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BDL-05-Animals (1593394268)

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- Due to the unique page numbering scheme of this book, the electronic pagination of the eBook does not match the pagination of the printed version.
- For citation purposes, use the page numbers that appear in the text..
- find more animal activities at the back of the book..
- How many animals can you name in this.
- Animals are hiding and hunting.
- Animals are catching food and fighting.
- Staying alive is an animal’s most important job..
- Everywhere in the world, animals are living and doing their best to stay alive..
- There are many, many different kinds of animals..
- All animals are living things.
- Can you name all the.
- animals in this picture?.
- Many animals live with people..
- Can you name an animal.
- that lives in the treetops?.
- Can you name an animal that.
- lives in the water?.
- Can you an animal name that lives under.
- All kinds of animals live high above us.
- They live in treetops or on the edges of rocky cliffs..
- Many animals live on the ground or underwater..
- If you were a beaver , what would.
- Many animals build their own homes..
- Then the beaver builds its lodge in the pond..
- The door of the lodge is always underwater..
- Can you find any birds’.
- Where do you see a.
- like if you lived under ground?.
- Moles, squirrels, and rabbits are some of the animals that live in underground burrows..
- Do you see any small holes in the ground? These holes may lead to an animal’s home,.
- might be walking on the roof of the burrow!.
- Can you think of another.
- These shells are part of the animals’ bodies..
- Sometimes shells wash up on the.
- Every empty seashell was once an animal’s home..
- Some animals live inside a hard shell.
- What kind of animal home.
- would you like to live in?.
- Where do you like to take naps?.
- Can you find.
- these animals?.
- How many eyes do you have?.
- Some animals have all these parts in the strangest places..
- The antennae grow out of the top.
- of the insect’s head! Bees, butterflies, and houseflies don’t taste things.
- They have all kinds of ways to stay safe..
- Many animals have coloring that matches their surroundings..
- What other animals can you find in.
- Can you find the.
- Can you find the snowshoe.
- In the wintertime, the coats of many animals turn white.
- These animals are hard to see in the snow..
- Lots of animals are fast runners.
- Can you think of another way.
- an animal protects itself?.
- Many animals carry their babies on their backs wherever they go..
- Many animals must.
- In the summer, the black bear has plenty to eat..
- Some animals have.
- Cows, goats, and camels are a few of the animals that give us milk.
- Some people use big, rough sponges in the bathtub.
- once living animals that made their homes in the sea..
- If you have a pet, what kind of pet do you.
- If you don’.
- have a pet, t what kind of pet would you like to have?.
- Horses, camels, and sledge dogs are a few of the animals that help us with this job..
- Sometimes these animals are pets too..
- Can you think of a way that.
- Unlike long ago, today people have all kinds of.
- Wild animals are not meant to be pets..
- These homes are much like their homes in the wild..
- Every zoo animal gets the kinds of foods it likes best..
- People are taking up more of the land where these animals live.
- But many animals are in danger.
- The list of animals in danger is very long..
- Some kinds of wolves and wild cats are in danger..
- So are different kinds of ducks, sea turtles, and snakes..
- This list of animals in danger is growing all the time..
- Draw a picture of one of the ani- mals on one side of a card, leaving the oppo- site side blank.
- Write the name of the animal on the same side as your drawing.
- Then draw another animal on another card, and continue until all the cards have a picture of an animal on them.
- Turn the cards over and write one or two facts about the animal on the blank side..
- Can they guess the correct animals just from the clues you put on the cards? You can also make a set of cards with a friend, each of you think- ing up eight different animals..
- Imagine an animal no one has ever seen before.
- If you have old magazines with pictures of animals in them, use these too.
- You can write its name on the paper or tell others what you have named it..
- Where does it live? Draw the animal’s home or describe what the home looks like..
- What does it eat? Draw a picture of the kinds of food your animal would eat..
- Look at the ground, in bushes, under rocks, and high up in the trees.
- When you get back to your own house, draw a map of the places you went.
- Show on the map the places where you found animal homes..
- antennae (an TEN eye) the long feelers on the heads of most insects.
- burrow (BUR oh) a hole dug in the ground by an animal to live in.
- The activities on the previous page will help your child expand his or her knowledge, skills, and self- confidence.
- If you’re the one doing the clue-writing on the cards, try to get your child to provide those clues himself or herself, and be sure to write down the exact words.
- If your child can’t think of any or doesn’t know what kinds of clues would work, suggest ideas.
- You might pose your suggestions as questions (e.g., “Is there something we could say about this animal’s color.
- Make an Animal.
- As you walk, ask questions like, “What kind of animal do you think lives in this hole?” “How do you think the ants moved all this dirt?” and “What did the birds use to build this nest?”.
- Helping Children Get the Most out of the Volume A IM N A L S

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