE AND FEATURES: You follow along with me to outline the lower section of Kim’s head, and her eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows.. ADDING SHINY HAIR: You use curved hatching lines to draw Kim’s hair.. The texture of the hair is rendered with hatching. Values are the different shades of gray created by varying the density (whether the...



Shading basic values of the face and features with hatching. Shading the texture of straight hair with feathered, curved hatching lines. SKETCHING PROPORTIONS UPSIDE-DOWN: You sketch the outline of Jamie’s head, and mark the placement of his facial features proportionately correct – while drawing upside- down!. ADDING MORE DETAILS TO THE FACIAL FEATURES: A few simple lines and shapes enhance...

Baby Cameo


hatching lines, provides insights into his or her facial proportions in relation to the head size.. drawing the facial profile of a baby’s head and face proportionately correct. The most common mistake of beginners, when attempting to draw a baby’s portrait, is to make the face too big in proportion to the size of the skull.. PLANNING AND SKETCHING: Take...



EXAMINING ADULT HEADS AND FACES: Beginners to drawing portraits tend to draw eyes too high on the head. In this section, you examine drawings that illustrate the shapes of skulls and faces, and the correct placements of various facial features, including eyes.. DRAW THE OUTLINE OF THE HEAD: You draw a circular shape to represent an adult human head, with...

CANINE - Noses


Naturally, when the head is tilted, the nose must also be drawn at an angle.. FRONTAL VIEW OF A DOG NOSE. The faint lines used to indicate the fur above and below the nose are ragged and uneven, and are also various lengths and thicknesses.. If you’re not happy with some of the lines you draw, simply erase that section,...

Eye of a Dog


BRINGING THE EYE TO LIFE WITH SHADING: Gather your drawing pencils and prepare to add shading to Shadow’s eye. ILLUSTRATION 03-01. ILLUSTRATION 03-02. THE PARTS OF A DOG’S EYE. The drawing in this project is based on this photograph of the eye of a Dalmatian named Shadow. Observe that the iris, pupil, and two tiny segments of the white of...

Simple Feather


¾ SKETCHING FEATHERED PROPORTIONS: Your goal is to sketch the shapes of the various components of a feather in preparation for adding textured shading.. ILLUSTRATION 06-01. Illustration 06-04 fairly represents the overall qualities of the feathers of most adult birds. 1) QUILL: the hollow, wide end of the shaft that is attached to the skin and embedded into the body...

Rocky Rodent


In this project, you first sketch Rocky’s proportions within your drawing space and outline his forms. SKETCHING BASIC PROPORTIONS: Your goal is to sketch the shapes of the various parts of Rocky’s head and body on your drawing paper proportionately correct, in preparation for drawing his outline.. OUTLINING A FACE, HEAD, BODY AND LEGS: In this section you redraw Rocky’s...

Tuttle Turtle


SKETCHING BASIC PROPORTIONS: The drawing of Tuttle is based on a common species of box turtle. In this section, your goal is to sketch the various parts of Tuttle on your drawing paper proportionately correct. OUTLINING SHAPES AND SPACES: This section of the lesson is designed to enhance your observation skills, and subsequently refine your abilities to translate what you...

jumpin jack


You achieve different values by using various pencils, and by varying the density of the lines and the pressure used in holding your pencils.. ADDING SHADING TO THE EYES AND NOSE: Remember, light affects the placement and value of every section of shading. ILLUSTRATION 10-01 3. Take note that most of the circle is in the upper two squares, and...

siamese tiger fish


In the first four sections, squirkles are used to draw the form, texture, and striped pattern of a realistic fish with combination of hatching and squirkling shading only – no outlining. INTRODUCTION: The process of drawing the fish is discussed and illustrated.. DRAWING A FISH EYE WITHOUT OUTLINES: Only shading, rather than a combination of lines and shading, is used...

Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 1


The Photoshop 7 Paint Engine. Defining a custom brush tip shape by David Nagel. This new series was prompted, I suppose, by the overwhelming interest in the Nagel Series 1 Brushes I posted here on DMN a few weeks back. e-mail I've received on the subject, I thought I'd take the opportunity to walk you through the process and hopefully...

Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 2


Since so many of the remaining parameters in this program are self-explanatory, I thought we'd break away for a while from simple feature explanations to a more practical look at what you can do with some of the Paint Engine's dynamics- -in this case directionality for creating geometric and. You can use this same trick on ore complex brushes for...

Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 3


In the past 4-5 years visual effects stopped being something extraordinary and became a part of almost any production regardless of the scale. One of the most important parts in visual effects, and also one of the easiest and cheaper one to do is a matte painting. Regardless of whether it is painted on a piece of glass or generated...

Pages Fromdigital Matte Painting - Phần 4


After selecting a city, find a picture that displays a good view of the features you want to destroy. The first thing is to identify areas where you will be taking large chunks out of the building:. and clone the sky and ground to create what we would see if a piece of the building wasn't there. I came across...

The Art Of Animal Drawing - Introduction To Animal


Use a sharp-pointed pencil for the outline and details, and the flat side of the lead for shadows. Focus on the sharp angles of the legs and feet, and suggest the. Finally refine the out- line of the muzzle.. Step One With a sharp HB pencil, block in the boxy shape of the Doberman's head and shoulders with quick, straight...

The Art Of Animal Drawing - Introduction To Basic Drawing


The projects in this book are taken from some of the most popular drawing books in Walter Foster's How to Draw and Paint Series. Even when you write or print your name, you are actually drawing! If you organize the lines, you can make shapes;. One of the great things about draw- ing is that you can do it anywhere,...

The Art Of Animal Drawing - Introduction To Iandscapes


LANDSCAPE COMPOSITION BY WILLIAM F. Below, the middle ground and fore- ground are placed low, so the elements in the background become the area of interest.. The tree shapes on the left and the right lean slightly toward the center, drawing the eye into the middle of the composition. In the example to the right, notice how the elements direct...

The Art Of Animal Drawing - Introduction People


From the subtleties of emotion conveyed by facial expressions to the limitless number of shapes the human form can take, people are some of the most captivating subjects to draw. In the following pages, you'll learn the basic principles of drawing figures, from finding the proper proportions to sketching profiles and studying the movements of the human body. You can...