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Chapter 1: Customizing the Look of the Startup. Chapter 4: Customizing the Appearance of the Windows Interface. Changing program listing display options for users of the Start panel. Customizing the Behavior of the Desktop. Using the quick boot feature of the BIOS. Optimizing the location of the boot files. Adjusting the size of the paging file. Changing the location of...

Kiến thức sử dụng máy tính: Thuần phục Windows


Loại bỏ những chương trình, biểu tượng và các dịch vụ Windows không cần thiết và bạn sẽ tống khứ được nhiều phiền toái.. Hầu hết những công cụ cần thiết đều có sẵn, chủ yếu là những thủ thuật tinh chỉnh Windows và các chương trình để chúng chỉ làm những gì bạn muốn. Bạn cũng nên thay các...

Sao lưu và phục hồi dữ liệu trong Windows 2000, XP, 2003


Sao lưu và phục hồi dữ liệu trong Windows 2000, XP, 2003. Bạn đã mỏi mệt với việc cài lại Windows sau mỗi trận oanh tạc của virus? Bạn đang phải đối mặt với nguy cơ dữ liệu quý giá lưu trong ổ cứng sẽ tan theo mây khói?. Thực tế cho thấy có rất nhiều trường hợp ổ cứng...

Kỹ năng bảo mật và phân tích sự cố trên Windows 2000, XP, Windows Server 2003 -


Kỹ năng bảo mật và phân tích sự cố trên Windows 2000, XP, Windows Server 2003 - PHẦN I . Bảo mật hệ thống tập tin 3. Bảo mật tài khoản. Sử dụng tường lửa. Cập nhật các bản vá lỗi bảo mật. Kiểm tra tính bảo mật với công cụ phân tích Microsoft Baseline Security 7. Mạng ngang hàng...

XP Students Corporate Edition May 07


We simply added every single windows update except for the .net frameworks, WMP11 &. When you go to windowsupdate it will tell you taht you are up to date, if you want the .net frameworks, choose custom and select them. Download : (Rapidshare.com) Code:. http://xlice.net/folder/b86d1d31da41b5b7193b1c5d50b8017c/. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75026900/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part01.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75028319/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part02.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75027545/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part03.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75028105/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part04.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75028458/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part05.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75029129/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part06.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75029040/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.. softarchive.net.part07.rar. http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/75029309/site__X_Stu__Ma__07_www.....

16.1. Terminal


The keyhole into Mac OS X's Unix innards is a program called Terminal, which sits in your Applications Utilities folder (see Figure 16-2). UP TO SPEED Mac OS X's Unix Roots. Unix, however, was one of the first portable operating systems. The Unix that beats within Mac OS X's heart is just the latest resting place for the OS that...

16.2. Navigating in Unix


If you can't see any icons for your files and folders, how are you supposed to work with them?. But you can't see their icons from the command line. The pathname is a string of folder names, something like a map, that takes you from the root level to the next nested folder, to the next, and so on. The...

16.3. Working with Files and Directories


Tip: You're entering Serious Power territory, where it's theoretically possible to delete a whole directory with a single typo. Using the Unix command cp, you can copy and rename a file in one move. The basic command goes like this: cp path1 path2, where the path placeholders represent the original file and the copy, respectively.. To duplicate a file called...

16.4. Online Help


Online Help. Mac OS X comes with over 1,200 Unix programs like the ones described in this chapter.. How are you supposed to learn what they all do?. Fortunately, almost every Unix program comes with a help file. It may not appear within an elegant, gradient-gray Leopard window—in fact, it's pretty darned plain— but it offers much more material than...

16.5. Terminal Preferences


In fact, in Leopard's Terminal 2.0, you can manage your preferences in a whole new way.. You can also save the layout of entire groups of windows, each with their own settings in effect, into a single configuration, allowing you to recreate those layouts in an instant.. Terminal comes with several preconfigured settings, and you can add and remove these...

16.6. Terminal Tips and Tricks


After you've used Terminal awhile, you may feel ready for a few of these power tips.. You can switch among your various Terminal windows by pressing -1, -2, and so on (up to -9). You'll be able to identify the windows easily if you choose to include the Command key in the title bars. (Use the Window section of the...

16.7. Changing Permissions with Terminal


The behind-the-scenes permissions setting for a file or folder determines whether or not you're allowed to open it, change it, or delete it. Permissions are the cornerstone of several important Mac OS X features, including the separation of user accounts and the relative invulnerability of the operating system itself.. Instead of using a separate file for each setting, Terminal now...

16.8. 20 Useful Unix Utilities


So far, you've read about only a handful of the hundreds of Unix programs that are built into Mac OS X and ready to run. As you peruse beginner-level Unix books and Web sites (see Appendix E), for example, you'll gradually become familiar with a few more important terms and tools.. Tip: If you don't return to the $ prompt...

16.9. Putting It Together


All of the Unix syntax and vocabulary presented in this chapter is all well and good, and it'll give you the rosy glow of having mastered something new. photo.com/Incoming. The -print0 command formats this list of found files' pathnames, separating them with the null character (a special character that programmers use to indicate where one string of text ends and...

17.2. Redoing Mac OS X's Graphics


Redoing Mac OS X's Graphics. But in Mac OS X, they've made very little effort to cover their tracks. In Cocoa programs and even a few Carbonized ones, every element of the famous Aqua interface is nothing more than a Photoshop-generated graphics file.. The beauty of graphics files, of course, is that you can edit them. In each of these...

17.3. Replacing the Finder Icons


Replacing the Finder Icons. With no technical skill whatsoever, you can use this program to replace the icon pictures featured on your folders, your disks, and the Finder toolbar. To use CandyBar, just drag your new icons into the appropriate slots.. When you restart the Mac, you'll find your new icons in place

17.4. Rewriting the Words


Mac OS X stores the text and settings of its menus, dialog boxes, and other elements in special text files called plist (for Property List) files. They sit in one of the three Library folders (in your Home folder, the System folder, or the hard drive window).. The easiest way to edit them is to use Apple's Property List Editor,...

17.5. Your Bright Hacking Future


How to change the Dock's colors with Automator. How to remove Spotlight from the menu bar. How to make the menu bar stop being translucent. How to change the Dictionary's font. How to remove the outer-space imagery from Time Machine's background. How to change Time Machine's backup interval

Chapter 18. Internet Setup


As Apple's programmers slogged away for months on the massive Mac OS X project, there were areas where they must have felt like they were happily gliding on ice:. networking and the Internet. For the most part, the Internet already runs on Unix, and hundreds of extremely polished tools and software chunks were already available.. Plenty of people still connect...

18.2. Network Central—and Multihoming


Network Central—and Multihoming. In this chapter, you'll be spending a lot of time in the Network pane of System. Preferences (Figure 18-1).(Choose System Preferences. click Network.) This list summarizes the ways your Mac can connect to the Internet or an office network—. Ethernet, AirPort wireless, Bluetooth, FireWire, cellular modem card, VPN (Chapter 22), and so on—and how each connection is...